- 名Workplace;Career;Job;world of work

The world of work doesn 't operate that way .
The world of work is changing .
In her current role she broke through the glass ceiling as the first woman to reach senior management level in the company
Overwork and exhaustion are the opposite of resilience and the bad habits we acquire when we 're young only magnify when we hit the workforce .
Today , the average American spends 8.8 hours at work daily , and the majority of working professionals spend additional hours checking in with work during evenings , weekends and even vacations .
When I re-entered the full-time workforce a few years ago after a decade of solitary self-employment , there was one thing I was looking forward to the most : the opportunity to have work friends once again .
So much research has explored the way in which collegial ties can help overcome a range of workplace issues affecting productivity and the quality of work output such as team-based conflict , jealousy , undermining , anger , and more .
A fixed mind-set can also hinder communication and progress in the workplace and discourage or ignore constructive criticism and advice .
A new batch of young women — members of the so-called Millennial generation — has been entering the workforce for the past decade .
Even so , relatively few young women ( 15 % ) say they have been discriminated against at work because of their gender .
Among Millennial women , 75 % say this country needs to continue making changes to achieve gender equality in the workplace , compared with 57 % of Millennial men .
The gender gap on this question is even wider among working adults in their 30s and 40s , when many women face the trade-offs that go with work and motherhood .
The survey finds that , in spite of the dramatic gains women have made in educational attainment and labor force participation in recent decades , young women view this as a man 's world — just as middle-aged and older women do .
If you haven 't been given a dress code , ask what the appropriate attire2 is for your workplace .
Sarah Godwin , co-founder of the legal recruitment firm , Law Absolute , started a business with two work friends .
Workplace chat software Teams stopped working with IE last fall , and its 365 apps ( including Office ) will no longer work on IE by mid-summer 2021 .
City hopping describes the situation that some young Chinese are forced to give up jobs in large cities like Shanghai and Beijing and try to settle down in second-or-third-tier cities because of harsh competition at work and increasing living costs .
Thalia Wheatley , associate professor of psychological and brain sciences at Dartmouth College in Hanover , New Hampshire , who has done research on work friendships , says that studies suggest your brain has a way of coping when this happens .
Try to get some experience-shadow someone in a business office .
Understand that this is the same with our workplace bully and harasser .
Current work friendships have potential drawbacks too .
Think of your new job as the next exciting step in your career path .
Workplace U-turn refers to the action of bouncing back to a former employer after quitting .
Social bubble bubble , social bubble is showing up among office workers in recent years .
Like glass ceiling , sticky floor is a metaphor2 for the occupational frustrations3 of workers .
Boomerang is an employee who is laid off and then rehired as a consultant1 or contract worker .
Boomerang refers to an employee who quits to take another job and later returns to the company .
To know when is the right time to go back to work is quite crucial for those job-quitters .
One thing 's clear – the world of work will look very different to how it did before this crisis .
No , not a flashy toy or trendy gadget , but a Pank ( professional aunt , no kids ) .