
  • 网络Professional Golf;Pro Series Golf
  1. 职业高尔夫球员通常胜过业余的。

    A professional golfer usually has it all over an amateur .

  2. 籍籍无名的梁荣银(Y.E.Yang)击败泰格•伍兹(TigerWoods),勇夺美国职业高尔夫锦标赛(PGAChampionship)冠军;

    Y.E. Yang came out of obscurity to trounce Tiger Woods in the PGA Championship .

  3. 我听说,美国职业高尔夫协会(pga)的代表已经参观过海南观澜湖。

    Professional golf association representatives , I was told , have toured Mission Hills Hainan .

  4. 电子艺界公司出品的游戏《泰格伍兹职业高尔夫巡回赛12》(TigerWoodsPGATour'12),首日上架便创下了22.5万份拷贝的销量纪录。

    His EA Sports Video game , Tiger Woods PGA Tour ' 12 , set a first-week franchise record of 225,000 Games sold .

  5. 2010年联邦快递杯(FedExCup)冠军,目前职业高尔夫巡回赛(PGATour)排名第12的吉米o福瑞克对这项运动的每况愈下感到困惑不解。

    Jim Furyk , the 2010 FedEx Cup champion currently ranked No. 12 in the world on the PGA Tour , finds the decline a bit puzzling .

  6. 尽管斯福德对打破职业高尔夫球手协会(PGA)的种族障碍起着重要的作用,他说他并非想名垂青史,他只是想参与自己热爱的运动而已。

    In spite of his significant role in breaking the racial barrier in the Professional Golf Association ( PGA ) , Charlie Sifford said he wasn 't trying to make a historical statement , but simply wanted to play the game he loves .

  7. 我的女儿曾经很长一段时间以为我是一个职业高尔夫选手。

    For years my daughters thought I was a professional golfer .

  8. 大多数职业高尔夫球赛不允许业务选手参加。

    Amateurs are not allowed to play in most professional golf tournaments .

  9. 他是世界上收入最高的职业高尔夫球手之一。

    He 's one of the highest-earning professional golfers in the world .

  10. 吉姆23岁开始打职业高尔夫。

    Jim started playing golf professionally when he was23 .

  11. 职业高尔夫球员的伤病和过度活动有关。

    The injuries that we see in professional golfers are related to overuse .

  12. 一个职业高尔夫运动员非常喜欢这个饭店。

    Golf professional is attached to the hotel .

  13. 职业高尔夫选手以打高尔夫球为生。

    Professional golfers earn money from playing golf .

  14. 现在,泰格·伍兹宣布“无限期退出职业高尔夫球赛”。

    Tiger Woods is now taking what he calls " an indefinite break from professional golf . "

  15. 80年代中期的台湾职业高尔夫球坛看似还有一点生机。

    In the middle of the80s , Taiwanese Professional Golf world seemed still full of strength and liveliness .

  16. 在世界的每一快大陆上,都有成功的职业高尔夫巡回赛的男女选手存在。

    On every continent in the world , there are successful professional golf tours for both men and women .

  17. 一项新研究发现,业余者如果听说他们的推杆是职业高尔夫手挥过的,就会击出更好的球。

    Because a new study finds that people putted better when told that their putter had been used by a pro golfer .

  18. 包括业余和专业比赛,她赢得了82次锦标赛,是女子职业高尔夫联合会的创始成员之一。

    She won 82 tournaments , including amateur and professional , and was a founding member of the Ladies Professional Golf Association .

  19. 尼克芬斯至今仍保持数项无人能破的辉煌记录:5座美国职业高尔夫锦标赛冠军、6次美国高尔夫精英赛冠军,及4个美国公开赛冠军头衔。

    Nicklaus still holds an unbeaten record of five U.S. PGA championships , six U.S. Masters titles , and four U.S. Opens .

  20. 闻名的职业高尔夫球员联盟于1916年成立;到1944年,同享盛名的职业高尔夫球员联盟巡回比赛,在1年内会举行22项比赛。

    The famous PGA was formed in1916 , and by1944 , the equally famous PGA tour consisted of22 events and was held throughout the year .

  21. 从小到大,他都感觉需要向他人证明自己:先是向他三个同样成为职业高尔夫选手的兄弟;

    Man and boy , he was consumed by the need to prove himself . First against his three brothers , who also became professional golfers ;

  22. 她短暂的职业高尔夫生涯并不如网球那般成功,不过吉布森打破了高尔夫比赛中的种族和性别歧视。

    Her brief professional golf career wasn 't as successful as her tennis career , but Gibson nevertheless broke racial and gender barriers in golf as well .

  23. 本规程最终解释权属国家体育总局小球运动管理中心、中国高尔夫球协会及中国女子职业高尔夫巡回赛。

    The Multi-ball Games Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport of China , China Golf Association and China LPGA Tour reserve all rights to the rules .

  24. 如果你看过职业高尔夫球赛,你肯定听解说员讲过球员或他们的球童在开始一局比赛之前,总会沿着球场走一遍。

    If you watch a professional golf tournament , you 'll hear commentary about the players or their caddies walking the course before they play a round .

  25. 著名的职业高尔夫球员联盟于1916年成立;到1944年,同享盛名的职业高尔夫球员联盟巡回比赛,在1年内会举行22项比赛。

    The famous PGA was formed in 1916 , and by 1944 , the equally famous PGA tour consisted of 22 events and was held throughout the year .

  26. 你晒完了日光浴和潜水之后,戴上花环环视周围,你会发现这里有历史小镇和职业高尔夫协会青睐的高尔夫球场。

    After you finish sunbathing and snorkeling , put on your flowery lei and explore the surrounding area , which includes the historic town of Lahaina and PGA-worthy golf courses .

  27. 这一结果是《福布斯》根据伍兹在1996年年度富豪榜上的估计收入计算出来的。当年伍兹转为职业高尔夫球员,并被誉为世界头号高尔夫选手。

    The calculation was based on Woods'estimated earnings in the annual rich list dating back to1996 , when he turned pro , and also credited the world number one golfer .

  28. 日本人丸山茂树经过附加赛夺取了威斯康星州密尔沃基公开赛的冠军,从而第一次在美国职业高尔夫球手协会巡回赛取得胜利。

    Golf and Japan 's Shigeki Maruyama has recorded his first ever victory on the US PGA tour after coming through a playoff to win the Greater Milwaukee Open in Wisconsin .

  29. 马克打趣她说,麦拉一定会接他的班,当一名职业高尔夫球手。不过,汉娜早已有了培养计划,她已经预备在女儿两岁后就送她去学芭蕾舞。

    Mark teases her , saying she 's bound to end up a professional golfer , but Hannah already has plans to sign her up to ballet classes on her second birthday .

  30. 今年在美国职业高尔夫巡回赛上,维杰辛格,这个来自斐济小岛国的选手赢得了三站比赛的冠军和职业高尔夫界内最高的奖励基金。

    This year on the PGA TOUR , Vijay Singh , who hails from the tiny island nation of Fiji , won three tournaments and the largest prize fund in professional golf .