
  • 网络unit investment
  1. 特别是进入新世纪以来,单位投资能够带来的GDP明显处于较低的水平,这说明在高速增长的经济背后,我国存在资本利用效率低的问题。

    Especially in the new century , the GDP which unit investment can bring is obviously in a low level . It shows China exists the problem of low efficiency of capital utilization behind the fast-growing economy .

  2. 你可以在单位投资信托公司投资至少1000美元。

    You can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $ 1000 .

  3. 地勘单位投资体制改革与机制创新及其管理研究

    Reform of Investment System and Mechanism in Geo logical Prospect-ing Units

  4. 关于煤炭地质单位投资管理中几个问题的认识

    Some Issues in Investment Control of Coal Geological Exploration Units

  5. 注:本表统计范围为除集体和私营个体以外的经济单位投资。

    The figures in this table refer to the types of ownership other than collective owned units , individuals and private-owned units .

  6. 为探明其准确储量和品位,特招具备金矿勘查资质的单位投资勘查。

    In order to prove the reserves quality and grade , we invite investor who has the special gold exploration qualification to explorate it .

  7. 大型农场常被认为效率更高,因其能够通过高度机械化来实现更高的单人产出或单位投资收益。

    Large farms are often considered more efficient because they can be highly mechanised to produce higher yields per farmer or per unit of investment .

  8. 概述了煤炭地质单位投资项目可行性研究工作发生的变化和需要把握的工作重点,并对煤炭地质单位今后的投资方向进行提出了新见解。

    Briefly discussed changes in investment project feasibility studies and key emphasis in works need to be held , put forward new opinions on investment orientation henceforth .

  9. 为使建成后的燃天然气电厂单位投资省、热效率高、投产后具有较好的效益,选择合适的机型至关重要。

    It is critically important to choose the appropriate gas turbine model , since it means less investment per kW , high thermal effi-ciency and more benefit .

  10. 投资增长缓慢,国有单位投资增长已慢于非国有单位投资,投资增长对国债的依赖程度明显增强。

    The investment growth slows down and the state owned growth is slower than the non-state owned investment and the investment growth reliance on state debt is obviously increased .

  11. 向其他单位投资,应当按照实际缴付的金额或者投资合同、议等约定的实物或者无形资产作价入帐。

    Investments in other enterprises shall be accounted for based on actual payments or based on the cost of materials or intangible assets contributed as agreed in the investment contracts or agreements .

  12. 加压气化具有生产能力大、效率高,可降低单位投资成本,减少焦油的产生,有利于后续发电及合成工艺等诸多优点。

    Biomass pressure gasification has the virtues of greater production , higher efficiency , less tar formation and can supply higher pressure gas for subsequently power generation or synthesis than general biomass gasification .

  13. 而缺乏新的集资融资机制和有远见的投资主体,又导致单位投资规模小型化并导致基础产业投资不足。

    The lack of new mechanism to collect and pool funds and thelack of investment main body with broad foresight shall lead to minimizethe unit investment scale and cause the insufficiency in the investmenton basic industries .

  14. 薄板坯连铸连轧工艺由于其流程短、单位投资少、能耗低和劳动生产率高等特点受到钢铁界的重视和关注。

    The technology of thin slab continuous casting and rolling has been paid high concern and attention by steel industry because of its shorter process , lower unit investment , lower energy consumption and higher productivity .

  15. 从投资的角度对森林认证的成本与效益以及影响森林经营单位投资森林认证的限制因素进行了分析。

    The status of forest certification in China was introduced . According to investment point of view , the cost-benefit for forest certification was analyzed , Then the limiting factors of affecting forest management units invest in forest certification were discussed .

  16. 浅谈铁路建设单位项目投资控制方法

    Simple discussion on the project control method of railway construction unit

  17. 浅谈事业单位对外投资的帐务处理

    An elementary introduction to account process of institution investing to outside

  18. 建设单位项目投资的造价控制

    The cost control in project investment of construction enterprises

  19. 建设单位工程投资管理工作的思考

    Thought on the Engineering Investment Control in Construction Unit

  20. 试论监理单位承担投资控制的必要性及意义

    Discussion on the Necessity and Significance of Undertaking the Investment Control by the Supervision Units

  21. 建设单位的投资风险管理

    Investment risk management of construction unit

  22. 被投资单位向投资企业转移资金的能力受到严格限制的情况。

    The information about the restriction of the invested entity 's capacity of transferring funds to the investing entity ;

  23. 禁止具有行政垄断职能的单位申请投资经营国际货运代理业务。

    It is forbidden for a unit of administrative monopoly functions to apply for investment in the agency business for international transportation of goods .

  24. 迁移、拆除所需费用和劳动力由建设单位列入投资计划和劳动计划。

    The expenses and workforce required for the removal or dismantling shall be included in the investment and labour plans of the construction unit .

  25. 国家有关法律法规对单位对外投资业务另有规定的,从其规定。

    Where there are otherwise different provisions in any relevant law or regulation of the state on entity external investment business , such provisions shall apply .

  26. 与此同时,业主和建设单位对投资和变更索赔的控制越来越严,二次经营的难度也日益加大。

    Meanwhile , the owners and construction enterprises pay strict control to investment and claim of change . So it is also more difficult to implement second operation .

  27. 在实际应用计算中,将线路投资折算到正常供电方式下单位负载投资,使经济性指标分析对比更加科学。

    In practice , the line Investment will be converted to a normal line mode power supply unit load investment , so that comparative analysis of economic indicators became more reasonable .

  28. 按专案类型、落户地域及单位面积投资额等因素评估确定,实行“一事一议”制度。

    The land cost should be evaluated and determined in accordance with the category of the projects , location , investment per unit , etc. , implementing the a case-for-case system .

  29. 在项目工程施工中,做好施工现场造价管理工作,往往能使建筑单位的投资成本发挥最大化效用,或能有效降低建设单位的投资成本。

    In the project construction , good construction site cost management can play investment cost of construction unit to maximize utility , or can reduce the cost of investment for construction unit .

  30. 在工程项目代建制模式下,代建单位作为投资项目的载体与核心,具有对代建项目组织实施的决策权和执行权。

    In the engineering project under the mode of acting system , the construction unit of the investment project as a carrier and the core , has for the construction project organization decision-making power and executive power .