
qì chē hánɡ yè
  • Automobile industry;motor-dom
  1. 从中期来看,英国汽车行业前景将会更好。

    In the medium term the UK car industry has a brighter outlook .

  2. 公司因建筑和汽车行业的衰退而受到了冲击。

    The company has been hammered by the downturn in the construction and motor industries .

  3. 没有几十亿美元,就别想进军汽车行业:夫妻汽车制造商不大可能打败汽车行业的大公司。

    If you want to disturb the car industry , you 'd better have a few billion dollars : Mom-and-pop carmakers are unlikely to beat the biggest car companies .

  4. 汽车行业CRM与PDM集成研究

    The integration research of CRM and PDM system of auto industry

  5. 一个更通用的特定于行业的dictionary,该dictionary可以满足特定行业的需求,比如汽车行业

    A more general industry specific dictionary which caters to a specific industry type e.g.automobile dealers

  6. 加入WTO的步伐直接影响着尚处于幼稚行业的汽车行业的发展。

    The progress of China Entering WTO greatly affects the development of Chinese automobile industry which is developing very soon .

  7. 浅析上海市LPG汽车行业现状

    Analysis on Present LPG Automobile Industry In Shanghai

  8. 汽车行业润滑油OEM用户开发

    Development of OEM Lubricant Business to Serve the Auto Industry

  9. 基于ISO9000的汽车行业质量管理信息系统研究

    Research on the Auto Industry Quality Information Management System Based on ISO 9000

  10. TataSteel希望通过这笔交易学习优质钢材冶炼方法,来满足需求激增的印度汽车行业的需要。

    From the Corus deal , Tata Steel plans to learn about making higher-quality steel for the booming automotive industry in India .

  11. 他表示,吉利“对汽车行业理解深刻”,在投资回报方面比私人股本公司(pe)更有耐心。

    He said Geely had a " deep understanding of the auto industry " and more patience about return on investment than private equity owners .

  12. 例如,在汽车行业,一半的OEM利润都来自于售后市场的运营。

    For an instance , in automotive market , half the OEM profit comes from the after sales .

  13. 从某种程度上来说,追踪汽车行业的盈利状况改善情况相对而言要容易得多,在这一点上,穆拉利比其他行业的CEO更具优势。

    In some ways , Mulally had an advantage over CEOs in other industries in that it 's fairly easy to follow the profit progression of a automaker .

  14. ADI公司解码器广泛应用于汽车行业,满足许多汽车系统供应商的快速切换需求。

    ADI decoders are used extensively throughout the automotive industry to meet the fast switching needs of many automotive system suppliers .

  15. 回顾了上海市发展LPG汽车行业以来所取得的成果以及目前的现状,阐述了现阶段行业发展存在的问题,进一步提出了一些改善建议。

    The author introduces the developing progress and present situation of LPG automobile industry in Shanghai , puts forward some points in the light of analysis on present problem .

  16. 同时本文在案例章节中列举了国内汽车行业的三家领军企业的CRM实施案例,总结了成功的经验和失败的教训,验证了CRM整合业务的可行性和必要性。

    Meanwhile , the case chapter lists the cases of three famous domestic car manufactures , and summarizes the useful experience in the integration process and proves the necessity and feasibility of CRM integration .

  17. 紧固件属于机械通用零部件,随着我国加入WTO,机械行业尤其是汽车行业高速度发展,紧固件行业竞争日趋激烈,技术改造项目投资也越来越大。

    Along with the entry to WTO and development of machinery industry , especially automotive industry , as a kind of general mechanical components , fastener industry competition are becoming increasingly keen and investments in technological innovation are becoming bigger and bigger .

  18. 咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinseyCo.)的亚洲汽车行业团队负责人高旭(PaulGao)认为,中国60%至70%的购车者是首次购车。

    In China , between 60 % and 70 % of car purchases are made by first-time buyers , according to Paul Gao , head of consulting firm McKinsey Co. 's automotive team in Asia .

  19. 但日本公司,特别是汽车行业的日本公司,遭遇最频繁和严重的劳资问题。5月和6月,有八家本田与丰田(Toyota)的在华供应商发生工人罢工。

    But Japanese companies , particularly in the automobile industry , have suffered the most frequent and serious labour problems , with workers at eight Honda and Toyota suppliers in China striking in May and June .

  20. 在我国加入WTO后的开放环境下,我国外汇体制改革不断深入,人民币汇率的变化对国内汽车行业的发展产生了显著的影响。

    Under the opening-up environment after China 's entry into the WTO , the progress in the reform of China 's foreign exchange systems deepens and the change of RMB exchange rate with foreign currencies results in significant effect on the development of domestic automobile industry .

  21. 分析了当前我国汽车行业供应链管理现状以及存在的不足。结合实例对供应链管理下的我国现代汽车物流进行SWOT分析,并给出相应对策。

    The present situation and deficiencies of automobile supply chain management in China are analyzed and combining with the examples , the SWOT analysis of modern automobile logistics under supply chain management and its corresponding policies are proposed .

  22. 对转向器试验台结构进行了介绍,并结合中华人民共和国汽车行业标准QC/T530-2000,对试验台的工作原理进行了详细阐述。

    Combining with the auto-industry criterion in China ( QC / T530-2000 ), the operating principle of the test-bed is discussed .

  23. 在中国,人们知道巴菲特是伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)的首席执行官、引人瞩目的比亚迪(BYD)投资者。比亚迪是希望引领中国电动汽车行业的中国汽车公司。

    China knows Mr Buffett as chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway , and a high-profile investor in BYD , the Chinese car company that hopes to lead the Chinese electric vehicle industry .

  24. 阳狮宏盟还需解决的其他冲突包括:苹果(Apple)和三星(Samsung),威瑞森(Verizon)and美国电话电报公司(AT&T)以及十分赚钱的汽车行业的多个品牌。

    Other conflicts for Publicis Omnicom to sort out : Apple ( AAPL ) and Samsung ( ssnlf ) , Verizon ( vZN ) and at & T ( T ) , and several brands in the lucrative auto category .

  25. 本文正是以此大环境为背景,在对一汽-大众公司目前的国产化外协件采购管理、供应链管理和JIT理论进行研究的基础上,探讨适应未来的中国汽车行业发展的采购管理模式。

    According to this kind of background and based on the research for current localization management of purchasing parts , SCM and JIT method , this article is to discuss future SCM which would adapt to the development of China .

  26. 面对汽车行业兼并重组的热潮到来,按照国内外兼并的成功经验,本文介绍了探索SAIC可选择的购并方案。

    According to the successful experiences of domestic and foreign merger and in the face of the hot wave of auto enterprises ' merger , the merger plan for SAIC selected is probed in this paper .

  27. 通过对国内汽车行业应用较多的进口聚丙烯原料的物性分析,结合我公司气相法聚丙烯装置的工艺技术特点和市场的需求,明确了汽车用高MFR抗冲共聚聚丙烯的研制指标。

    Analyzing the mechanical performance of the imported PP , combining with the technical characteristics of gas phase PP process and the domestic market demands , the research target is set up for high impact resistance high fluidity PP.

  28. 本文主要介绍了快速公交客车(BRT)整车及铰接系统的结构及原理、有限单元法(FEA)的基本原理、有限单元法及有限元软件CAE方法在汽车行业的应用状况及发展趋势。

    This paper introduced the bus structure and the principle of Bus Rapid ( BRT ) System , including the articulation systems and the whole vehicle , the principle of the finite element analysis method ( FEA ), the application and trend of the FEA method and FEA software ANSYS .

  29. 理论联系实际,提出更有利于汽车行业物流管理的有效方法;(3)对VMI模型实施前后的汽车物流管理进行比较,得出成本优化结果。

    Integrating theory with practice , more conducive to the development of logistics management in the automotive industry an effective way ( 3 ) Analyze the implementation before and after VMI model using , the of logistics management for comparison , got the results of the optimization of the cost .

  30. 目前,汽车行业的竞争十分激烈。

    At present , the auto industry is very fierce competition .