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  1. 赌20元能让她跟我共进早餐。

    I bet you 20 bucks I can get her to have breakfast with me again .

  2. 张治儒称:裕元集团让珠三角地区的地方政府感到非常头痛。

    Yue Yuen has given local governments in the Pearl River Delta a real headache , says Mr Zhang .

  3. 在接受陕西地方电视台采访的时候,宾客们表示,新郎王先生给了每人八十元,让他们在那天扮演他的家人和朋友。

    In interviews with regional TV station Shaanxi TV " guests " said they were paid 80 yuan by the groom , named as Mr Wang , for the day to pose as family and friends .

  4. 周明起(音译)说,有三户业主每月付他290美元(约合人民1800币元)让他住在这里,他的雇主们希望确保房子不会被非法占住,家俱不会被偷走。

    Zhou Mingqi says he is paid about $ 290 a month to live there , by owners of three units who want to make sure their properties aren 't occupied by squatters or the fixtures stolen .

  5. 我若借出100万元,宁愿让别人用人格,而不是别的抵押品作担保。

    I would rather loan a million dollars on character than on any other collateral in the world .

  6. 此次展出的门票(18美元[约合人民币113元])让你可以参观该博物馆上下五层的画廊空间,还包括那间空中展室(SkyRoom),从那里可以观看曼哈顿下城区的全景。

    The ticket ( $ 18 ) gives you access to the museum 's five floors of gallery space , plus the Sky Room , which offers a panoramic view of downtown Manhattan .

  7. 你们应该了解换元法,让U等于某值,然后就能把式子变成udu的形式,这就是换元法了。

    You should know also substitution , how to set U equals something , and then see , oh , this becomes u times du , and so substitution method .

  8. 我们非常想拥有一件,100元的售价让我们却步。

    We wanted to collect one but the price is not cheap , 100 yuan per ornament .

  9. 他们为何全贵筹集了1万元人民币,让他能够入院接受治疗。

    It arranged for a $ 1600 grant so Mr. He could get treatment at a hospital .

  10. 如果我取个元负荷,让它乘上个电压单位,一伏特?

    And what if I took a unit charge and I multiplied it times unit voltage , one volt ?

  11. 这标志着既存的以国家主权为核心的法律一元体系开始让位于体现国家主义和普遍主义两大要素的法律多元体系。

    This indicates that law monism system is been replaced by the law pluralism system that reflects the nationalism factor and the universalism factor .

  12. 但语言本身的二元性,让整个语义的边际性普遍特征和与制之相对应的语音边际性普遍特征,可以建构出一个稳定的关系空间。

    But the language itself duality , lets the entire semantic the marginal universal characteristic and the pronunciation marginal universal characteristic which corresponds with the system , may construct a stable relational space .

  13. 有人注意到赔偿数额的巨大差异,并表示怀疑:“170万降至2万元,这让我怀疑她的下巴是否真有问题。”

    One person noted the sharp difference in the compensation amount and voiced suspicions : " 1.7 million was dropped to 20000 , it makes me wonder if she really did have a problem with her jaw . "

  14. 使用Ruby进行元编程,可以让计算机替我们做那些重复无聊的工作,让我们有更多的空闲时间去体味玫瑰的芬芳,喂食可爱的猫咪。

    This is a Ruby , which lends itself well to MetaProgramming , the art of having that lazy bum of a computer do the boring work for us , leaving us more time to smell the roses and feed the cat .

  15. 新闻与宣传是新闻宣传界常引起争议的两个基本概念,由此派生的二元价值问题更让主流媒体常感困惑。

    News and publicity are two controversial concepts and the dualistic value arising from them is an even more perplexing problem for the media .

  16. 1.18亿元的总投资让人们不禁重新定义将经典著作拍成电视剧的意义。

    With an investment of 118 million yuan , the new work is seeking to redefine what it means to put a classic on TV screens .

  17. 2001年北京大学启动了本科教育改革计划&元培计划,让学生到大学学习一段时间,对各个学科专业有了一定了解之后,根据自己的兴趣、能力自主选择专业。

    In 2001 , Peking University initiated Yuanpei Program , which asks students to choose their majors one year after they enter college when they have some college experience .

  18. 我们送给他们一些基本药品再加上几百元美金,好让他们能带他们的女儿去医院继续治疗。

    We could only give the family some minimal supplies but added a few hundred USD so that they could take their daughter to a clinic and restart her seizure medication .

  19. 今年6月百度表示,将向糯米投资200亿元人民币,力图让其在今年年底前变成该市场排名第二的企业。

    Baidu in June said it would invest Rmb20bn in its Groupon-like site in an effort to make it the number two player in the market by the end of the year .

  20. 尽管来自四川偏远农村地区的高云川必须忍受尼日尔极为炎热和干燥的气候,但去年24万元人民币的收入让他的生活变得轻松了一些。

    While Mr Gao , who comes from a remote rural part of Sichuan province , has to endure an extremely hot and dry climate in Niger , life is made easier by the fact he earned Rmb240000 last year .