
  • 网络pudong avenue
  1. 直面浦东世纪大道的交通问题

    Facing Directly to the Traffic Difficulties of the Century Boulevard in Pudong , Shanghai

  2. 重归自然的生态长廊环保安全的绿色之路&上海浦东五洲大道绿化设计

    Safe Road , Green Corridor , Open-space & Design of Wuzhou Road in Shanghai Pudong

  3. 介绍了浦东世纪大道、陆家嘴金融贸易区、竹园商贸区、花木地区的绿化调整和建设规划概况等。

    A survey of planting adjustment and plan for the Century Way , Lujiazui Finance and Trade Area , Zhuyuan Bussiness Area and Huamu Area is introduced .

  4. 如何利用重复的景观元素营造整体活力的街道空间&上海浦东世纪大道街景缺憾之分析

    How to Create Integral Vigorous Street Space By the Utilization of Overlapping Landscape Elements & An Analysis of the Limitations of Street Landscape at pudong Century Avenue in Shanghai