
duō yuán shè huì
  • pluralistic society
  1. 公共理性:现代多元社会的价值诉求

    Public reason : value of modern pluralistic society demand

  2. 而与此同时社会组织人员已经成为我国多元社会发展下兴起的重要群体。

    Meanwhile social organizations have become the important group during our pluralistic society development .

  3. 英国是个世俗主导的多元社会。

    Britain is a plural society in which the secular predominates

  4. 一个多元社会是一个由多种族组成的社会。

    A plural society is one composed of numerous races .

  5. 通过这种方式,一个多元社会在加拿大业已形成。

    In this way , a diverse society was formed in Canada .

  6. 多元社会中,利益集团的存在不可避免。

    In the plural society , the existence of the interest group is inevitable .

  7. 作为加拿大一知名作家,玛格丽特·劳伦斯创作了一系列马纳瓦卡小说来展现加拿大多元社会这一发展历程。

    Margaret Laurence is one of these writers .

  8. 多元社会中教学研究的新视点

    New Perspective of Instruction Research in Multielement Society

  9. 民族社会规范与民族社会秩序的重构&以法律为主导的多元社会秩序论

    Reconstruction of the Moral and Order of Minority Communities-A Case Study of Legalized Social Pluralism

  10. 多元社会与正义共识

    Pluralistic Society and Common Sense of Justice

  11. 论多元社会的价值整合

    On Value Integration of Plural Society

  12. 当代社会是个多元社会,当代艺术是多元主义的艺术。

    The society at present age is diversification , and the contemporary art is a pluralistic art .

  13. 语言教育政策是美国多元社会结构中重要的教育政策。

    Language education policy is the important education policy in the multiple social structure in the US .

  14. 在价值多元社会中,学校德育面临道德相对主义的挑战。

    In a pluralistic society of values school moral education is facing the challenge of moral relativism .

  15. 必须停止对狭隘的宽容,因为它对多元社会本身的可持续性构成了威胁。

    Toleration of the intolerant must cease where the latter threatens the sustainability of the diverse society itself .

  16. 平等多元社会的宽容,唤醒了报告文学主体的自觉,而法律意识的加强更促发了广大受众对报告文学的主动呼应。

    The consciousness of reportage 's subject is aroused by the more equal and democratic society as well .

  17. 本论文主要讨论在多元社会条件下,利益群体可能对立法产生的影响。

    This paper focuses on conditions in a pluralistic society , interest groups may impact on the legislation .

  18. 西欧中世纪法制发展特点论析西欧中世纪初期的法律体系与多元社会的关系

    The Relations between the Legal System of the Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages and the Multi-Societies

  19. 宽容是宪政的前提,无宽容即无多元社会进而即无宪政;

    Toleration is the prerequisite of constitutionalism because there would be neither the plural society nor constitutionalism without toleration .

  20. 其成因在于长期的国家赶超战略和基于其上的多元社会整合机制。

    Its origin lies in the country 's long-term surpassing strategy and based on many yuan social conformity mechanism .

  21. 第四部分对多元社会的新型孝道进行了重构,强调了对基督教开放的可能性。

    Reconstructing new filial duty of pluralistic society and emphasizing that it is possible to open up to Christianity .

  22. 程序正义是处理现代多元社会公共关系的基本形式,是现代法治的核心内容。

    Procedural justice is the basic form of handling public relations of a modern pluralistic society and the core of the modern law .

  23. 公众社会行为是多元社会因素的综合体现,与科技产业转移有着密切的关系。

    Public social behavior is diverse and comprehensive reflection of social factors , and the technology industry is closely related to the transfer .

  24. 该理论强调在多元社会现实的背景下,通过普通的公民参与,就决策立法达成共识。

    This theory emphasizes that , through common people 's participation , decisions come into common consensus under the background of the plural society .

  25. 宠物俱乐部的发展及壮大实现了个人在多元社会中对自我生活态度及生活方式的肯定;

    The development and growing up of the pet club help individuals obtain affirmation of their attitude and style of living in the diverse society ;

  26. 一种社会形态的有序运行过程本质上表现为一元的政治权力和多元社会权力的博弈和统合过程。

    In essence , an orderly running process of social shape manifests a comprehensive struggle one between the unitary political power and plural social power .

  27. 认为和谐社会的建构,不仅要求企业为社会创造物质财富,更要求其承担多元社会责任。

    For the goal of construction of harmonious society , an enterprise should not only produce wealth for society , but also bear multiple social liabilities .

  28. 本文提出不同于上述学者观点,主要是运用结构分析的方法集中研究古罗马法律家和多元社会结构。

    This paper , holding a different view from the above-mentioned scholars , employs structural analysis method to intensively study the jurists and the multiple socio-structures .

  29. 这种统一的道德是一个合理多元社会的内在特征,亦是多元社会道德整合的目标和结果。

    The age is calling a united , integrated and harmonized morals , the inner characteristic of pluralistic society and the object and result of moral integration .

  30. 而城市规划的基本价值目标在于协调多元社会利益诉求,维护多元利益平衡,促进公共价值最大化。

    However , the basic value goal of town planning is to coordinate multiple social interest requests , balance multiple interests and improve the specification of public value .