
  • 网络dongli district;power band
  1. CaO颗粒脱硫反应动力区最大粒径的实验研究

    Experimental investigation of the maximum CaO particle diameters in the kinetic zone for the dry FGD process

  2. 分析纯CaO和工业级石灰的动力区直径在900℃达到最大值;

    The kinetic zone diameter of reagent grade CaO particles and industrial grade lime particles was found to reach a maximum value at about 900 ℃ .

  3. 在反应温度和颗粒直径相同的条件下,工业级石灰的动力区直径大于分析纯CaO的动力区直径。

    For these reaction temperatures and absorbent particle diameters , the kinetic zone diameter of the industrial grade lime is larger than that of reagent grade CaO particles .

  4. 由于石油热值高,尽管其着火较难,但一旦着火燃烧剧烈,燃烧过程处在动力区的时间很短。

    Due to its high heating value , petroleum coke is of high burning intensity once it is ignited .

  5. 本文根据动力区朝阳地区热负荷的特点,提出了适合其的装炉方案。

    According to thermal load characteristic of Chaoyang district , this paper puts forward the proper boiler installation scheme .

  6. 例如动力区的乐松小区就是由于缺乏关于设立支护结构的理论和经验,导致孔壁坍塌,出现人员伤亡的事故。

    For example , the dynamic music-quarter is due to the lack of protective wall on the establishment of the theory and experience , leading to the collapse pit , seen personnel casualties .

  7. 对于大多数分解炉来说,其煤粉的燃烧状态指数Fb均小于-2.3,属于动力控制区,即分解炉中煤粉燃烧的状态主要取决于煤的反应活性。

    For most calciners , their index of combustion condition Fb all are lower than - 2.3 , It means that the pulverized coal combustion in calciners is mostly decided by reactivity of coal .

  8. 高血压最终导致心脏的主要动力泵区(左心室)的增大,这是可以通过“左心室容积系数”(或简写为LVMI)测得的。

    High blood pressure eventually leads to enlargement of the main pumping chamber of the heart , which is measured by the " left ventricular mass index " or LVMI .

  9. 空气动力阴影区对厨房排烟方式的影响

    Influence of Zone of Aerodynamic Shadow on Exhaust System of Residential Kitchen

  10. 空气动力阴影区与建筑几何尺寸的关系。

    The relationship between aerodynamic shadow zone and the size of building .

  11. 高层建筑空气动力阴影区的数值计算

    Numerical Calculation of Aerodynamic Shadow Zone around High Buildings

  12. 临近断层开采动力危险区划分数值模拟研究

    Study on Numerical Simulation of dynamic risk regionalization during exploitation approaching to faults

  13. 空气动力阴影区对高层建筑周围污染物浓度分布的影响

    Influences of Aerodynamic Shadow Zone on the Concentration Distribution of Contamination Around High Building

  14. 依据其动力破坏区发展深度,提出了抗震加固处理措施。

    Anti - seismic stabilization measures are proposed according to depth of the dynamic failure zone .

  15. 描述空气动力阴影区的一般形状,并对空气动力阴影区的定义提出建议。

    Describing the general appearance of aerodynamic shadow zone , and suggesting to the definition of aerodynamic shadow zone .

  16. 分析了大功率激光器可供选择的几种腔型的动力稳定区。

    The dynamic stable regions of several kind of resonator , which can be used in high power laser , have been analyzed .

  17. 空气动力阴影区是在风的作用下建筑物背风侧和顶部的旋涡区。

    The aerodynamic shadow zone means an area of vortex caused by wing field , which lies in the leeward side and the top of building .

  18. 在本试验的条件下,煤焦在燃烧初期处于化学反应动力控制区,后向内扩散控制区转变。

    Under the condition of this experiment , the coal char is in the chemical reaction control area at the beginning , and then turn to the diffusion control area .

  19. 利用离子动力参数区的内扭曲模色散关系分析了托卡马克等离子体电阻性内扭曲模的频率及增长率随剪切量S0的变化。

    Using the dispersion relation of tokamak internal kink mode in ion kinetic regime , the frequency and the growth rate as functions of s0 , the magnetic shear were analyzed .

  20. 推进聚磷菌过度吸磷的本质动力与厌氧区HRT和厌氧环境的厌氧程度有关。在一定范围内,厌氧环境的HRT越长,厌氧程度越充分,聚磷菌的吸磷动力越强。

    To a certain extent , a relatively longer HRT and a more sufficient anaerobic environment produce a stronger potential of excess P uptake in the following aerobic condition .

  21. 从Brunt-Vaisala频率N和水平风切变计算的Richardson数Ri剖面也显示出季节差异,Ri<1/4的动力不稳定区出现在夏季,而Ri>0.4的稳定区出现在冬季。

    Richardson number Ri calculated from Brunt-Vaisala frequency N and horizontal wind shear S also reveals seasonal difference : dynamically unstable regions of Ri smaller than 1 / 4 are observed in summer , whereas stable regions of Ri larger than 0.4 are observed in winter .

  22. 提升动力能源作业区执行力建设的实践与探索

    Practice & Study of Increasing Executive Force of Power Source Operation Zone

  23. 核动力稳压器多区非平衡模型

    A Nonequilibrium Multi-region Model for Nuclear Power Pressurizer

  24. 研究了横摇和垂荡非线性耦合情况下的动力不稳定区问题。

    Study on the instability regions of ship rolling with nonlinear coupling of heave and roll was presented .

  25. 计算结果显示了主向梁数目和载荷参数对动力不稳定区的影响。

    The calculation results show the effect of the number of main beams and the load parameters on the dynamic instability region .

  26. 全球经济复苏似乎已经可以自我维持,并正在积攒全新的动力,欧元区加息只是其中的一个迹象。

    The increase in eurozone interest rates is only one sign of a global economic recovery that appears to be self-sustaining and gathering fresh momentum .

  27. 基于能量法推导出了加筋板中薄壁骨材承受轴向周期载荷时的侧倾动力不稳定区的求解方法。

    The paper based on the energy method derives a method for solving the dynamic tripping buckling problem of thin walled stiffeners in stiffened plate under periodic dynamic loading .

  28. 分析表明,沙尘暴活动的搬运动力和沙尘来源区物质所处状态是沙尘暴活动与否的决定因素。

    The analysis indicates that the transporting force of sand-storm activity and matter in sand dust source area are the decisive factors of sand storm activity .

  29. 异常温压增强了天然气水相运移,水势差是天然气运移的主要动力,低势区和超压带的上下是天然气成藏的有利区带。

    The potential difference is the main dynamic force of gas migration , therefore the lower potential areas and the intervals up and / or below the overpressure zones are the regions favourable for forming gas reservoirs .

  30. 但可供移位的动力神经与受区神经的纤维数的比例为1:10,很难再找到可供移植的神经了。

    However , due to the proportion of the number of nerve fibers suitable for transposition in the motor area to that in the receiving area is only 1 to 10 , it is difficult to find enough nerve fiber for the transposition .