
  • 网络multiprocessor;Multiprocessor Systems;MPS;SMP
  1. Linux用于嵌入式的因特网设备也是很合适的,原因是它支持多处理器系统,该特性使Linux具有了伸缩性。

    Linux is also well-suited for embedded Internet devices , because of its support of multiprocessor systems , which lends it scalability .

  2. 在多处理器系统中,Linux试图模拟分派到可用处理器的单个全局RT线程队列的行为。

    On multiprocessor systems , Linux tries to emulate the behavior of a single global queue of RT threads that are dispatched to available processors .

  3. 在一个多处理器系统上,如果所有线程始终处于繁忙状态,那么%TotalProcessorTime达到了100%。

    On a multi-processor system , if all processors are always busy , this is100 % .

  4. Petri网在多处理器系统性能分析中的应用

    The Application of Petri Net to the Performance Analysis of the Multiprocessor System

  5. 双端口RAM在多处理器系统的应用研究

    Application Study on Dual Port RAMs in a Multi Processor System

  6. Java设计师是想创建一种语言,使之能够很好地运行在现代的硬件,包括多处理器系统上。

    The Java architects wanted to create a language that would perform well on modern hardware , including multiprocessor systems .

  7. 多处理器系统Cache一致性协议的探讨

    The Discussion of Cache Coherence Protocol

  8. 在使用DSP的多处理器系统设计中,主机与目标系统的数据交换是一个重要的课题。

    In designing multi processor systems with DSP , data exchange between the host and target systems is an important part .

  9. 基于P6总线的多处理器系统Cache一致性设计

    Cache Coherency Design in Multiprocessor System Based on P6 Bus

  10. 构建了一个基于多处理器系统的自动验证环境,对所设计实现的Cache一致性协议的正确性予以了充分的测试验证。

    Last , we construct an automatic verification environment based on the multiprocessor system in order to fully verify the Cache - coherent protocol .

  11. 由于不依赖于CPU,它具有较好的兼容性、实时性和可靠性,适用于多处理器系统中多个并行工作模块的互连。空间群PI;

    It is because of better compatibility , real-time and reliability that PI bus is used for the interlinkage of multi-parallel-job modules in multiprocessor system .

  12. NoC架构片上多处理器系统性能探索

    Performance Exploring of NoC Based Multi-Processor System-on-a-Chip

  13. 片上网络(Network-on-Chip,NoC)是目前多处理器系统中的一种关键技术。

    NoC ( Network-on-Chip ) is a key technology in multi-processor system .

  14. 多处理器系统中HPI设计与应用

    Host Port Interface : Its Design and Application in the Multi-Processor System

  15. 现在,您很可能拥有自己的UNIX计算机,或者与其他用户共享功能更强大的多处理器系统。

    Nowadays , it 's quite likely that you have your own UNIX computer and share an even more powerful multi-processor system with others .

  16. 同时,通过灵活选用市场上丰富的IP核资源,可以构成各种不同的系统,如单处理器、多处理器系统等。

    At the same time , by the use of abundant core of the IP resources flexibly in the market , we can constitute a variety of systems , such as single-processor , multi-processor systems .

  17. 本文首先对常用的cache一致性协议进行了分析,提出了一种在多处理器系统中减少远程访问延时的方式一在路由部件中加入存储部件一路由器cache。

    In this paper , we made some analysis on conventional cache coherence protocols . We provide one way to reduce remote access delay - adding a router-cache in routing components .

  18. IspLSI器件在多处理器系统中的应用

    The Application of IspLSI Device in Multiprocessor Systems

  19. 在Linux操作系统上实现了一个虚拟硬件环境,它仿真了一个分布式共享内存多处理器系统,非常逼近真正的硬件平台,具有中断、时间分片、内存管理、多处理器支持等特性。

    We have realized a virtual hardware environment on top of the Linux . It simulated a distributed share memory multiprocessor system and closely approximated a real hardware , including interrupts , time slicing , memory management , multiprocessor .

  20. Clos网络自从诞生以来,广泛应用于电话网络、多处理器系统以及路由交换机中。

    Clos network has widely used in telephone networks , multi-processor system and switch / routers since it was first proposed .

  21. 本文给出了星载SAR实时成像系统采用的一种嵌入式异构多处理器系统的结构模型,分析了该结构模型中各模块的功能及模块之间的通信机制。

    In this dissertation , a structured model of embedded heterogeneous multi-processor system used in spaceborne SAR imaging system is introduced , and the function of individual subsystem and the communication scheme between subsystems in the structured model is discussed .

  22. 其次,如果问题是在完全禁用JIT(JAVACOMPILER=NONE)的多处理器系统上发生的,那么看一下这个问题是否也会在禁用JIT的单处理器平台上存在,这是非常有用的。

    Secondly , if the problem happens with JIT completely off ( JAVA_COMPILER = NONE ) on a multiprocessor system it is helpful to see if the problem persists with JIT off on a single-processor system .

  23. 基于CC-NUMA的多处理器系统研究

    Study of CC-NUMA Multi-processor System

  24. 为满足某在研大型挠性卫星计算机在回路中的仿真需要,利用dSPACE多处理器系统设计了卫星姿态和轨道控制实时仿真系统。

    To meet the need of on-board computer-in-the-loop simulation , real-time simulation system for attitude and orbit control of a flexible satellite is designed based on dSPACE multiprocessor system .

  25. 现在呢,我却正在一台具有RAID磁盘、32GB内存(对我来说这可真大)并运行了2个月的8路多处理器系统上使用一个shell提示符。

    And yet , here I am with a shell prompt on an eight-way multiprocessor system with RAID drives , 32GB of memory ( hey , it looks huge to me ), and two months of uptime .

  26. 片上网络(NOC)技术作为一种新兴的片上通信的关键技术,已经成为解决复杂多处理器系统中数据通信问题的重要方法。

    As a key technology used in processor systems , Network on Chip ( NOC ) is to become one of the most important methods to solve the commucication bottleneck problem in complex multiple processor systems .

  27. subpool:加速多处理器系统的对象分配。

    Subpool : Speeds up object allocation on systems with very large numbers of processors .

  28. JDK1.4.1中新的收集器都是为解决多处理器系统中垃圾收集器的问题而设计的。

    The new collectors in JDK1.4.1 are all designed to address the issue of garbage collection on multiprocessor systems .

  29. JDK1.4.1通过增加新的针对多处理器系统和非常大的堆的多线程收集选项,进一步改进了垃圾收集的效率。

    The1.4.1 JDK further improves the effectiveness of garbage collection by adding new multithreaded collection options for multiprocessor systems and very large heaps .

  30. 随着微电子技术的发展和对片上网络关键通信技术的研究,NoC已经成为解决复杂的多处理器系统中通信问题的重要方法之一,并成为了相关领域的前沿和热点研究内容。

    With the development of microelectronics technology and the network-on-chip communications technology research , NoC has became one of the most important methods to solve complex multiprocessor system in communications . At the same time , it is the forefront of related fields and hot contents of the study .