
  1. 强烈的阳光会使地毯和窗帘退色。

    Strong light will affect the depth of colour of your carpets and curtains .

  2. 行为心理学家表示,缺少阳光会让我们昏昏欲睡、心情抑郁,而缺少锻炼,成天待在不通风的集中供暖的屋子里,则让我们焦躁易怒,精神紧张。

    The lack of sunlight can make us feel lethargic2 and depressed3 , and the lack of exercise and the fact that we are cooped up in a stuffy4 , centrally-heated house can make us feel edgy5 , irritable6 and stressed , said a behavioural psychologist .

  3. 在晴天。阳光会照耀你一天。

    In the sunny days , sun will light you day .

  4. 我坚信,阳光会使人更开心,整体感觉都变好。

    I believe sunshine makes people feel happier and overall better .

  5. 缺乏阳光会妨碍大多数植物的生长。

    Lack of sunlight will retard the growth of most plants .

  6. 阳光会比你所习惯的来的强烈。

    The sun might be stronger than what you 're used to .

  7. 天亮的阳光会带走魔咒然后恢复你的真身。

    The light of day will lift the enchantment and restore you .

  8. 十八世纪人们业已发现银化物遇阳光会变黑。

    Silver compounds which became blackened by sunlight were known in the18th century .

  9. 但这里有个问题:大量阳光会漏出去。

    But there was a problem : too much light was leaking out .

  10. 不好的总和会过去,阳光会重现。

    The bitters will goes one day , and the shunshine will appear .

  11. 明天的阳光会悼念他的自由。

    Tomorrow 's light would mourn his freedom .

  12. 过多阳光会使你的皮肤起皱纹。

    Too much sunshine will wrinkle your skin .

  13. 太强的阳光会伤害我们,皮肤则可以保护我们免受日晒。

    Our skin keeps out ( ) . Too much sun can hurt us .

  14. 杂草生长需要光线,所以,遮蔽阳光会减少杂草的生长。

    The seeds need light to grow , so blocking the sun will reduce weed growth .

  15. 始终确保提供足够的遮荫,因为过多的阳光会导致您的鹦鹉过热。

    Always be sure to provide ample shade , as excessive sunlight can cause your budgerigar to overheat .

  16. 不要活在别人的阴影里,属于你的阳光会指引你的道路。

    Don 't stand in someone else 's shadow when it 's your sunlight that should lead the way .

  17. 在广角拍摄中,有时候阳光会使局部区域过曝,但这也是需要的。

    In wide-angle photography , sometimes the sun will create areas that are burnt out , but still desirable .

  18. 戴上墨镜,否则耀眼的阳光会让你看不见任何东西。

    Put on dark glasses or the sun will dazzle you and you won 't be able to see .

  19. 他说,抑制杂草最通常的方法就是密植。他说,浓密的,竞争性的作物会很快遮蔽土壤,这样会抑制许多杂草的生长。杂草生长需要光线,所以,遮蔽阳光会减少杂草的生长。

    He says a dense , crop that quickly shades the soil from the sun will help reduce weed growth .

  20. 通过实验发现,一片叶片接触阳光会引起整株植物的反应。

    In their experiment , the scientists showed that light shone on to one leaf caused the whole plant to respond .

  21. 70多度(华氏)的气温会破坏啤酒中的成分,阳光会损害啤酒的味道。

    Temperatures of more than 70 degrees break down the ingredients in beer , and sunlight damages a beer 's taste .

  22. 较早开始是为了安全起见,因为下午的阳光会将积雪融化,大大提高雪崩的可能。

    An early start is a matter of safety because the afternoon sun can melt snow and make avalanches much more likely .

  23. 阳光会在每一个人的指尖绽放,最后汇成暖流,温暖每一个人的心。

    The sunlight will bloom in each person 's fingertip , finally will collect the warm current , warm each person 's heart .

  24. 不错,面对挫折,我们不应逃避,战胜他,阳光会更灿烂。

    Yes , in the face of Setbacks , we should not evade and defeat him , the sun will be more splendid .

  25. 也许最常见的照明场景是使用一个摄影闪光灯作为填充光,阳光会为主要的光。

    Perhaps the most common lighting scenario is to use an on-camera flash as the fill light , and sunlight as the main light .

  26. 香水是一种非常敏感的“生物”,接触空气或阳光会变质,必须细心使用、保存。

    Perfume is a kind of very sensitive " biology ", osculatory air or sunshine will be degenerative , must attentive use , save .

  27. 阳光会使卟啉症患者浑身发痒,皮肤上出现红色斑点,甚至有时候长出体毛来。

    Exposed to the sunshine , the patients of porphyria would be itchy and have red patches appeared in the skin , even grow more hair sometimes .

  28. 因为阳光会逐渐减弱防晒霜的效果,如果你打算在直射的阳光下多待一段时间,每一两个小时重新涂一下防晒霜。

    Because sun breaks down its effectiveness over time , if you 're going to be in direct sunlight for an extended period , reapply every hour or two .

  29. 因为中午头顶的阳光会穿过清澈的海水直射下来,食客和服务员都必须戴上墨镜。不过餐厅也为没有准备的顾客准备了几副。

    The sunlight overhead cuts right through the clear water , and both diners and waiters must wear sunglasses around noon , though they keep a few extras on hand for unprepared guests .

  30. 清晨,我喜欢站在沙滩上看鸟儿飞翔在海面上,阳光会照在你的脸上,这会让你感到很温暖。

    I like to stand in the beach to see the birds flying in the surface of the sea in the fresh morning , the sunshine illuminates on your face and makes you feel very warm .