
  • 网络multimedia player;Media player;VLC media player;Windows Media Player
  1. 随着便携式多媒体播放器在个人数码领域的强劲发展势头,基于各种32位RISC芯片的多媒体解决方案都陆续出台。

    With the fast development of PMP ( portable media player ) in personal digital domain , various solutions using 32-bit RISC processor have been proposed .

  2. 本系统性价比较高,可应用于车载音响、便携式多媒体播放器、3G手机等多媒体设备当中。

    The design of system gains the high cost performance ratio , and it also can be applied to multimedia devices such as vehicle sound , portable media player , 3G mobile phone and so on .

  3. API函数在制作多媒体播放器中的应用

    Application of API Function in Making Multimedia Player

  4. 用VISUALFOXPRO开发多媒体播放器

    Applying Visual FoxPro to Develop Multimedia Player

  5. 多媒体播放器是一种广泛应用于各种平台的应用软件,这些平台主要包括传统PC,各类手持设备以及机顶盒等。

    Multimedia player is the software applied widely to various platforms including PC , handset devices and set-top boxes .

  6. 移动业务终端BSP与多媒体播放器的开发

    The Development of the BSP and Multimedia Player in Mobile Service Terminal

  7. 4,分析了开源多媒体播放器vlc的程序结构,配合相关工具实现了接收实时数据的USB插件。

    Studying program structure of vlc , Realizing USB plug-in about real-time data reception in collaboration with relevant tools .

  8. 这造就了爱国者庞杂的产品阵容,包括USB存储卡、数码相机、电视机、多媒体播放器、手机等。

    That has left Aigo with a sprawling product portfolio that encompasses products ranging from USB storage cards to digital cameras , television sets , media players and mobile phones .

  9. 带上一部多媒体播放器,无论是iPod,平板电脑还是手提电脑都可以。

    Bring on gadgets that will be able to play all sorts of media such as an iPod , tablet , or laptop .

  10. 近年来,随着数字处理器技术的迅猛发展,FLASH习速存储器也被广泛地应用于手机,数码相机,多媒体播放器等各种电子产品中。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the digital processor technology , flash memory has been widely used in mobile phones , digital cameras , multimedia players and other electronic products .

  11. 在对BREW提供的软件开发平台和软件运行环境做了深入研究的基础上,通过一个具体的手机多媒体播放器项目,叙述了BREW开发的实践过程。

    The BREW 's practicing process in its development is depicted by the last part of the paper , through the example of multimedia player project .

  12. 通过一个从基于3G终端到网络多媒体播放器应用的架构扩展实例,重点论述了对SoC架构设计中适应性扩展方法的研究;

    In this paper , the methodology research of adaptable extension of SoC architecture is described with a typical case , in which an existing 3G terminal baseband processor architecture is extended to a network multimedia player .

  13. 利用MATLAB的声音处理函数作为数据接口,并利用多媒体播放器作为交互界面,设计了一组语音信号滤波实验,目的在于通过对比滤波前后的语音效果来加深对数字信号处理的认识。

    Designed a group of experiment in audio filter by using the MATLAB sound processing function as the data conversion interface and using the multimedia player as interactive interface to deepen the understanding of the digital signal processing by comparing the pronunciation effect before and after filtering .

  14. 本文数字化列车广播的原型系统已经设计完成,实现了全双工司机对讲、全双工紧急对讲、人工广播、自动广播、OCC广播和多媒体播放器六种广播功能。

    The prototype of the digital train broadcasting system has been designed completely , and has realized six broadcasting functions include full-duplex Cab-to-Cab announce , full-duplex emergency intercom , artifical broadcasting , auto broadcasting , OCC broadcasting and Media Player .

  15. 便携多媒体播放器用户界面信息建构研究

    Study of Information Architecture of Portable Multi-media Player User Interface

  16. VFP5.0下多媒体播放器的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Multimedia Player in Visual FoxPro 5 . 0

  17. 嵌入式多媒体播放器通用控制系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a General Control System of Embedded Multimedia Players

  18. 一些乡村学校连录音机都没有,更不用说多媒体播放器了。

    Some village schools have no tape recorders , let alone a multi-media player .

  19. 第2章论述便携式多媒体播放器的总体设计,包括系统功能需求的分析和硬件总体设计方案的确定。

    The first chapter gives a general description about the subject of Portable Media Player hardware design .

  20. 第5章总结课题的工作,并对便携式多媒体播放器的技术发展趋势进行了展望。

    The last chapter summarizes the work that has been done and the technical trend of Portable Media Player .

  21. 最后开发了一个多媒体播放器,播放多媒体文件,并实现了字幕叠加。

    Finally , develop a simple multi-media player , play media files , and the superposition of the subtitles .

  22. 用多媒体播放器和录音机播放或记录声音文件,并可以同其他多媒体设备一起工作。

    Use Media Player and Sound Recorder to play or record sound flies and work with other multimedia devices .

  23. 通过远程多媒体播放器,你可以从本地选择喜欢的电影和音乐。

    With Remote Media Player you can easily select what movie or music you like to play from the sofa ( or from the bathtub ) .

  24. 随着科技的进步以及生活水平的提高,人们对多媒体播放器的的功能要求越来越高,尤其是对高清视频的支持。

    With development in technology and living standards improving , the People have become increasingly demanding on the media player functions , especially for high-definition video .

  25. 其主要产品为计算机多媒体播放器,通过香港的中介出口中亚、东南亚和其他地区。

    Its main product was computer multimedia speakers , which were exported to Central Asia , Southeast Asia , and other places through middlemen in Hong Kong .

  26. 本文介绍了多媒体播放器的产生背景和发展现状,并对目前网络上流行的几款多媒体播放器进行比较,分析了其优缺点。

    This paper introduces the background and developing situation of media player , and compares several media players which are popular on network , analyzing their strengths and weaknesses .

  27. 本文围绕嵌入式多媒体播放器的构建,完成了以下几方面的工作:①嵌入式平台开发环境的构建。

    This article focus on the construction of embedded multimedia player . The main works are as follows : The first is the construction of the development environment of embedded platform .

  28. 因此,研制一款有较大的屏幕,播放效果好,且支持较多格式而且具备无线上网功能的个人便携式多媒体播放器具有实际的意义。

    Therefore , to research a multimedia player which have a bigger screen and better performance and support many kinds of video formats , especially have the function of browser have great significance .

  29. 本文从多个角度,描述了一个专用于多媒体播放器的嵌入式系统开发所必须包括的重要组成部分,通过专用的系统平台设计从而降低硬件成本,提高应用程序的执行效率。

    The thesis describes the important components of the embedded system for multimedia player from many viewpoints , reducing the cost of hardware by special designed platform , improving the efficiency of the applications .

  30. 基于嵌入式系统实现的移动数字电视是一种高品质的便携多媒体播放器和高性能的网络信息终端,将是下一代消费电子市场的热点。

    As a high quality portable multimedia player and high performance network information terminal , Mobile digital TV which is based on Embedded system is a new hotspots of next generation consumer electronics market .