
  • 网络Octagonal pavilion;museo pio-clementino;najiaoting;Octangle Pavilion;PAL GAK-JEONG
  1. 利用平湖八角亭工区的近中远角道集数据体,成功应用了同时反演算法(SADI),最终将地震振幅数据体转化为描述岩石岩性和流体的属性数据体。

    SADI algorithm was executed successfully in the BJT area with near - , middle - , and far-stack dataset , and amplitude dataset was finally converted to attributes dataset describing lithology and fluid .

  2. 返回勐海,参观八角亭,这是云南最重要的佛教建筑之一。

    Back to Menghai , see Octagonal Pavilion , which is one of the most important .

  3. 这座亭子无论从哪个角度看上去都是八个角,故又名八角亭。

    This pavilion has eight edges , so it is also known as " Octagonal pavilion " .

  4. 它们总是与漂亮的圆顶、八角亭、印度王公的宫殿、奥斯曼式的尖塔相伴,它们交叉的梁柱以及装饰的花边用的是铁而不是光亮的大理石。

    They are lined with pleasure domes , octagonal kiosks , maharajahs'palaces and Ottoman minarets , their lattice and lacework done in iron instead of shining marble .