
  • 网络solar impulse
  1. 阳光动力号飞机项目的主席博特兰德·皮卡德表示这架飞机上的每一个细节都是出于最大效能考虑而设计。

    Chairman of the Solar Impulse project Bertrand Piccard says every detail on the airplane is designed for maximum efficiency .

  2. 第二代的阳光动力号飞机是一架单座,翼展达72米,而重量只相当于一辆大型汽车的飞机。

    Solar Impulse 2 is a single-seat airplane with a wingspan of 72 meters , but it weighs only about the same as a large car .

  3. 而初代阳光动力号飞机的最长飞行距离是2013年5月从亚利桑那州凤凰城飞往德克萨斯的达拉斯,距离只是刚刚超过1500公里。

    The longest flight of its predecessor , Solar Impulse 1 , made in May 2013 from Phoenix , Arizona to Dallas , Texas , was just over 1500 kilometers .

  4. 但是,“阳光动力2号”(SolarImpulse2)临时飞到了日本中部,在名古屋飞行场安全降落。

    Instead , the Solar Impulse 2 made an unscheduled visit in central Japan , and landed safely at the Nagoya Airport .

  5. “阳光动力2号”项目的发起人、董事长和副驾驶贝特朗·皮卡尔(BertrandPiccard)在阳光动力电视的网络直播中表示,很可惜天气变恶劣了,尽管飞机一直飞得很好。

    Bertrand Piccard , Initiator , Chairman and Co-Pilot of Solar Impulse 2 , told the organizer 's live feed , Solar Impulse TV that it was unfortunate the weather turned bad when the flight was going very well .

  6. 她说,“阳光动力2号”承受的风速不能超过10节。

    It needs wind to be no more than 10 knots , she said .

  7. 阳光动力2号3月9日从阿布扎比出发,抵达中国之前曾在四个地方降落。

    The Solar Impulse 2 started its journey from Abu Dhabi on March 9 and made four stops before arriving in China .

  8. 诺伊曼称,阳光动力2号需要一定的空间来降落,所以一般会避开商业航班运行的时间。

    Solar Impulse 2 needs room to land , so it generally avoids times when commercial flights are operating , Neuman said .

  9. 阳光动力2号于今年3月从阿布扎比启航,已在阿曼、印度、缅甸和中国经停。

    The journey started in March in Abu Dhabi , and the plane has stopped in Oman , India , Myanmar and China .

  10. 日本国土交通省和机场的官员之前表示,他们一直在安排阳光动力2号在机场营业时间结束后的降落事宜,以使这架宽翼展的飞机能够顺利落地。

    Japanese Transport Ministry and Nagoya airport officials said earlier that they were arranging for the landing to occur after the airport 's usual closing hours to accommodate the plane with a wide wingspan .

  11. “阳光动力2号”的飞行组织者在一份声明中表示,飞机离开缅甸曼德勒20多个小时后,于周二凌晨1点35分降落在中国重庆。

    The organizers of the Solar Impulse 2 flight wrote in a statement that the plane landed in Chongqing , China , at 1:35 a.m. Tuesday , after leaving Mandalay , Myanmar , more than 20 hours earlier .