
dān yīn jié cí
  • monosyllabic word
  1. 美国人对不甚优美的单音节词“kids”的喜爱多过对优美的“children”的喜爱,似乎很乐意把他们的后代视为散发着膻味的小山羊(译者注:“kid”也有小山羊的意思)。

    Americans tend to prefer the ugly monosyllable ' kids ' to the rather beautiful word ' children , ' seemingly content to regard their offspring as small , smelly goats .

  2. 英语单音节词中几个基本的读音规则

    A Brief Description of Some Basic Pronunciation Rules in English Monosyllables

  3. 数小时后,史蒂夫说出了最后几个单词。全是单音节词,重复了三遍。

    Steve 's final words , hours earlier , were monosyllables , repeated three times .

  4. 《盐铁论》单音节词词典

    Salt and Iron Monosyllable Words Dictionary

  5. 构件功能变化对古汉语单音节词书写形式的影响

    The Influence of Variation of Components of Chinese Characters on the Writing of Ancient Chinese Words

  6. 在现代汉语词汇中,无论双音节词,还是单音节词,都有其文化内涵。

    In modern Chinese vocabulary , every word , single or double syllabic , has its cultural connotation .

  7. 第一,不要用单音节词回答问题,因为面试官希望你面对开放式问题时能够拓展答案。

    First , avoid one-word answers because the interviewer expects you to proceed further on an open-end question .

  8. 古汉语以单音节词为主,《易经》中记录了由单音节词向复音节词转变的过程。

    Words of old Chinese seem to be mainly monosyllables , YiJing record the change from monosyllables to disyllables .

  9. 双音节词和单音节词的分辨率比较,开放式的状态下,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);

    At the opening state , there were significant differences in resolution of monosyllabic and disyllabic words ( P < 0.05 );

  10. 从单音节词的结构上,我们提出单音词词素的概念,我们认为单音词与复音词一样,也可以分解成若干词素。

    We think the monosyllable word is the same as polysyllabic word , and the monosyllable word can also decompose some morphemes .

  11. 只有闽语区,单音节词与双音节词数量相当,三音节词很少。

    Only in the case of Minnan region are there as many monosyllable words as disyllable words , while there are few trisyllable words .

  12. 新词以双音节为主,新词中有116个双音节词,31个单音节词,2个三音节词,1个合用固定形式。

    Most of the new words at that time are two-syllabic . There are 116 two-syllabic words , 31 single-syllabic words , 2 three-syllabic words and 1 fixed form .

  13. 六种类型的准口语前20位高频词的累积覆盖率平均为27.71%,高频词多为单音节词。

    The average covering-rate of the first 20 high frequency words in six types of quasi-oral reaches 27.71 % . Most of the high frequency words are single-syllable words .

  14. 正常人单音节词及语句识别-强度函数测试单字词的学习年龄对小学生汉字识别的影响(Ⅱ)

    Performance-intensity function of Mandarin monosyllable and sentence materials for normal-hearing subjects ; THE EFFECT OF WORD LEARNING AGE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN S VISUAL CHINESE CHARACTER RECOGNITION ( II );

  15. 在汉语副词特征上,多音节词与单音节词的语法功能是有区别的,但在以往的副词研究中,人们往往忽略了这种语体制约原则。

    In the features of the Chinese adverb , the polysyllable and monosyllable phrases have different functions . However , in past adverb research , people have neglected the genre conditionality principle .

  16. 结果单耳助听后的言语识别率,单音节词为77.53±2.07%,双音节词为86.82±4.36%。

    Results The speech discrimination rates after uniaural hearing adis were 77.53 ± 2 . 07 % for monosyllable words and 86 . 92 ± 4 . 36 % for , bisyllable words .

  17. 并用实例和汉语形态结构特点说明汉语作为孤立分析语言名词转动词不限于单音节词,而英语在名转动时仍保留其语言中的屈折成分。

    Conclusion has been drawn by facts and samples that Noun-converted verbs in the Chinese language are not restricted to only monosyllabic words whereas their English counterparts still retain inflectional nature of the language .

  18. 就英语单音节词中几个基本的读音规则及其例外,进行了简要的描述,并针对作者认为不恰当的某些定义重新进行了定义。

    This article briefly describes some basic pronunciation rules and their exceptions and revises some improper definitions , which will certainly help English learners to get twice the result with half the effort in pronouncing and memorizing English words .

  19. 专职语素有的是由古代汉语单音节词演变而来,有的是由古代汉语中的专职语素传承下来,还有吸收外来语素转化成为现代汉语专职语素的情况。

    Some of the professional morphemes comes from the monosyllable of ancient Chinese , some were inherited from the professional morpheme in ancient Chinese , while some are absorbed from external morpheme and has been transformed into the modern Chinese professional morpheme .

  20. 这也是本文的主体部分,主要从共时角度分析吴桥方言中的单音节语气词。

    This is also the mainly part of this paper .

  21. 《孟子》中的单音节形容词研究

    Study on the Single Syllable Adjective of Mencius

  22. 他当时只用单音节的词答话。

    He was answering only in monosyllables .

  23. 由于形容词的义项与名词的组合方式有直接关系,论文根据义项从《现代汉语词典》(2005年第5版)得到单音节形容词554个。

    Because the different senses of monosyllabic adjectives may lead different combination modes between monosyllabic adjective and noun , 554 monosyllabic adjectives were obtained from " Dictionary of Modern Chinese ( the fifth edition , 2005 )" according to their sense .

  24. 虽然单音节名词中有些单义词,但是单音节的形容词和动词决大部分是多义词。

    Monosyllabic noun is partially monosemy , but monosyllabic adjective and verb are mostly polysemy .

  25. 第二部分是词汇,其中的单音词汇部分对无锡话的单音节词作了一个总结。

    The second chapter includes a list of homophones and a glossary of free ( unbound ) monosyllabic words .

  26. 动结式是汉语中的一种常见结构,几乎所有表示动作的单音节动词和表示状态变化的单音节形容词都能构成动结式。

    Resultatives are very common in Chinese and almost all monosyllabic verbs denoting actions and monosyllabic adjectives denoting state changes can be resultatives .