
  • 网络diamond products
  1. 金刚石制品在信息产业中的应用及市场展望

    The applications of diamond products in information industry and prospect for its market

  2. 简要介绍了金刚石制品开发应用的新进展。

    In the paper is briefly introduced the new progress in diamond products .

  3. 用共沉淀热分解法制备了用于金刚石制品的Fe-Co-Cu预合金粉。

    Fe-Co-Cu prealloyed powder was fabricated by co-precipitation and thermal decomposition method .

  4. 金刚石制品用Fe-Co-Cu预合金粉末的制备及其粒度控制

    Preparation and granularity control of Fe-Co-Cu prealloyed powder

  5. 文章最后对金刚石制品的开发进行了重点论述。

    Development of diamond product was finally emphasized in the article .

  6. 微波烧结技术及其在金刚石制品中的应用前景

    Application Prospect of Microwave Sintering in Diamond Tool Manufacturing

  7. 金刚石制品的金属胎体的研究现状

    Research progress of metal bond of diamond tools

  8. 人造金刚石制品胎体粉末的研究

    Study on matrix powder of artificial diamond product

  9. 金刚石制品开发应用的新进展

    New Progress in Diamond Products

  10. 异型电镀金刚石制品

    Specially shaped electroplated diamond products

  11. 本文概要介绍了金刚石制品在加工信息材料中的应用及市场前景。

    In this paper , the author introduced the applications of diamond products in information industry and prospect for the market in brief .

  12. 该产品的研制成功和推广应用,将促进我国珩磨技术的发展和金刚石制品生产的经济效益的提高。

    The honing technology will be developed and the economic efficiency of diamond products in our country will be promoted as the product is developed and popularized .

  13. 该机在十几个省市推广应用中,获得了较好的经济效益和社会效益,同时也推动了我国金刚石制品行业的发展。

    With its uses in more than ten of provinces and cities the sintering machine gained economic and social benefit result rather well , and gave impetus to the development of domestic diamond products industry .

  14. 对金刚石制品的金属胎体的研究归纳为金刚石与金属胎体的结合机理、金属胎体体系、金属胎体材料制备方法以及金属胎体的性能表征及评价体系四方面的研究。

    Research on metal bond of diamond tools includes four aspects : bonding mechanism between diamond and metal bond , metal bond system , preparation of metal bond , and performance characterization and evaluation system of metal bond .

  15. 以无压浸渍法烧结金刚石钻头等制品的液相渗透理论,在粉末冶金中有其特殊性。

    The non-pressure liquid phase infiltration theory for diamond bit making has its special characteristic in the field of powder metallurgy .

  16. 六面顶压机是我国静压法合成金刚石及金刚石制品应用最广泛的装备,是我国金刚石行业的基础。

    Cubic press is the most widely used apparatus for synthetic diamond products in our country which have been the basis of national diamond synthesis industry .

  17. 21世纪是中国金刚石世纪&最近金刚石和制品行业会议透视

    21 century : a Chinese diamond century & a hint from a recent diamond and diamond product industry conference

  18. GE公司超硬材料部是第一个合成人造金刚石的生产部门,也是世界上最主要的人造金刚石、立方氮化硼和聚晶金刚石制品的生产厂家,而今却被一家私人投资机构所收购。

    GE Superabrasives Division is the first company that synthesised man-made diamond , and also a leading manufacturer of diamond , cubic boron nitride , and polycrystalline products , but now it was purchased by a private investment organisation .

  19. 人造金刚石颗粒小、不易固定,人们把金刚石和结合剂混合制成不同形状和尺寸的金刚石制品,如砂轮等。

    Man-made diamond particles is small and not easily fixed , so diamond and binder was mixture to preparate different shapes and sizes of diamond products such as wheel .