
  • 网络Southern District
  1. 在中国特有种的分析中,本区系与横断山和甘肃南部区系的联系最为密切;

    By the analysis of the endemic species of China , the flora is close relationship with both the floras of Hengduan Mountains and Southern Gansu .

  2. 托克逊县南部区土地沙漠化现状与自然因素在沙漠化的作用由于塔里木河流经沙漠,故被称为生命之河。

    Status and Role of Natural Factors in Desertification in the Southern Region of Toksun County Running across deserts , it has been known as the " river of life " .

  3. 海南南部区;Ⅰb。

    South Hainan Island region ⅰ b.

  4. 降水异常区域大致可分为4个区,既甘肃中部区、陇东区、陇南区和甘肃南部区;

    The precipitation anomaly region can be divided into four zones : the middle zone of Gansu , Longdong zone , Longnan zone , and the south zone of Gansu .

  5. 结果南部沿海区、南中部区和西南区的中小学生生活质量状况差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01)。

    Results There were statistical significance in quality of life of the students among the south coast , the mid-south and the southwest ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 东北冷涡南部锋区斜压扰动及有利的潜在不稳定层结为MCS产生提供了环境条件。

    The synoptic environment to MCS generation were provided by baroclinic disturbances and favorable potential instable layer of south front zone located on the northeastern cold vortex .

  7. 天津南部滨海区在1976年唐山MS7·8地震时受灾最重,死亡人员超过20000。

    When the Tangshan M_S7.8 earthquake hit in 1976 , over 20000 residents were killed .

  8. 日本社会发展基金提供了大约100万美元,支持南部Hambantota区和北部与东部的Jaffna区、Vavunia区和Trincomalee区的海啸灾民。

    The Japan Social Development Fund provided about $ 1 million to assist tsunami victims in Hambantota in the South and Jaffna , Vavunia , Trincomalee districts in North and East .

  9. 研究区位于华北聚煤凹陷河东煤田南部,区内构造变形微弱,基本构造形态为走向NE-NNE、倾向NW的单斜构造,地层倾角一般为3-8°。

    The study area is located in south Hedong coalfield in north China accumulation coal depression , a weak local structural deformation , the basic structural form for the trend NE-NNE , tend to NW monocline structure , formation dip generally 3 ~ 8 ° .

  10. 贵阳市南部中心区中低压电缆敷设方式简述

    The laying methid of MV and LV cable in south of Guiyang

  11. 我国南部红土区的水土流失问题

    Soil erosion on the red soil region in South China

  12. 广州市南部拓展区大气环境保护规划

    Air Environment Planning for Extended South Area of Guangzhou

  13. 浅谈东胜南部煤矿区铁合金专用焦炭生产工业的发展

    Special Ferro-alloy Coke Processing Technology of Dongsheng Southern Coal Mine , Inner Mongolia

  14. 南部构造区(带)发育“瓦垅”状推覆构造;

    There are the oblique-imbricated structure and the imbricated structure in south part .

  15. 济南南部近郊区景观动态变化及其生态效应分析

    Study on the Landscape Change and Its Ecological Effects in Southern Suburb of JiNan

  16. 其中台地灰岩储层可能成为南部隆起区具有重要意义的勘探层系。

    The Miocene platform limestone may be an important exploration reservoir in the southern Yongle Uplift .

  17. 黑龙江南部黑土区土壤重金属空间分异规律研究

    Spatial Variability of Heavy Metals in Soils in the Southern Black soil Area of Heilongjiang Province

  18. 贵州省南部磷矿区口腔健康流行病学调查分析

    Epidemiological investigation of oral health status in population in phosphorus mining area of southern part in Guizhou Province

  19. 此后,罗北凹地主要受南部大湖区湖水的周期性上升补给。

    Afterwards , Luobei depression were mainly supplied by the large lake area in the south of Lop lake .

  20. 建立独立的北部和南部欧元区,或许会导致单一市场解体另外,该把法国划归哪一部分呢?

    Creating separate northern and southern Euro areas would probably precipitate the end of the single market and where would France fit ?

  21. 难怪美加边境又排起了长线,因为加元几乎与美元等值,更多温哥华人到南部购物区了。

    No wonder the line has grown longer at US border because more Vancouvians shop south , as Canadian dollar hits par .

  22. 在松南及南部邻区岩石圈中存在电性高导层,分布在壳内和幔内。

    High electrical conductivity layer distributed in crust and mantle exists in lithosphere in Southern Songliao Basin and its southern neighboring area .

  23. 在山西南部猖獗区每年发生两代,其灾变类型属于暴发性蝗灾。

    TYPE OBJECTS In the south of Shanxi province , the locust occurred two generations every year , which was eruptive locust disaster .

  24. 山区地表水流经该段入渗,加之南部中山区的侧向补给形成山间洼地地下水库。

    Leaking surface water and the lateral inflow from south middle mountains was the main sources for groundwater reservoir in the intermountain depression .

  25. 由于几十年深层地下水的超量开采,天津市南部平原区已形成地下水位的常年漏斗区。

    Because of the over pumping of the deep groundwater , the subsiding center has been formed in the south plain of Tianjin .

  26. 而上部及中部-上部油气成藏组合则主要分布在第三台阶区、南部斜坡区。

    However , the upper and the middle-upper oil-gas reservoir-forming assemblages are distributed in the third step region and in the southern slope area .

  27. 与北部样区相比,南部样区的自然条件和人类活动情况总体上有利于土壤有机碳库的积累。

    In general , the natural and anthropologic conditions in south area favored more accumulation of soil organic carbon pool than in north area .

  28. 非洲联盟首席外交官警告,苏丹南部含油区明年举行的独立公投可能是灾难性的。

    A vote for independence in oil-rich Southern Sudan 's referendum next year could be catastrophic , the African Union 's top diplomat has warned .

  29. 斯里兰卡从年头到年末都生产茶,种植区主要集中在中部高原及岛上的南部内陆区。

    Sri Lanka produces tea throughout the year and the growing areas are mainly concentrated in the central highlands and southern inland areas of the island .

  30. 黄骅坳陷南部滩海区中生界构造与演化

    Structural pattern and evolution of the Mesozoic strata in the Bohai Bay basin range : a case from southern shore of middle range of the Huanghua Depression