
  • 网络Drive-Thru;Drive-through;Drive-in restaurant
  1. 不论你相信哪个版本,只要记住,在汽车餐厅里点一份“比利时薯条”会让你看起来很搞笑。

    Whichever side you take , just remember that asking for ' Belgian fries ' at a drive-thru will get you funny looks .

  2. 她是当地汽车餐厅的常客。

    She is a frequent client of the local drive-in restaurant .

  3. 都在往这汽车餐厅来呢。

    Is coming here to this diner .

  4. 他迷惑了停车场管理员、汽车餐厅的员工、伺候客人停车的侍者、洗车工、甚至一个承认自己对此并没有什么印象的警察。

    He mystifies car park attendants , fast food drive-thru staff , valets , car washers and even an admittedly very unimpressed cop .

  5. 忘掉汽车餐厅吧!现在你可以在这架退役飞机上的麦当劳享用巨无霸和薯条啦!

    Forget the drive-thru , now you can eat your Big Mac and fries at an air-mazing McDonald 's restaurant on this decommissioned aircraft .

  6. 麦当劳的顾客在汽车穿梭餐厅是不愿意和你摆龙门阵的,他们也不愿意为火鸡三明治多等2分钟。

    McDonald 's customers at the drive-through don 't want to be chatted with , and they don 't want to wait two minutes for a turkey sandwich .

  7. 我工作的主要经历大部分时间是跑外当作外勤推销员,因此,我知道没有什么比一帮推销员在汽车旅馆的餐厅里吃饭时更感到孤独的事了。

    I 've spent most of my career as a traveling salesman , and I know that there 's nothing lonelier than a bunch of salesmen eating their meals in a motel coffee shop .

  8. 上个月,美国零售商并不是很忙碌,据零售商销售报告表示,美国民众在汽车、服装和餐厅上的花费有所减少。

    Nation 's retailers were a bit less busy last month as the released in terms of their sales number that American spent less money on autos , clothing and restaurants .