
  • 网络anode effect
  1. 铝电解生产中阳极效应的Cusp突变模型

    The Catastrophic Cusp Model of Anode Effect in Aluminium Electrolysis

  2. 同时开发出槽况自诊断、极距调整、设定电压自修正、阳极效应预报等模型,并成功地应用于基于PLC控制的一种新型铝电解槽控箱中。

    At the same time , the models for self diagnosis of cell condition , adjustment of preset voltage and forecasting of anode effect etc are developed and successfully applied in a new PLC based control cabinet for aluminium cell .

  3. 针对新的阳极效应预报方法和工业现场实时监测的要求,设计了以DSP芯片为核心的炭阳极气泡振动采集与处理系统。

    According to a novel anode effect prediction method and the requirements of real-time monitoring the industry field , the acquisition and processing of the vibration signals through carbon anodes have been designed in the core of the DSP chip .

  4. 电解温度平均降低了15K,电流效率提高了2.98个百分点,直流电耗平均降低了310KWh/t·AL,阳极效应控制在0.1次/槽·日,吨铝平均降低成本311.28元。

    The electrolysis temperature lowered the 15K , the electric current efficiency raised 2.98 percentage , the direct current consumed to lowed the 310 KWh / t · AL , the declines lowed 311.28 yuan with every ton aluminum .

  5. 参考Xue和Oye提出阳极效应检测方法,采用小波包与谱估计相结合的方法,对铝电解中阳极效应时阳极导杆振动信号进行小波包多层分解,以提取信号特定频段的频率特征。

    Consulting the anode effect detection method proposed by Xue and Oye , the authors propose a wavelet packet and spectrum estimation method to detect anode effect via vibration signals obtained from anode leaders .

  6. 发生阳极效应时,利用色谱质谱联用仪首次检测出阳极气体中所含氟碳化合物为CF4。

    While an anode effect occurs , using chromatographymass spectrography technique , the fluoride and carbon containing complex compound in the anodic gases was measured to be CF 4 .

  7. 铝电解中阳极效应过程三步骤的研究

    On the Three Steps of Anode Effect Process in Aluminium Electrolysis

  8. 阳极效应及其对电解铝生产的影响

    Anode Effect and the Effect of It on Electrolytic Aluminium Production

  9. 电气技术在铝电解阳极效应熄灭中应用的探讨

    Discussion on electric technique applied in extinguishing aluminum electrolysis anode effect

  10. 铝电解中阳极效应特征的耗散结构理论

    Dissipation Structure Theory for the Anode Effect in Aluminium Electrolysis

  11. 自动熄灭阳极效应在铝电解生产中的应用

    Application of automatic going out effect for aluminium electrolytic production

  12. 铝电解阳极效应的不可逆过程特征

    Characteristics of the Irreversible Thermodynamics for the Anode Effect in Aluminium Electrolysis

  13. 阳极效应预报新方法在控制系统中的实现

    Realization or a New Method on Predicting Anode Effect in Control System

  14. 预焙铝电解槽阳极效应的智能预报方法

    Intelligent anode effect prediction method for prebaked-anode aluminum reduction cells

  15. 阳极效应是电解工艺的重要标志

    Anode Effect & An Important Symbol of Electrolytic Technology

  16. 阳极效应是铝电解过程中的一种常见现象,它的发生对整个电解系列产生很大影响。

    Anode effect is a common phenomenon in the process of aluminum electrolysis .

  17. 降低200kA铝电解槽阳极效应系数的实践

    Practices of reducing anode effect frequency of 200 ? kA aluminium electrolytic cells

  18. 本文采用阴极射线示波术研究阳极效应时的波形和反电势。

    In this paper the anode effect was studied by means of cathode-ray oscillography .

  19. 铝电解槽阳极效应预报

    Anode effect prediction of electrolytic reduction cell

  20. 铝电解中阳极效应的研究

    Studies on anode effect in aluminium electrolysis

  21. 测试结果表明,该方法的阳极效应预报成功率达90%以上。

    The testing results showed that the chances of success of AE prediction exceeded 90 % .

  22. 阳极效应是融盐电解中的一种特殊现象。尤其是在铝电解中,最为普遍。

    The anode effect is a characteristic phenomenon in molten salts electrolysis , especially in aluminium electrolysis .

  23. 6减少阳极效应;

    To lessen anode effect ;

  24. 系统主要分为三大模块:监测模块、诊断模块、阳极效应预报模块。

    The software is mainly composed of three modules : monitor module , diagnosis module and anode effect predicting module .

  25. 提出了利用有序神经网络研究铝电解槽阳极效应的预报问题。

    Ordered neural network ( ONN ) is applied to prediction of anode effect ( AE ) in aluminium electrolysis cell .

  26. 认为,阳极效应也是一种平衡态,它的发生和熄回有着严重的滞后。

    It is deemed that anode effect is really a state of equilibrium with serious hysteresises of its initiation and quenching .

  27. 计算机控制铝电解槽的新数学模型&连续测量反电动势、氧化铝浓度和预报阳极效应

    New Mathematical Model for Computer & Controlled Aluminium Electrolysis Cell : Continuous measurements of back EMF and alumina concentration and prediction of anode effect

  28. 本文提出最小二乘统计算法模型,将计算的槽电阻斜率和相关系数结果用来预报阳极效应,通过对电解槽打壳/加料来控制效应系数。

    Based on least sequare estimation theory and statistic theory , this paper presents a model to predict AE according to the slope of resistance and the statistical correlation coefficient .

  29. 分析了由于铝电解的一种特有现象&阳极效应的发生造成铝电解系列电流波动较大,在对系列电流分段调整时铝电解电能的损失情况。

    This article analyses the electric energy loss of adjusting the line current by stages , which has a bigger wave motion when the anode effect happens-a phenomenon peculiar to aiu-minium reduction .

  30. 结合铝电解生产工艺,对系统检测数据进行了比照分析,重点讨论了生产过程中的阳极效应、出铝等时刻的温度变化特性。

    Combined with aluminum production process technics , we analyze the system detection data , and focused on the production process of the anode effect , the temperature change characteristics of the moment .