
  • 网络Battle of Nanking
  1. 唐生智与1937年南京保卫战。

    Tang Shengzhi and the Nanjing defence war in1937 .

  2. 其后的南京保卫战实际上是淞沪之战的尾声。

    The fight afterward for Nanking was practically the epilogue of Songhu campaign .

  3. 以往,中国方面一般以南京保卫战的概念来论述此次战事,并且长期忽视了日本海军在这次战事中的作战活动及作用。对于这次战事的起始时间也尚有一定的争议。

    China has always elaborated this war as a defensive war , and neglects the tasks undertaken by Japanese navy and their role for a long time , also , there are some disputes over the starting time of the war .

  4. 但不幸的是,高少校在南京的空中保卫战中牺牲了。

    Unfortunately , major Gao was killed while attempting to defend the city of Nanking from a Japanese air attack .