
  • 网络Jinhai;gimhae;KINHIL;Kimhae
  1. 我们要在金海国际机场紧急着陆。

    We will make an emergency landing at Gimhae International airport .

  2. 南韩东南部的金海市周日发生水管冻裂,供水被切断。

    Water supplies in the southeastern city of Gimhae were cut off Sunday after pipes burst .

  3. 四川新都金海污水处理厂采用改良型DE氧化沟工艺,即在DE型氧化沟前加设缺氧池和厌氧池以强化除磷。

    The modified DE oxidation ditch was adopted in Xindu Jinhai Wastewater Treatment Plant , that is , an anoxic tank and an anaerobic tank were set up in front of DE oxidation ditch for enhancing the phosphorus removal .

  4. 国家林业局一位发言人表示,APP下属公司海南金海浆纸业有限公司(HainanJinhaiPulp&Paper)在收购国有资产过程中,并未依法对森林资源资产进行适当的评估。

    An SFA spokesman said that Hainan Jinhai Pulp & Paper , a unit of APP , had not had a proper valuation done on the Yunnan assets as required by law during the acquisition of state-owned assets .

  5. 现在是新乡金海房地产公司的总裁。

    Xinxiang Pohang real estate company is now the ceo .

  6. 创新在“金海鑫龙”被视为企业的动力。

    Innovation in the " Jinhai Xinlong " be seen as dynamic enterprises .

  7. 生辰,一度涌现于光明的金海,

    Nativity , once in the main of light ,

  8. 预应力技术在广州金海大厦中的应用

    Application of prestress technology in Guangzhou Jinhai Mansion

  9. 错位的解释和解释的有限&就《手稿》美学研究问题答程金海先生

    Interpretation of misplacement and limited interpretation & An answer to Mr. Cheng Jinhai on the aesthetic research of Manuscript

  10. 本文作者参与了象山金海润滑油有限公司专用码头工程建设对海域环境影响分析的调研工作,对报告中的工程建设项目对海域环境影响做了大量的研究,并以此为基础形成了本论文。

    The writer attended the research of the project of how the construction of specific wharf influences the ocean environment in Xiangshan Jinhai lubrication Ltd.

  11. 韩国庆尚南道金海市,前来悼念前总统卢武铉的悼念者在卢武铉的遗像前痛哭不已。

    Thousands of South Koreans lined up to pay respects to their formalleader Roh Moo-hyun as the nation was reeling from the shock of his apparent suicide .

  12. 金海投资成立连云港金海岸开发建设有限公司,作为项目载体具体运作海滨新区项目融资、围垦抛填、土地开发等事宜。

    Jinhai has set up Lianyungang Golden Coast Development and construction company as the carrier to undertake project financing , reclamation , land development and other matters .

  13. “金海鑫龙”愿用赤子的诚心换您的信心,用创新的技术带给您效益,用完善的服务免除您的后顾。

    " Gimhae Xinlong " pure of heart would like to use for your confidence in using innovative technologies to benefit you with better service from your speaks .

  14. 他随后被发现有严重的头部损伤,并在从他家乡金海转移到一家釜山的医院后死亡。庆尚南道地方警察厅说。

    He was later found with severe head injuries and died after being moved to a hospital in Busan from his hometown of Gimhae , the Gyeongnam Provincial Police Agency said .

  15. “金海鑫龙”从保护环境理念出发,以人为本,打造绿色环保建材,为人们提供高品质生活,创造健康的生活空间。

    " Gimhae Xinlong " starting from the concept of protection of the environment , people-centered , green building materials , providing high-quality life , and create a healthy living space .

  16. 金海公司经营各种珍珠产品,包括:淡水珍珠、海水珍珠、南洋珠,异形珠及套装首饰。

    Jinhai Pearls Company is mainly dealing in many kinds of pearls , including freshwater pearls , seawater pearls , South sea pearls , baroque pearls and pearl set jewelry and so on .

  17. 贵定县政府的倾力打造的“金海雪山”旅游文化节,让“金海雪山”满载著春的讯息,欢快而隆重地第五次登场了。

    Organized by the Guiding County Government , the Fifth Tourism and Culture Festival entitled " Golden Sea , White Mountains " comes onto the stage with the information of spring and happiness .

  18. “金海鑫龙”视质量为生命,从生产源头抓起,从原材料筛选到产品上市,每个环节严把质量关,为客户提供一流产品。

    " Gimhae Xinlong " Depending on the quality of life , source from the production , from raw material selection to the market , every aspect of strict quality products to provide customers with first-class .

  19. 摘要金海观的理念是乡村学校应该成为改造乡村生活的中心,实现旨在纠正教育脱离乡村实际的教育革命。

    The ideas of Jin Hai-guan were that the country school should be the center of country life , so as to realize the education revolution whose tenet was to correct the abuse of education break away from the country realities .

  20. 有关专家认为,投资102亿元的金海100万吨制浆项目在洋浦投产将大大缓解中国木浆短缺局面,标志着中国真正形成林浆纸循环产业链。

    In specialists ' mind , The 10.2 billion RMB invest - ment to the Jinhai million tons pulp production programme in Yangpu will relieve the shortage of pulp in China and symbolize the formation of Chinese forest , pulp and paper recycling production chain .