
  • 网络financial community
  1. 民间金融在我国是一种古老的融资方式,几百年前就出现且在现代发达的金融社会中依旧存在。

    In China Private finance is means of financing for several hundred years , which still exists in the modern and developed financial community .

  2. 金融社会政策导论

    A Policy Introduction about Financial Society

  3. 这极大地支持了国际货币基金组织(imf)的努力作为金融与社会新契约的一部分,该组织正在研究提案,确保承担未来倒闭成本的是银行而不是政府。

    This importantly sits alongside efforts by the International Monetary Fund to explore proposals to ensure that banks , not governments , meet the cost of future failures as part of a new social contract between finance and society .

  4. 随着金融在社会经济体系中的作用日益突出。

    With the financial increasing Socio-economic system play a more and more prominent role .

  5. 金融企业社会责任与财务绩效关系的实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Relationship of Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance on Financial Firms

  6. 和谐银行和谐金融和谐社会&商业银行在构建社会主义和谐社会中的责任

    Harmonious Bank , Finance and Society

  7. 科技与金融是社会经济发展的主要影响因素。

    Science and technology and finance are the main factors that influence the development of society and e-conomy .

  8. 其在金融、社会活动、日常生活等方面发挥的作用也变得日趋重要。

    The role it played in financial area , social activities and daily life is becoming increasingly important .

  9. 然而,在像人们期待的那样为金融及社会问题提供答案方面,他们的受信任程度达到了前所未有的低点。

    Yet they have never been less trusted to provide the answer to the financial and social troubles they are supposed to be addressing .

  10. 财税、金融、社会保障、粮棉流通体制等改革继续深化;

    Reforms continued in the fields of government finance and taxation , banking , social security , and circulation systems for grain and cotton .

  11. 约束优化问题广泛见于工程、国防、经济、金融和社会科学等许多重要领域。

    Constrained optimization problems abound in many important fields such as en-gineering , national defence , economy , finance , social sciences and so on .

  12. 在这种机制的国家,公司经常有金融和社会利益相关者,包括政府和银行,它们在公司治理方面发挥着重要作用。

    Corporations in CGR countries often have financial and social stakeholders , including the state and banks , that play an important role in corporate governance .

  13. 纵观我国保险业60年的发展历程,我国保险业务收入总量快速膨胀,业务结构更加完善,经济、金融、社会管理功能逐步显现。

    With the60-year development of New China , the insurance industry in China has created its own path with more proper structure and stronger economic , financing and social development functions .

  14. 社会资本指企业发展过程中所能够调动和使用的各种非金融的社会资源。

    Social capital means all kinds of useful non - financial social resource which can be brought into play and put into use during the process of the development of enterprise .

  15. 即使在索罗斯通过其基金和基金会在金融和社会领域取得越来越大的成功时,他还是为不能被认为是一位严肃的思想家而深感挫败。

    Even as Soros met with increasing financial and public success through his fund and his foundation , he was deeply frustrated by his failure to be accepted as a serious thinker .

  16. 农村金融作为社会金融体系的重要组成部分,是连接农村经济发展中资金供给与需求的重要渠道,也是研究农村经济问题的重要内容。

    As an important component of the Social financial system , rural finance is an important channel of capital supply and demand which is also an important part in the development of rural economics .

  17. 简要回顾了我国现行的中小企业扶持政策,分析了现行政策中存在的问题,并从管理体制、财政、金融、社会服务体系等方面提出了完善我国中小企业扶持政策的对策建议。

    This article first looks back the actual supporting policies of SMEs in China , then analyzes the existent problems , and puts forwards some suggestions on management system , finance , society service system to develop the supporting policy system in China .

  18. 然后,分析了BOT项目运作的政策环境、金融环境、社会环境以及BOT项目的运作流程。

    Then , analyzed the policy , financial , social environment and the process of BOT item operation .

  19. FDI作用于金融结构对社会福利的影响是不确定的,此取决于国内金融融资和FDI两种手段的融资成本等多种外部因素。

    The effect of FDI on the financial system is uncertain to the social welfare due to the various external factors of the domestic financial financing and two ways of FDI financing cost .

  20. 金融危机下社会治安形势分析与对策建议

    Analysis on Social Order Situation in Financial Crisis and Its countermeasures

  21. 论金融危机下社会纠纷解决的司法对策

    The Resolution of Social Justice to Disputes under the Financial Crisis

  22. 美国金融危机的社会根源及凯恩斯主义的回归分析

    Social Roots of American Financial Crisis and Return Analysis of Keynesianism

  23. 金融安全、社会稳定受到危及。

    Safety of finance and stability of society was subjected to endanger .

  24. 金融是整个社会经济的核心和命脉。

    Finance is the heart and veins of the whole social economy .

  25. 当前世界金融危机下社会稳定问题研究

    Study on Social Stability under the Current World Financial Crisis

  26. 金融业是社会经济发展的主导力量

    Financial Industry Is the Leading Force of the Development of Social Economy

  27. 高职金融人才的社会需求与培养

    Social Demand and Cultivation of the Financial Talents of the High Vocational College

  28. 现在是金融行业回报社会的时候了。

    It is time for the financial sector to make a contribution back to society .

  29. 商业银行的经营状况关系着金融体系和社会经济的稳定。

    The management conditions of banking directly affect the stability of financial system and the society .

  30. 汽车金融是启动社会消费的重要钥匙之一。

    Automobile Finance is one of the most important keys to start up the social consuming .