
zhù cè fèi
  • registration fees
  1. 还有一些网站也提供类似的服务,但是经常会收取交易费或注册费,它们不支付利息,而且没有联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的保障。

    There are Web sites that offer similar services , but these often charge transaction or registration fees , pay no interest and lack FDIC guarantees .

  2. 他们把注册费从20英镑涨到50英镑。

    They jumped the registration fees from £ 20 to £ 50 .

  3. 每名儿童只需缴纳50美元的注册费,12岁以下的儿童就可以作为会员加入飞鹰航空的飞月俱乐部。

    With a registration fee of just $ 50 per child , children under the age of 12 can join Eagle Airways ' FLY TO THE MOON CLUB as members .

  4. 请注意:我们将出版会后CD论文集,并在会后开具注册费发票。

    Please Note : We will publish a post-conference CD proceeding , and issue you the receipt of registration fee after conference .

  5. 每位申请学生需交纳RMB1660(USD200)的注册费。此费用概不归还。

    A non-refundable fee of RMB1,660 ( USD200 ) will be required with every application submitted .

  6. CSDP考试注册费有两个组成部分:申请费,是不可归还和不可过户的,以及考试费。

    The CSDP examination registration fee has two components : the application fee , which is nonrefundable and nontransferable , and the examination fee .

  7. 受益人支付不足1美元的注册费。

    Beneficiaries pay less than US $ 1 to register .

  8. 每位申请学生需交纳注册费,此注册费不退还。

    A non-refundable registration fee will be required with every application submitted .

  9. 注册费包括:课程资料,会议期间的简餐。

    Include : Course material , meals in the symposium .

  10. Fitwel收取500美元注册费和6000美元认证费。

    Fitwel charges $ 500 to register and $ 6000 to certify .

  11. 免交注册费、学费、基本教材费、住宿费;

    Fees of registration , tuition , basic teaching materials and accommodation ;

  12. 的注册费是保证学习名额的。

    The10 % registration fee is to secure their placement .

  13. 该活动应该完全自给自足的并且是要透过注册费来提供资金。

    The events should be FULLY self sufficient and funded via registration fees .

  14. 你们的学费包含什么内容?为什么要交10%的注册费?

    What does the fee cover ? Why should I pay10 % registration fee ?

  15. 他们收一点注册费。

    They charge a small registration fee .

  16. 参加AquaSkills的游泳培训需要支付注册费100美元,选择10节私教课程的费用是1200美元。

    Lessons there cost $ 100 to register and $ 1,200 for 10 private lessons .

  17. 国内参会代表注册费:1800元人民币(不包含旅行费)。

    The registered fee for domestic participants is1800 RMB ( traveling fee is not included ) .

  18. 除特邀参会人员外,其他参会人员缴纳会议注册费;

    Except specially invited personnel , the other persons participate the meeting shall pay registration fee .

  19. 在里昂,预订一年的租赁服务,用户需交纳5欧元的注册费。

    In Lyon , users must pay a 5 euro registration fee for a one-year subscription .

  20. 不需要注册费。

    Registration fee is not necessary .

  21. 域名注册费概不退还。

    Domain registration fees are non-refundable .

  22. 不需要交纳注册费。

    No registration fee is required .

  23. 不包括在注册费:持续的时间额外的计划涵盖所有运送。

    Not included in the Registration fee : the duration of the additional programs covers all transports .

  24. 不能,所有被要求付费的企业都必须付相同的注册费。

    No , all establishments who are required to pay have the same establishment registration User fee .

  25. 而微软则要求用户先交纳注册费再安装在个人电脑上。

    Instead , Microsoft requires users to pay a licensing fee to install them on individual computers .

  26. 如果课程取消,我们只是负责退回注册费。

    If the course is not held , our liability is limited to the registration fee only .

  27. 这名业主说,由于注册费的上提,他从2010年1月1日开始,不再出售烟草了。

    The owner said because of the fee increase , he will no longer sell tobacco come Jan.1,2010 .

  28. 您可以在会议现场以现金支付注册费,也可以通过银行转账支付。

    You may pay for the registration fee by cash on the site of the workshop or by TT .

  29. 注册费一般的行情大约是一万三千卢比,如果官员们觉得你很有钱,就会要得更多。

    The going rate for registration was about 13 , 000 rupees , more if they thought you were rich .

  30. 进入任何选择的课程,申请者按照招生手册的要求付注册费。

    For admission to any selected programme of study applicants are required to pay the fees as mentioned in the Handbook .