
  • 网络career opportunity;CAREERS
  1. 然后我会谈谈在我司的职业机会。

    Then I 'll talk about career opportunities with us .

  2. 许多来自澳门的年轻人正试图在大陆寻找职业机会。

    Many young people from Macau are trying to find career opportunities on the mainland .

  3. 但那些真正了解经济影响并能努力改变这种模式的人能创造广泛的职业机会。

    But those who truly understand the economic impact and can work to change the patterns can create a wide range of career possibilities .

  4. 显然,”G“越多,对你来说,考虑其它职业机会就越紧急。

    Clearly , the more " G "(" Go ") responses you checked , the more critical it is for you to start thinking about new opportunities .

  5. fsp得到了higherapprenticeshipfund的资助,将致力于创造270个新职业机会,使相关人选具备与大学第一年课程水平相当的知识与技能。

    The FSP has been granted funding from the higher apprenticeship fund to create 270 new vocational opportunities on a par with the first year of a degree .

  6. 但她表示,在职业机会方面对她帮助最大的是MiM。

    But the degree that has given her the biggest career opportunity has been the MiM , she says .

  7. 这是印第安那州德堡大学职业机会小组负责人SteveLangerud的建议。

    That is the advice of Steve Langerud , director of professional opportunities at DePauw University in Indiana .

  8. 试论军人职业机会成本及其补偿

    The opportunity cost of the occupation of Armyman and its compensation

  9. 要说中国可能成为创造职业机会的发动机,这种想法很不靠谱儿。

    The idea that it might become an engine for job creation was far-fetched .

  10. 我们正在持续招聘有高度潜质的员工,这里有非常吸引人的职业机会在等着您。

    A great career chance is waiting for you ! We keep looking for high potential employees .

  11. 根据近来的研究表示,非正式的接触比起好朋友是更好的发展人脉和职业机会的资源。

    According to recent studies , informal contacts are better resources for networking and employment opportunities than close friends .

  12. 排名最初是为了本科生和他们的父母而建立的。事实上,国际研究显示表明优秀学生认为大学排名靠前能带来特别的利益,积极地影响他们的职业机会和人生质量。

    Students believe a high university rank carries special benefits , positively affecting their career opportunities and quality of life .

  13. 随着午餐接近尾声,我们谈论到佐拉创造的线下职业机会。

    As the lunch winds to a close , we talk about the opportunities Zoella has to build an offline career .

  14. 或者上帝并不是可笑的幻想。为结婚的傻瓜们提供了职业机会。

    Or it would be if God were not a ludicrous fantasy designed to provide a career opportunity for the family idiot .

  15. 巴利纳高中是镇上最早创立的高中,一直为年轻人提供高质量的教育和职业机会。

    Ballina High School is the original high school in the town and continues to provide quality educational and vocational opportunities for young people .

  16. 你的下职业机会也许是在修剪草坪、遛狗,或在住宅电梯里时。

    Your next professional opportunity could come while you 're mowing the lawn , walking your dog , or on your building 's elevator .

  17. 即教育是一种筛选机制,它会将一些人摈弃在大门之外,也能使一些人获得某种职业机会。

    Education is a filter which can effectively let some people outside of the gate , it also can effectively make some people get kind of occupation opportunity .

  18. 在这两个国家里,高中的学生们都为争取最高分而奋斗,因为这样才能更好地创造一个成功的职业机会。

    In both countries , students fight to earn top scores to better their chances for a successful career . I am about to enter high school as a sophomore .

  19. 假如你想去某家公司工作,这个职业机会绝对不会来自你的挚友(即强关系),否则你早就进去工作了不是么。

    That foot-in-the-door at the company where you want to work isn 't going to come from your best friends your strong ties or you would already be working there .

  20. 如果你还没有看到体现你的市场价值的证据,那么早点开始寻找新的职业机会&你的收入看涨。

    If you have not seen evidence of your value in the marketplace yet , then start to investigate new career opportunities soon-your income seems to be on the increase .

  21. 有些什么样的职业机会,专利法,什么程度,你需要了解什么是写作部分如果你帮助人们与他们的建议和计划?

    What are some career opportunities for patent law , what degrees do you need , what about the writing part , where you help people with their proposals and plans ?

  22. 凡批准《公约》的国际劳工组织会员国,应当承诺宣布和遵守一项旨在促进就业与职业机会均等和待遇均等的国家政策,以消除就业和职业歧视。

    Member States of the ILO should make a commitment to declare for the promotion of compliance with employment and career opportunities and equal treatment of equal national policy to eliminate discrimination in employment and occupation .

  23. 到了今年夏天,许多富裕的家庭开始把孩子送到纽约、迈阿密、巴黎和蒙特利尔的亲戚那里生活,让他们在下一学年进入这些城市的学校学习,因为这些家庭要去新海岸寻求商业或职业机会。

    By this summer , many parents of means began sending their kids to live with relatives in New York City , Miami , Paris and Montreal , and enrolling them in schools in those cities for the coming academic year , as they sought business and career opportunities on new shores .

  24. 年轻人有各种职业选择机会。

    There are a wide range of career opportunities open to young people .

  25. 她现在正在进修,新的职业发展机会就摆在面前。

    She is now in further education with new career possibilities ahead of her

  26. LewisRowe说,你得到一次极好的职业发展机会自然会感到自己卑微,但是没有获得提拔的人们可不希望听见你说自己多么不配。

    It 's natural to feel humbled by a wonderful career development , but those who didn 't get the raise don 't want to hear how undeserving you feel , said Lewis Rowe .

  27. 在马尔代夫,马尔代夫护理理事会负责一般护理学的副主任AminathSaeed报告说,护理方面的职业发展机会有限。

    In the Maldives , Aminath Saeed , deputy director of general nursing at the Maldives Nursing Council , reports that opportunities for career progression in nursing are limited .

  28. 在国外我能有一个更好的职业发展机会吗?

    Can I have a better career development out of China ?

  29. 千禧一代离开公司最主要的原因是缺乏职业发展机会。

    The top reason why millennials leave companies is lack of career opportunities .

  30. 该职位待遇优厚,并可以提供良好的职业发展机会。

    We offer competitive remuneration package and good career development and growth opportunities .