
  1. 接着对浦城县丹桂产业进行SWOT分析,优势有:自然条件和种质优越,文化底蕴深厚,工作基础扎实,产业条件良好。

    Then the county osmanthus industry SWOT analysis , advantages : superior natural conditions and germplasm , profound cultural background , the work foundation , industry condition is good .

  2. 本文以浦城县丹桂的产业化为选题。

    The county of Osmanthus industrialization as the topic .

  3. 浦城的丹桂产业,是浦城县重要的特色农业产业,既有厚重的文化底蕴,又有良好的产业发展基础。

    County of orange osmanthus industry , is a county the important characteristics of the agricultural industry , has strong cultural , and good industry foundation .

  4. 首先是绪论,然后简要介绍了浦城县基本概况和浦城丹桂的基本情况,主要是浦城丹桂的产业现状,生态特性和种植技术。

    First is the introduction , and then briefly introduces the basic situation of Pucheng County and osmanthus basic situation , mainly Pucheng osmanthus industrial current situation , ecological characteristics and cultivation technology of .