
  • 网络YuanYang;yuanyang county;yuanyang county yunnan
  1. 云南元阳县南沙新城址场地稳定性模糊综合评判

    Fuzzy assessment of field stability of the new site of Yuanyang County

  2. 元阳县薪材树种生物量的初步研究

    An initial study of the biomass of firewood trees in Yuanyang County

  3. 元阳县南沙新城址地质环境评价

    The geological environment assessmet of Nansha ── a new city site of Yuanyang County

  4. 元阳县这样广泛种植水稻的梯田横贯中国南部

    Terrace paddies like those of YunYang county are found across much of southern China

  5. 元阳县糖厂酒精废醪液处理工程技术分析

    Engineering Technical Analyses on Treatment of Wastewater from Alcoholic Fermentation of Sugar Plant in Yuanyang County

  6. 系统论述了元阳县竹类资源及其分布现状和特点,探讨了优良竹种选择与发展布局,提出了竹产业发展的措施和对策。

    In this paper , the present situation of bamboo resources and their distrbution were described .

  7. 城镇化情景中的族群认同&以云南省元阳县彝族为例

    Ethnic Identity in Town Situation Taking Yi Nationality in Yuanyang County , Yunnan as an Example

  8. 云南省元阳县高疟山区居民生产文化习俗、求医行为、乡村医生专业知识及卫生服务调查

    An investigation on the custom , seeking behaviour , knowledge and health care service in the hyperendemic malaria area in Mountainous District of Yuanyang county , Yunnan Province

  9. 以云南省元阳县等口村为例来展现哈尼族妇女角色地位的演变动因、速度以及趋势。

    This paper takes Goukou Village , Yuangyang County of Yunnan Province for example to illustrate the underlying causes , speed and tendencies of the changes of the Hani women 's roles .

  10. 建水地区较元阳地区在学习积极性与目标的明确性维度和学习观念这两个维度上的高等教育需求高,但在地域环境与文化维度上元阳县比建水县高等教育需求高。

    The study enthusiasm and the target in the clarity of the dimensions and learning concept education dimension of Jianshui is in higher demand than Yuanyang ; but environment and cultural of Yuanyang effects education demand more than Jianshui .