
lián jiē chénɡ xù
  • Connection program;linker
  1. 分配物理地址给连接程序过的可重定位程序的软件开发工具。

    A software development tool that assigns physical addresses to the relocatable program produced by the linker .

  2. 连接程序在所有的源文件都被编译或汇编之后运行。

    The linker is thus run after all of the source files have been compiled or assembled .

  3. 为了完成这个操作,必须在许可证服务器上安装一个internet连接程序许可证。

    An Internet connector license must be installed on the license server in order to complete this operation .

  4. 在ComponentSelection面板中,请选择Localconnectors(本地连接程序)、Connectortoolkit(连接程序工具箱)和samples(示例)选项。

    In the Component Selection panel , select the Local connectors and the Connector toolkit and samples options .

  5. 以此为核心的Web是一种无状态的连接程序,不维持状态,一次请求和响应构成一个独立的事务,不同事务之间没有状态联系。

    Web , the core of HTTP agreement , is a a no-state joining program , not maintaining the state and the single request and response composing an independent thing with no-state relationship between different things .

  6. 之后是磁盘操作系统,它为提供一种统一方式通过BIOS连接程序与硬件。

    Later , it was the Disk Operating System which came along and provided a consistent way for programs to interface with hardware through the BIOS .

  7. 由于PC机上的FORTRAN编译程序和连接程序能力有限,加之其内存容量也不大,因此,在PC机上编译连接大型FORTRAN程序会产生各种麻烦。

    Because of the limitation of Fortran compiling and the memory size of a personal computer , there arise problems in compiling and linking large Fortran program with PC.

  8. 每个连接程序都可以与其他连接程序交换数据。

    Each connector can exchange data with any other connector .

  9. 这些连接程序允许两个服务器互相通信。

    These connectors allow the two servers to communicate with one another .

  10. 必须考虑对应页面设计的进程连接程序的选择。

    The process connector selection of corresponding page design must be checked .

  11. 根据管道连接程序技术条件,至气田的外部供水。

    External water supply to field according to technical conditions for tie-in procedure .

  12. 会计循环是以方法为纽带连接程序和内容的综合体。

    In fact , accounting cycle is a comprehensive body with methods as connexion between process and content .

  13. 诉因是审判的对象,因而也是连接程序法和实体法的纽带。

    Counts are the objects of the judgment , so it is the ligament which connects the procedural and estimative laws .

  14. 应用了关系数据库技术,设计了数据库的关系图及测试系统软件与数据库的连接程序。

    Using the application of relation database technology , I design the database and program of the testing system software linked to the database .

  15. 你在这里不会发现商品宣传,查尔斯修士保证道,虽然他确实提供了和行业事务所的连接程序。

    " You 'll find no sales pitch here ," promises Brother Charlie , though he does provide a link to a vocation office .

  16. 当需要从不兼容的环境连接应用程序时,Web服务就有了用武之地。

    When there is a need to connect applications from incompatible environments , the stage is set for Web services .

  17. 最终用户只通过这个IP连接应用程序。

    It is through this IP only that the end users will connect to the application .

  18. 服务IP地址:最终用户一般通过IP地址连接应用程序。

    Service IP address : The end users are generally given an IP address to connect to the application .

  19. ESB提供了有效的途径来彼此连接应用程序。

    An ESB provides efficient means to connect applications among themselves .

  20. exe是微软Windows连接向导程序,用于帮助用户的计算机连接到Internet网络。

    Windows Connection wizard that assist users when they want to connect their computers to the Internet .

  21. 现在您有了一个能处理数万个并发连接的程序,那么您能通过Node实际构建什么呢?

    So , now that you have a program that can handle tens of thousands of concurrent connections , what can you actually build with Node ?

  22. 通过将连接应用程序和系统的Web服务移动到网格,您可以借助相互并行连接的多台计算机来扩展资源容量。

    By moving Web services that connect the applications and systems to the grid , you can extend the resource capacity of multiple computers in collaboration with one another in parallel .

  23. ESB通过提供基于内容和上下文的路由来实现间接连接应用程序的功能。

    An ESB achieves the capability to indirectly connect applications by providing content and context based routing .

  24. Dojo包括一个事件通信系统,开发人员利用该系统可以连接应用程序的组件。

    Dojo includes an event communication system that enables developers to connect components of an application .

  25. 提示:您可以利用DB2的自动客户端重路由特性来在发生站点故障或重新集成时自动地跨站点重新连接应用程序。

    Tip : You can leverage the DB2 automatic client-reroute feature to automatically reconnect the application across sites once a site failure or reintegration has occurred .

  26. 本建议规定在ISDN用户-网络接口上建立、维持和清除网络连接的程序。

    This Recommendation specifies the procedures for the establishing , maintaining and clearing of network connections at the ISDN user-network interface .

  27. 介绍基于RS-232串口控制的人影作业指挥系统的串口通信硬件电路连接、程序结构和地理模型。

    In this paper , RS-232 communication system is introduced and conduction system of weather modification is realized on the Geographical Model .

  28. 我最近碰到一种情况,即通过连接驱动程序连接两个使用了不同驱动程序的NIC。

    I recently ran into a case in which the bonding driver was used to bond two NICs that used different drivers .

  29. 运行时字符集依赖于连接到程序的I/设备,但通常是ASCII的超集。

    The run-time character set depends on the I / O devices connected to the program but is generally a superset of ASCII .

  30. 除了与主控电脑连接运行程序之外,本系统还可以将程序烧录到DSK上的flash存储器中,成为一个独立的系统,这样可以充分地减少体积,体现系统的便携性。

    Except to operation with the host PC , this system can be a Stand-alone one through programming the flash memory on the DSK board .