
  • 网络element enrichment
  1. 1860s以来巢湖沉积物金属元素富集特点及其对人类活动的指示意义

    Metal element enrichment characteristics of sediments in Chaohu Lake since the 1860s and its implication to human activity

  2. 合金元素富集对金相法测定相变温度的影响

    Influence of Alloy Element Enrichment on Phase Transformation Temperature Measured by Metallographic Technique

  3. 斑岩型Cu(Mo)矿床中微量元素富集贫化规律研究

    A Study of the Enrichment and Depletion Regularity of Trace Elements in Porphyry Cu ( Mo ) Deposits

  4. EPMA分析发现,加入Al5-Ti-1B后合金的初晶硅中心有Ti元素富集。

    EPMA analysis indicates that there exists enriched-Ti in center of the primary Si phase in the modified alloy .

  5. 界面反应的影响较大,是决定复合材料机械性能的主导因素,而Si元素富集则居次要地位,不起主导作用。

    The effect of segregation of Si element on mechanical properties is less significant than that of interfacial reactions and therefore does not play any major role .

  6. 大离子亲石元素富集,具明显的Nb、P、Ti负异常和弱的Th正异常,Sr含量较低;

    Its large ion lithophile elements are enriched with obvious Nb , P and Ti negative anomaly and slight Th positive anomaly and low content of Sr.

  7. 除Li、Cr外,铁质结核样品其他微量元素富集系数一般超过1。而碳酸盐结核的富集系数与铁质结核明显不同,大多数微量元素富集系数<1。

    Except Li and Cr , the enrichment coefficients of other microelements usually exceeded 1 in iron nodules while those of most microelements were lower than 1 in carbonate nodules .

  8. 这与赋矿围岩的岩石具有轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素亏损,以及Eu、Ce略显亏损的特点相反。

    It is contrary to the characteristics of host rock , namely light rare earth elements enrichment , heavy rare earth elements loss and slightly losses of Eu and Ce .

  9. 由于岩浆的分异演化,晚期的Nb、Ta、Zr、U、Th等碱性岩浆成矿元素富集。

    In later stage , ore-forming elements of alkaline magma such as Nb , Ta , Zr , U , and Th are enriched because of the differentiation of the magma .

  10. 根据俄歇电子能谱(AES)的深度分布图,得到不同区域的膜厚和在此区域中的元素富集因子与材料性能之间的关系。

    Based on AES profiles , the film thickness and element enhancement factors corresponding to various depths and their relationship with the resistance to corrosion of materials can be obtained .

  11. 利用一个简单的基于dewijs模型的多重分形模型,可以模拟元素富集值的各种地球化学纹理。

    Using a simple multifractal model based on the model De Wijs , various geochemical map patterns for element concentration values are being simulated .

  12. 扬子地块西南缘铅锌矿床的容矿岩石及区域地层中Zn、Pb和Cd等的高背景值是铅锌成矿和分散元素富集的物质基础。

    Regional strata and host rocks of the Pb-Zn deposits in SW Yangtze block have high contents of Zn , Pb , and Cd , which is fundamental for the Pb-Zn mineralization and the enrichment of dispersed elements .

  13. REE分布模式与上地壳相似,轻稀土元素富集,Eu负异常,微量元素比值显示源岩以长英质岩石为主。

    The REE distribution pattern is similar to that of the upper continental crust , characterized by enrichment of LREE and negative Eu anomalies . Some trace element ratios show that the source rocks are mainly felsic .

  14. 青岛海藻重元素富集特性的SR-XRF分析及对海洋环境监测的应用

    SR-XRF Analysis of Characteristics of Heavy Element Concentration in Qingdao Algae and Application to Monitoring Oceanic Pollution

  15. 通过对两个地点多组样品的系统分析,揭示了北京良乡两采样点的APM特征、元素富集程度以及两地污染源类型。

    Through the system analysis , it announced APM 's character , elements enrichment degree and style of pollutant source of the two sampling sites in Liangxiang of Beijng .

  16. 陆架区部分微量元素富集因子(EF)与长江和黄河沉积物的富集因子对比结果表明,本区的沉积物与长江沉积物的关系更为密切。

    Comparing the enrichment factors ( EF ) of some elements of the shelf sediments with the Yangtse River and Yellow River sediments , It can be concluded that the sediments in the study area are similar to the Yangtse River sediments .

  17. 苔藓对大气沉降重金属元素富集作用的研究

    Study on concentration of heavy metals deposited from atmosphere by mosses

  18. 新疆511铀矿床微量元素富集特征研究

    Trace element geochemistry of No. 511 uranium ore deposit in Xinjiang

  19. 不同地衣种类对微量元素富集能力的比较

    Comparative Study of Accumulation of Trace Elements in Six Lichen Species

  20. 矿床中元素富集系数序列在找矿中的作用

    Application of element concentration coefficient series in prospecting of ore deposits

  21. 非过程元素富集对清洁漂白的影响研究

    Study on Influence of the Enrichment of Non-Process Elements in Clean Bleaching

  22. 岩溶峰丛洼地饲料植物元素富集特征研究

    Study on element accumulation characteristics of forage plants in karst peak-cluster depression

  23. 各单元之间发育有大型的拆离断层,有利于成矿元素富集。

    The activities of the detachment faults favored enrichment of ore-forming elements .

  24. 西天山阿希地区金矿的金元素富集过程探讨

    Processes of gold enrichment in Axi region of Western Tianshan

  25. 中国分散元素富集与成矿研究新进展

    A Review of Enrichment and Mineralization of the Dispersed Elements in China

  26. 微生物对金属元素富集的研究

    The Study on Microbe 's Biosorption of Metal Elements

  27. 太平洋富钴结壳的生长与元素富集机理

    The Mechanisms of Growth and Elemental Enrichment of Co-rich Crusts from Pacific Seamounts

  28. 煤中微量元素富集的主要因素分析

    Mian Factors controlling concentration of trace element in coal

  29. 煤燃烧细微粒子中重金属元素富集规律的研究

    Investigation on enrichment of heavy metals in fine particles

  30. 大型底栖海藻对海水中元素富集的吸着-配位化学模型

    Concentration Factors in Benthic Macroalgae for Elements and an Adsorption & Coordination Chemical Model