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  1. 连续性肾脏替代治疗(ContinuousRenalReplacementTherapy,CRRT)是目前肾功能衰竭危重患者常用的一种支持治疗方法,可能引起美洛培南在此类患者中的药代动力学变化。

    Continuous renal replacement therapy ( CRRT ) is now commonly used as a means of support for critically ill patients with renal failure , and is likely to alter the pharmacokinetics of meropenem in these patients .

  2. 2)济州岛以南在125°30′E与127°E之间在断面C与D存在一个冷的、高密水(HDW),HDW环流是气旋式的。

    2 ) The high dense water ( HDW ) with a cold water is occurred in the region south of Cheju Island between 125 ° 30 ′ E and 127 ° E at Sections D and C. The circulation in the region of HDW is cyclonic .

  3. 南在南方,迷失越南

    South belongs to the south , lost in the South

  4. 联合国秘书长安南在信息社会世界峰会上的演讲

    Address by UN Secretary - General to the World Summit on the Information Society

  5. 你南在草莓苗床上遮网来防鸟。

    You should put some nets over your strawberry beds to keep off the birds .

  6. 然而,关于美洛培南在连续性肾脏替代治疗危重患者的药代动力学研究很少。

    Pharmacokinetic studies of meropenem in critically ill patients being treated with CVVH , however , are scarce .

  7. 与世界顶尖级的制作人合作,罗南在2000年推出了自己的第一张专辑《罗南》。

    Put together in cooperation with the world 's top producers , his debut album came out in2000 .

  8. 那年,一个炎热的六月的一天,亨利。杜南在意大利北部因公旅行。

    On a hot June day of that year , Henri Dunat was travelling on business in Northern Italy .

  9. 即便是按这个行业的一般标准来衡量,布兰南在开创自己的科技企业时也算得上是年轻。

    Even by the usual standards for this sector , Mr Brannan is young to have started his tech business .

  10. 罗南在去年伦敦观众投票选出的优秀歌曲获奖者晚会上,赢得最佳男歌手奖和最佳男艺人着装奖。

    Ronan also won awards for Best Male Solo Artist and Best Dressed Male at last year 's Smash Hits Poll Winners Party in London .

  11. 斯威夫特的这首歌曲是基于33岁的汤普森从10年8月开始记录的博客而创作的,她的儿子罗南在那时被诊断出了脑瘤。

    Swift 's lyrics were based entirely on a blog Thompson , 33 , starting writing in August 2010 , when her son Ronan was diagnosed with neuroblastoma .

  12. 联合国前秘书长安南在非洲进步小组发表报告期间,也针对全球衰退对非洲所产生的有害作用发出警告。

    Former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan also warned of the harmful effects of the global recession on Africa during the launch of the annual report of the Africa Progress Panel .

  13. 分析可得,该群网络是一个非均匀网络,其集中度与群聚集度都非常低,这与林南在社会资源理论中提出的弱关系理论是一致的。

    By analysis , we obtain that the cluster network model is a heterogeneous network which the centrality and the clustering are very low . It is consent with the weak ties theory in the theory of social resources which is proposed by Lin Nan .

  14. 沿增强了的西太平洋副高西北侧的偏西南气流在30°N以北辐合,增强了局地的上升运动,为暴雨的产生创造了大尺度的背景流场;

    The convergence of the southwesterly to the north of 30 ° N along the northwest of the WPSA strengthens the local ascending motion , which provides a large-scale background favorable for the torrential rain .

  15. 南美洲在我想去的名单上。

    South America is on my list of places to visit .

  16. 圆规星座位于南半球在苍蝇座和南三角座附近的一个星座。

    A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Musca and Triangulum australe .

  17. 南共体在非洲一体化进程中的优势

    Advantages of the SADC in the Process of African Integration

  18. 我来自印度南部在孟加拉长大。

    I was a South Indian brought up in Bengal .

  19. 南窗在建筑中的节能效益

    Saving Energy Benefits of Southern Window in the Building

  20. 他并没有意识到南北方在奴隶制问题上的严重分歧。

    He failed to realize how seriousthe North-South divisions were over the slavery question .

  21. 南:在和岸西讨论剧本的时候,你们是怎么合作的?

    Reporter : when you and Ivy Ho at discussion stage , how did you two cooperate ?

  22. 美国南战争在一定程度上是一场围绕奴隶制问题的战争。

    The American Civil War was fought between the north and the South partly over the issue of slavery .

  23. 因此,临南地区在燕山期和喜山期形成的圈闭是有利的煤成气勘探目标区。

    The traps formed in Xishan and Yanshan periods are the favorable exploration target of coal-bed methane in the future .

  24. 为甚麽非洲南部在过去十年会频受天灾破坏?

    The question remains why southern Africa has been ravaged so frequently by humanitarian emergencies over the past decade or so .

  25. 移动性南支槽在东移的过程中不但输送水汽,槽前辐合上升也提供必要的动力条件。

    Mobile trough transports moisture , and the ascending convergence in its front provides dynamic conditions which are necessary to the rainfall .

  26. 乍得由于政治不稳定名列第四,使得撒哈拉以南国家在指数前5位中占到4个。

    With Chad taking fourth place for political instability , sub - Saharan States occupy four of the top five places in the index .

  27. 南海南部在新生代中期以后为挤压环境,形成张裂盆地、前陆盆地及前弧盆地。

    The southern region of South China Sea became compressional in tectonism after middle Cenozoic , forming extensional basins , foreland basins and fore-arc basins .

  28. 西安市地处关中平原中部偏南,在热工分区上属于我国北方寒冷地区,冬季相对较长且寒冷干燥,供暖期比较长。

    Located in the south central part of Guanzhong Plain which is part of north cold area , Xi ' an has long heating period .

  29. 中国南部在湿热气候条件下发育的峰丛和峰林喀斯特,在全球锥状和塔状(coneandtower)喀斯特类型中,是最具代表性的典型形态。

    The cone karst ( fengcong ) and tower karst ( fenglin ) developed in the humid climate in southern China form the most distinctive karst landscapes .

  30. 南天山在中新世早期就开始了现代天山形成的隆升事件,根据样品的磷灰石裂变径迹结果,其隆升年龄为17~25Ma;

    The fission track age of 17 - 25 Ma from southern Tien Shan implies that the southern Tien Shan mountains were starting to be uplifted from early Miocene time .