
  • 网络Trapdoor one-way function;One-way Trapdoor Function;trap-door function
  1. 根据单向陷门函数的陷门性质,文章设计了一种安全有效的基于RSA的概率公钥密码算法,并对其正确性进行了证明。

    Based on trapdoor one-way function , this paper presents a RSA - based probabilistic public-key algorithm with security and efficiency and the correctness of algorithm was proved .

  2. 本文首先提出了B-f-△条件,这一条件的存在性等价于单向陷门函数的存在性。

    In this paper , " B-f - Δ" condition is presented , the existence of which is equivalent to that of one-way trapdoor function .

  3. 基于单向陷门函数的TMN协议的改进

    An Improvement of the TMN Protocol Based on Trapdoor Oneway Functions

  4. 它是基于单向陷门函数的一种密码体系,同时基于一种数学难题,可以这样说它研究的核心就是利用数学函数去构造加密算法。

    It is based one-way trapdoor function a cryptosystem and a mathematical difficult problem , it could such say , it studies on the core Utilization for mathematical function to structure encryption .

  5. 本文讨论了数字签名问题的一般性理论,同时提出了数字签名方案应遵循的安全指标&多项式安全性,并给出由任一单向陷门函数构造具有这种安全性指标的数字签名方案的方法。

    In this paper , we present a general theory of signature schemes , which consists of the polynomial security , a secure criterion for signature schemes , and a general method for constructing the signature schemes that possess such security from any one-way trapdoor function .

  6. 设计一种基于离散对数的单向多陷门函数,用于减小更新组密钥时的计算量和通信量。

    The one-way multi-trapdoor function based on discrete logarithms is designed to reduce the communication and calculation overheads while updating group keys .

  7. 基于遍历矩阵的单向(陷门)函数的构造方案

    Scheme to Construct One-Way ( Trapdoor ) Functions Based on Ergodic Matrices