
  • 网络Sun Room;sunroom;solariums
  1. 阳光房俗称玻璃房,是非传统建筑,它的建筑立面一般是用阳光板的,也可全部选择玻璃的。

    Commonly known as sun room glass house , non-traditional architecture , its facade is generally used to light board can also select all the glass .

  2. 阳光房,滋养生活的专情呵护

    A Sunny Room , nourish Your Life

  3. 我打算在杭州购买一套阳光房地产公司推出的别墅,但是手头钱不够。

    I 'm planning to buy a villa in sunshine estates in hangzhou , but I 'm short of money .

  4. 进口高档五金配件,北京阳光房装配新西兰时尚别致的D型大拉手,使之操作灵活自如,经久耐用。

    Imported high-end hardware accessory equipping with New Zealand fashionable D-style handle makes the operation much freely and durable in use .

  5. 北京阳光房适用于高档住宅、别墅等的花园门、入户门,室内的隔断门、阳台门。

    It is applicable for the garden gates , entrance doors , and balcony doors of high grade residence and villa etc.

  6. 我想拥有一幢大房子,有一个很大的阳光房,里面种满了奇花异草,要有一个游泳池,水总是满满的,还要有仆人。

    I wanna have a mansion with a large solarium , full of weird plants , a swimming pool , filled with water at any time , and servants .

  7. 在80年代初,母亲在翻修和扩建房子时又新添加了中央空调系统,并且建了一个安有大量玻璃的阳光房。

    There 's also central air conditioning that my mother added as an afterthought when she renovated and enlarged the place in the early ' 80s . And a sunroom with lots of glass .

  8. 柔和的阳光从房上漏下。

    Soft sunlight are dripping over the house .

  9. 善用天然光线,可用浅色窗帘让阳光透进房内。浅色装饰亦可增强室内光亮度。天冷了,玛丽把所有室外的盆栽植物移入室内。

    Take advantage of daylighting by using light-colored curtains on your windows to allow daylight to penetrate the room . Also , decorate with lighter colors that reflect daylight . it was cold , Mary moved all the outdoor bonsai into the house .