
  • 网络Vowels
  1. 应用计算机语音分析技术对腭裂语音元音音素的初步分析

    Study on the Chinese Vowels of Children with Cleft Palate by Computerized Speech Signal Technique

  2. 本文用实验研究的方法考察了韩国和日本学生感知汉语普通话5个高元音音素的特点。

    This paper investigates experimentally the perceptual patterns of mandarin high vowels by Korean and Japanese learners .

  3. 本文使用声学测量和主观评判两种方法,考察了熟练的和不熟练的两组日本学习者对汉语普通话元音音素a、o、e、i、u、ü的习得情况。

    From acoustic measurement and intelligibility judgement , this paper examined the acquisition of mandarin vowels / a , o , γ, I , u , y / by Japanese learners who were experienced and inexperienced in Chinese .

  4. 英语元音音素学习对策

    The Measure of Learning the English Phonemes of Vowels

  5. 本文从汉语出发,比较英汉两种元音语音音素的发音部位、发音动作,从而使学习者找到正确的发音位置、动作,以提高英语语音的学习质量。

    This article is to distinguish the articulations and the tongue 's positions of the vowels of English from those of Chinese , to make the learners to find the right positions and improve their pronunciation .