
  1. 阐述了膨润土的结构特点、膨胀性、阳离子交换性、悬浮性、分散性、亲水性、稳定性、触变性和毒性等性能。

    S : Structure characteristics , expansibility , cation exchange , suspension , dispersion , hydrophilic nature , stability , thixotropy , toxicity and other properties of bentonite are described .

  2. 从四个盐基的交换结果组成来看,红色黏土的交换性阳离子以交换性Ca2+为主,而且交换性阳离子盐基总量低于或远低于阳离子交换量。

    From the results of cation exchange of four components , the exchangeable cation of the red clay is mainly Ca2 + , and the total amount of exchangeable cations is lower or much lower than the cation exchange capacity .

  3. 在500℃~600℃,水黑云母失去再水化能力,同时层间阳离子失去可交换性。

    At 500 ℃ ~ 600 ℃, hydrobiotite loses its rehydration property , and the interlayer cations become unexchangeable .

  4. 本文处理了pH、有机质、阳离子交换量、交换性Mn、易还原态Mn等土壤分析数据,结果显示分析精度足够高而取样精度不够。

    The analytical data of soil , such as pH , organism , cation exchange capacity , interchangeable Mn , reducible Mn etc were treated , and it showed that the precision of analysis was high enough , but that of sam - pling was not so .

  5. 膨润土阳离子交换容量和交换性阳离子的测定方法研究

    A Method of Rapidly Determining Cationic Exchange Capacity and Extractible Cations