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  • 网络Changsha State;changsha kingdom
  1. 论长沙国的历史地位

    On the Historic Status of Changsha Kingdom

  2. 马王堆汉墓位于湖南省长沙市东郊,是西汉初期长沙国丞相、软侯利苍及其家人的坟墓。

    The Han tombs at Mawangdui is located at the eastern suburb of Changsha , the capital of Hunan Province . The owners of the tombs are the Chancellor of Changsha Kingdom in the early Western Han Dynasty , the Marquis of Dai , Li Cang and his family .

  3. 西汉长沙国货币新探

    A New Study on Currency of Changsha State in Western Han Dynasty

  4. 汉朝实行郡国并存制度,把洞庭郡改为长沙国。

    Han Dynasty carried out the system of the co-existence of county and state , and therefore it changed Dongting County into Changsha State .

  5. 汉景帝第十子刘发因其母出身低微,被封在较远的长沙国为王。

    As the tenth son of Emperor Hang Jing , Liu Fa was made king of Changsha because his mother was from the low social stratum .

  6. 之所以会有这些特点,是因为有长沙国政权的组织、湘中河谷平原的优越条件、楚文明的深厚底蕴及斗争形势使然。

    Therefore , it is because the organization of Changsha guo and the superior condition in the middle area of Hunan as well as the fight and the sound foundation of Chu Culture that develop the above traits .

  7. 湖南在西汉时期是汉王朝的诸侯国&长沙国的中心所在。长沙国地理位置特殊,是西汉中央与南越地区联系的纽带,具有重要的政治、军事地位。

    Hunan is the Han Dynasty Western Han Dynasty in feudal kingdom - the center of Changsha . Special , is the central and south areas of the Western Han Dynasty ties with important political , military status .

  8. 马王堆取名为汉墓是因为西汉早期长沙国丞相利苍和他的家人葬于此地。

    The reason why it is called a Han tomb lies in that the Mawangdui was burial ground of Li Cang , Chancellor to the prince of Changsha state in the early western Han dynasty and his family .

  9. 历时近半个世纪的吴氏长沙国,创造了自战国时的楚国后的湖南第二次繁荣,是文景之治中最亮的一部分。

    During the period of near half century , Changsha State became the second prosperity of Hunan since Chu State of War Dynasty , and it was the brightest part of Administration of Wen and Jing Emperor of West Han Dynasty .

  10. 刘发来到长沙后,筑定王台以望母,宣扬了孝道;并在安定和发展长沙国及保护南越属国等方面做了较多的努力。

    He built Platform Dingwang for filial piety and made a contribution to the stability and development of Changsha and the protection of south domains .