
yáng chūn
  • spring;spring season
阳春 [yáng chūn]
  • [spring season] 温暖的春天

阳春[yáng chūn]
  1. 又是锦绣阳春的唯一的前锋。

    And only herald to the gaudy spring .

  2. 人们习惯把农历十月称为小阳春。

    People usually call the lunar month of October " the little spring " .

  3. 它没有告诉我们,应该象爱护阳春初绽的花蕾那样,去精心培育扶植那些革新闯将。

    It doesn 't tell us to nourish product champions like the first buds in springtime .

  4. 随后他又唱《阳春》《白雪》来,这时能跟着他唱的不超过几十人。

    Then he sang " Yang chun " " Bai xue " , at this time only several dozens of people joined him .

  5. 建立了阳春外掺MgO混凝土拱坝的三维有限元仿真模型,并对其计算分析的有关参数、边界条件以及施工进度的模拟等进行了系统研究。

    The 3-D finite element simulation model of YangChun MgO-mixed concrete is established ; Meanwhile the correlative parameters boundary conditions and the simulation of construction rate are also studied by the numbers .

  6. GcMsDs分析鉴定精油中35种化合物,与试验对照及地道阳春砂仁化学成分一致,相对含量各有高低。

    GC-MS DS analyses shows that 35 Kinds of chemical compounds in the essential oil are in tune with control group of test and genuine Yangchun Fructus Amomi . The chemical composition vary in the relative content .

  7. 施用ZnSO4&MnSO4混合微肥能提高阳春砂仁的产量和质量。

    The yield and quality of Fructus Amomi could be increased by applying mixed fertilizer of trace element ZnSO_4 and MnSO_4 to the Plants .

  8. 重视户外体育活动。阳春三月户外行

    And focus on the outdoor sports . Outdoor activities in March

  9. 阳春大酒店平移工程的设计与实践

    Design and Practice of the Translation Project of Yangchun Grand Hotel

  10. 广东省阳春市产业发展战略初探

    A study on industrial development strategy in Yangchun City Guangdong Province

  11. 阳春3月,校赛的报名正在火热进行中。

    March , register for the competition was going on .

  12. 目的:研究阳春砂仁水溶性成分。

    Objective : To study the water soluble constituents from Amomum villosum .

  13. 广东阳春锡山岩体的地质地球化学特征

    Geology-geochemistry Characteristics of Xishan Granite Body in Yangchun , Guangdong

  14. 阳春市农村信息直通车工程建设面临的问题及对策

    The Problems about Building Rural Train Information Project in Yangchun and Countermeasures

  15. 我觉得阳江比阳春漂亮。

    I think Yangjiang is a nicer town than yangchun .

  16. 不同产地阳春砂仁质量研究

    A Study on Quality of Fructus Amomi villosi from Different Growing Areas

  17. 阳春春湾柴草自燃现象与地震活动关系探讨

    A Study on the Relation between the Spontaneous Firewood Combustion Events and Seismicity

  18. 热带林下人工种植阳春砂仁的生长与果实产量动态

    Dynamics of Amomum villosum growth and its fruit yield cultivated under tropical forests

  19. 沟谷雨林和次生林下阳春砂仁果实产量差异不显著。

    The yield difference between ravine rainforest and secondary forest was not significant .

  20. 去年十月,我们度过了一个十分美妙的小阳春。

    We had a splendid Indian summer last October .

  21. 随种植期增加,阳春砂仁果实产量和成熟植株密度降低。

    The fruit yield and mature plant density decreased with increasing age of the A.

  22. 阳春三月桃花开了,我的博客也开通了。

    March , a peach blossom in full bloom , I registered a blog .

  23. 微肥对阳春砂仁质量和化学成分影响的研究

    Effect of Fertilizer of Trace Element on Quality and Chemical composition of Fructus Amomi

  24. 2008年阳春市法定报告传染病疫情分析

    Analysis of the epidemic situation of notifiable infectious diseases of yangchun city in 2008

  25. 阳春砂仁中总黄酮、异槲皮苷和槲皮苷含量测定研究

    Determination of the Contents of Total Flavonoids , Isoquercitroside and Quercitroside in Amomum Villosum

  26. 我以为还是小阳春。

    I thought it was still Indian summer .

  27. 三个阳春三度化作秋天的枯黄。

    Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turn 'd

  28. 戴蒙三局上击出一阳春炮,这是他本季第八支全垒打。

    Damon hit a solo home run , his eighth , leading off the third .

  29. 这就是人称的“三月小阳春”。

    This is called " the little spring ( Indian sammer )" of realestate in March .

  30. 这一次,是牛奶为洋基打出追平比数的阳春炮。

    This time , it was Melky Cabrera 's shot that tied it for New York .