
  • 网络restaurant chain;chain restaurant;chain operation;Chick-Fil-A
  1. 麦当劳是连锁餐厅,卖汉堡包、国薯条等。

    A McDonald 's is a chain restaurant that serves hamburgers , French fries , etc.

  2. 当时还在拍拖,所以像其他情侣一样没创意的去知名连锁餐厅吃圣诞套餐。

    We haven 't married at that time , so just had Christmas dinner in a famous chain restaurant as other lovers did .

  3. 在连锁餐厅新元素(ElementFresh),有一个以其命名的菜单。

    A menu is dedicated to her at the restaurant chain Element Fresh .

  4. 来自欧睿国际的数据显示,在中国TOP15的全方位服务连锁餐厅中,有7家都专营火锅。

    Data from Euromonitor International showed that seven of China 's top 15 full-service restaurant chains specialize in hotpot .

  5. 至6月14日为止的季度报告中,百胜餐饮集团旗下的塔可钟连锁餐厅(TacoBellchain)的业绩也好不到哪儿去。

    Its Taco Bell chain also had a disappointing showing in the quarter ending June 14 .

  6. 连锁餐厅LePainQuotidien也为新员工提供大量培训。

    Restaurant chain Le Pain Quotidien also trains new hires extensively .

  7. 另外,今年早些时候,Oculus公司还在连锁餐厅ChuckE.Cheese’s举办了短期的Rift设备体验活动。

    Additionally , Oculus enjoyed a brief stint at Chuck E. Cheese 's earlier this year .

  8. 在我们的Giraffe连锁餐厅,降价推动了客流量。

    At our Giraffe restaurant chain , offers drive traffic .

  9. 餐厅上下三层随处可以看见洗手水龙头和区分成性别的“WC”标记。整个(entire)台湾岛共有12家厕所主题(theme)连锁餐厅。

    Sink faucets and gender-coded " WC " signs appear throughout the three-storey facility , one of12 in an island-wide chain of eateries with a toilet theme .

  10. 难怪这里有人创办了一家叫做“黑手党”(mafia)的意大利-日本连锁餐厅。

    No wonder someone here has set up an Italian-Japanese restaurant chain called Mafia .

  11. 当英国私人股本公司3i主动联系小肥羊(littlesheep)时,它发现,自己并不是第一个与这家中国连锁餐厅接洽的潜在投资者。

    When 3I , the UK private equity firm , cold-called little sheep , it discovered it was not the first potential investor to contact the Chinese restaurant chain .

  12. 2010年帕尼罗面包连锁餐厅(PaneraBreadCo)成为第一家自愿在全国范围内的咖啡馆里标明卡路里的公司。

    Panera Bread Co in 2010 became the first company to voluntarily display calorie information at all its cafes nationwide .

  13. 最近,我卖掉了一家公司&颇受欢迎、适合家庭就餐的长颈鹿(Giraffe)连锁餐厅。

    I sold a business called Giraffe , the popular , family-friendly restaurant chain , last week .

  14. 该中心说,根据该连锁餐厅披露的营养成分信息,其BigCatch套餐由鱼、油炸玉米饼和洋葱圈组成,全部都是油炸的含有33克反式脂肪。

    The chain 's ' Big Catch ' meal fish , hush puppies and onion rings , all fried contained 33 grams of trans fat , the center said , based on the chain 's own nutrition disclosures .

  15. 该中心说,根据该连锁餐厅披露的营养成分信息,其“BigCatch”套餐——由鱼、油炸玉米饼和洋葱圈组成,全部都是油炸的——含有33克反式脂肪。

    The chain 's ' Big Catch ' meal -- fish , hush puppies and onion rings , all fried -- contained 33 grams of trans fat , the center said , based on the chain 's own nutrition disclosures .

  16. 而现在JambaJuice和其他几家连锁餐厅都开始改用纸杯装饮料。

    Now , though , Jamba Juice Co. and several other food chains are starting to serve the same drinks in paper cups .

  17. 午餐——如今由牛排连锁餐厅“史密斯与沃伦斯基”(Smith&Wollensky)捐赠——本身的开销上涨更为温和。

    The cost of the meal itself , now donated by steakhouse chain Smith & Wollensky , has risen more modestly .

  18. 连锁餐厅——比萨马上诺(PizzaExpress)的人力资源总监阿曼达•安德伍德(AmandaUnderwood)对使用领英招聘餐厅员工很乐观。

    Amanda Underwood , human resources director at PizzaExpress , the restaurant chain , is optimistic about using LinkedIn to recruit restaurant staff .

  19. 但也有两个例外:快速休闲连锁餐厅Potbelly和Noodles公司,这两家公司上市首日股价就翻了一倍。

    But there are two outliers : fast casual restaurant chains potbelly and noodles & company , which both saw their share prices more than double on their first days of trading .

  20. 现如今,几乎人人都能订购定制版平板电脑,连美国连锁餐厅Applebee's都使用平板电脑菜单,英国连锁超市乐购(Tesco)也拥有自己的平板电脑。

    These days , practically anyone can order a customised tablet - even Applebee 's , an American restaurant chain , has tablet menus , while UK supermarket chain Tesco has its own tablets .

  21. 许多人都相信,商学研究生教育并不只是适合投资银行家。张同贵(TonyZhang)就是这些人中的一员。在中欧国际工商学院攻读EMBA时,张同贵已然是一位成功的企业家,他经营的连锁餐厅“多利川菜馆”人气颇旺。

    Tony Zhang is one of those who is convinced that graduate business education is not just for investment bankers : he studied for an EMBA at Ceibs when he was already a successful entrepreneur with his popular Tony 's Restaurant chain .

  22. 和其他平价连锁餐厅一样,三明治餐厅Quiznos正在加入越来越多的龙虾菜品。

    Sandwich shop Quiznos , like other inexpensive chains , is adding more lobster dishes alongside its subs .

  23. 他表示,许多中国人在被追问到涨价细节时,都会透露出他们实际上在提升自己的消费模式从路边的饺子摊到品牌连锁餐厅,从购买假皮革便鞋到购买耐克(nike)运动鞋。

    He says that when pressed for details of rising prices , many people in China actually reveal that they are upgrading their consumption patterns moving from sidewalk dumpling stalls to branded restaurant chains , buying Nike trainers instead of fake leather loafers .

  24. Chick-Fil-A连锁餐厅与很久以前建立并拥有此餐厅的老板告别,特鲁特.凯西于1967年在亚特兰大建立了第一家餐厅。

    Chick-Fil-A saying goodbye to its long time founder and owner , S. Truett Cathy opened the first restaurant in Atlanta in 1967 .

  25. 我们订了连锁餐厅SpaghettiHouse的午餐,预备在会议室用餐。会议室外面摆放着精灵(Phantom)、如影(Ronin)等最新款大疆无人机模型,一些来自国内外的访客正在参观。

    Outside the conference room where lunch has been ordered in for us from the restaurant chain Spaghetti House , models of DJI 's latest drones , with names such as Phantom and Ronin , are being shown to a parade of visitors , both local and international .

  26. 爱家连锁餐厅目前正广布全球。

    Loving Hut chain restaurants are newly opening around the world .

  27. 据报道,这批怀疑受到污染的产品已被送到了东北地区450家塔可钟连锁餐厅。

    The suspect produce was reportedly shipped to450 Taco Bells in the Northeast .

  28. 但在今年,连锁餐厅业把这项概念推向了一个新高度。

    But this year restaurant chains took the concept to a new level .

  29. 这家连锁餐厅的午餐菜单非常有名。

    The restaurant chain famous for its lunchtime menus .

  30. 泰森食品说,这一策略已经让公司从连锁餐厅和零售商那里获得了更多业务。

    Tyson says its strategy already is winning more business from restaurant chains and retailers .