
  • 网络Anode Current Density
  1. 阳极电流密度对铸铝发动机号码重现效果的影响

    Effects of anode current density on recognition of altered engine number

  2. 探讨了阳极电流密度、抛光温度、抛光时间和搅拌方式对抛光质量的影响。

    The influence of anode current density , polishing temperature , polishing time and stirring modes on polishing quality was discussed .

  3. 直流TIG焊接电弧阳极电流密度的数值计算

    Numerical Computation on Anode Current Density Distribution of Direct Current Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Arc

  4. 通过ESEM对所制样品进行了表面和截面形貌分析,得出30mA/cm2~50mA/cm2的阳极电流密度是制备高质量厚膜p型宏孔多孔硅的最佳条件。

    ESEM observation confirmed the high quality thick p-type macropore porous silicon could be grown under the optimal anodic current density range of 30 mA / cm2 ~ 50 mA / cm2 .

  5. 用循环电解实验装置对超细镍粉的电解制备工艺进行了研究。探讨了温度,Ni2+,Cl-浓度,pH值,阳极电流密度ic对阴极电流效率的影响。

    The effect of such parameters as temperature , concentration of Ni2 + and Cl - , pH , cathodic current density ic of electrolysis process for superfine nickel powders on cathodic current efficiency is studied by cyclic electrolysis process .

  6. 采用x射线衍射仪和显微硬度计研究了阳极电流密度ja和阴极、阳极电流密度比jc/ja对MAO膜相构成和力学特性的影响。

    The effects of anodic current density j_a and the ratio of cathodic to anodic current density j_c / j_a on the mechanical property and phase composition of MAO coatings have been studied by microhardness test and x_ray diffraction , respectively .

  7. 最佳工艺条件为:温度75~90℃,阳极电流密度8~15A·dm~(-2)。

    The optimum operation temperatures are 75 ~ 90 ℃ and the anodic current densities are 8 ~ 15A · dm ~ ( - 2 ) .

  8. 考察了温度、阳极电流密度、Nd2O3添加量、电解质组成等因素对阳极过电位的影响,探讨了降低阳极过电位的可能途径。

    The effects of some factors , I e. temperature , anodic current density , additional amount of Nd 2O 3 and compostion of the electrolyte were investigated and the approach to decrease the anodic overvoltage was also discussed .

  9. 高阳极电流密度铝电解槽的设计思路

    Design on Aluminum Electrolytic Cell at High Anodic Current Density

  10. 关于电积锑阳极电流密度的讨论

    A discussion on anodic current density in electrowinning of antimony

  11. 用数据拟合法得到了电解电压与阴极和阳极电流密度之间以及电流效率与阴极电流密度之间的数学关系式。

    By numerical simulation , mathematical relationship between cell voltage and current densities , along with that between current efficiency and cathode density were attained .

  12. 其根源主要有工序间防锈不良、酸洗时间过长、阳极电流密度过大和阳极刻蚀时间过长,退铬方法不当等。

    The reasons include bad rust prevention between working procedures , overlong pickling time , overhigh current density and overlong etching time of anode , poor chromium stripping and so on .

  13. 在此基础上建立了阳极电流密度的计算方法,并讨论了外加电压、电解质浓度、流速等参数对电解加工的影响。

    On this basis it establishes the calculating method of anode electricity density and discusses the influence of applied voltage , consistence and velocity of electrolyte and etc on electrochemical machining .

  14. 结果发现,在本实验条件下氧化膜形成初期为壁垒型膜,其厚度取决于阳极电流密度;

    The results showed that the anodic film obtained in the experiment consists of a barrier thinner anodic film formed during initiation of anodizing process on aluminum surface , which thickness was dependent only on anodic current density .

  15. 在电势为0.58V时溶金效果最佳,金、银、镍和铁的阳极电流密度分别为2.49,1.22,1.03和0.09mA/cm2;

    At the potential of 0.58 V , gold dissolution was optimal , and the anodic current densities of gold , silver , nickel and iron are 2.49 , 1.22 , 1.03 and 0.09 mA / cm ~ 2 respectively .

  16. 研究了电解氟化时原始有机化合物结构及其含量、活性添加剂、阳极电流密度、极化工况、电解液循环速度和温度以及电解槽结构等各种因素的影响。

    The influences of the original organic compound structure , content , active additive , anode current density , polarization work status , electrolyte circulation rate and temperature as well as electrobath structure during electrolysis fluorination are researched in the Center .

  17. 在阳极电流密度为1.0×10~(-4)A/cm~2时,由特征电位值计算得出的三种金属对异丙胺甲硼烷阳极氧化的催化活性顺序为:Ni>Au>Pt。

    The relative order of catalytic activity of these three metals for the anodic oxidation of IPAB , evaluated by the characteristic potential values at an anodic current density of 1.0 × 10-4A / cm2 , is Ni > Au > Pt .

  18. 实验表明,多孔硅电致发光峰位会随着阳极氧化电流密度的增大、腐蚀时间的延长以及HF酸浓度的降低而蓝移。

    It was shown that the electroluminescence ( EL ) peaks shifted to the blue with the increasing of current density , erosion time and solution concentration .

  19. 在温度较低和阳极化电流密度比较大的条件下制备阳极氧化铝,铝未被完全氧化,孔与孔之间含有剩余的铝柱。

    Aluminum is anodized at low room temperature with a large current density . The aluminum is only partially oxidized and there is residual aluminum located between pores .

  20. 研究还表明,增加阳极氧化电流密度会成比例地缩短氧化膜的生长时间,而不影响膜层厚度。但提高槽液温度则会抑制膜层生长。

    It was also shown that the growth rate of the film increased with the increase of current density , but with the increase of bath temperature , the film growth could be inhibited .

  21. 同时分析了不同电流、弧长对阳极表面电流密度的分布的影响,随着电流的增大,阳极表面电流密度增大,而随着弧长的增大,电流密度减小。

    The influences of different current and arc length on the distribution of current density on anode are analyzed . The current density increases with the increasing of current and diminishes with the increasing of arc length .

  22. 基于ART算法的运动阳极弧根电流密度分布重建研究

    Reconstruction of Current Density Distribution in a Moving Anode Arc Root Based on the ART Algorithm

  23. 实验研究了可溶性阳极材料、电流密度、废水的pH、电导率和电解时间等因素对废水浊度及COD去除率的影响,并确定了最佳工作条件。

    The factors influences on removal efficiencies of turbidity and COD , such as soluble anode substances , current density , pH of wastewater , conductivity and electrolytic time had been investigated .

  24. 本文首次测定了高频脉冲TIG焊电弧阳极的平均电流密度分布及其中心电流密度动态过程,研究其变化规律并建立了数学模型,从而探明了高频脉冲TIG焊电弧的高频压缩机理。

    The distribution of high frequency pulse TIG welding arc anode average current density and the dynamic process of the said arc anode are determined in this paper . Their mathematical models are established , and the compression mechanism of high frequency pulse TIG welding is explored .

  25. 铝材阳极氧化中电流密度与铝膜质量间的关系

    The relationship between the current densities and the high-low quality variables of anodic oxidation for aluminium material

  26. 同时利用阳极氧化初期电流密度的变化,分析了多孔氧化铝膜的形成机理。

    At the same time , we have studied formational mechanism of pore alumina films in the initial stage of anodizing by measuring current density .

  27. 石墨阳极消耗随电流密度增加而略有提高,其范围在135~150%之间。石墨阳极相对于理论的过多消耗主要是由于阳极气体逸出和电解质的搅动引起的。

    For a graphite anode a slight increase was observed , and the consumptions were higher in the ravage 135 ~ 150 % , and the gas evolution and electrolyte stirring may be the main reason for the excess anode consumption .

  28. 从电化学理论上讨论了阴极、阳极过电位与电流密度的关系。

    The authors discussed the relationship that the overvoltage of cathode and anode are varied with the current density in terms ofthe electrochemistry .

  29. 结果表明:透明阳极在较小的电流密度情况下具有较低的透过率,随着电流密度的增大透过率显著提高,即透明阳极的透过率依赖于阳极的电流密度;

    The results obtained show that the transparent emitter is a p-n junction with the transparency depending on the current density . The transparency is low at lower current density while it drastically increases with the current density .

  30. 针对上述情况给出了预防措施,包括加强待镀工件的质检和工序间的防锈,控制酸洗除锈时间、阳极刻蚀时间和电流密度,采用适当的退铬方法等。

    The preventive measures were given aiming at settling the above problems including strengthening quality control of workpiece to be plated and the rust prevention during working procedures , controlling the pickling time , etching time and anode current density , and using proper methods of chromium stripping .