
chóu wài
  • feel hostility towards foreign people
  • have hatred for foreign countries
仇外 [chóu wài]
  • [have hatred for foreign countries] 憎恨仇视外国

  • 盲目仇外

  1. 我们被新闻界诋毁为仇外的偏狭之徒。

    We have been traduced in the press as xenophobic bigots .

  2. 助长当初那种恐慌言论的,是仇外心理和正当安全忧虑的混合物,一如2006年美国反对迪拜世界港口公司(DubaiPortsWorld)企图收购六个美国港口所显示的。

    The scaremongering was fuelled by a mix of xenophobia and legitimate security concerns , illustrated by US opposition to Dubai Ports World 's attempt to acquire six US ports in 2006 .

  3. 恕我直言,我们可能无法指望正统芬兰人党(TrueFinns)或荷兰仇外的政治人士认识到欧洲一体化意味着什么。

    With all respect , we can probably not expect from the True Finns or xenophobic political figures in the Netherlands an awareness of what European integration means .

  4. 民意调查显示,该党仇外主义领袖兼欧洲议会议员马泰奥•萨尔维尼(MatteoSalvini)是继伦齐之后人气最高的政客。

    Opinion polls show Matteo Salvini , the party 's xenophobic leader and an MEP , is the most popular politician after Mr Renzi .

  5. 两党不是指出从移民中获取的巨大利益——在过去40年间,人口增长对实际GDP增长的贡献约为2/5——却都对仇外恐惧(担心政治庇护者把澳大利亚当做避风港)无耻迎奉。

    Instead of pointing to the great benefits of immigration - population growth is responsible for about two-fifths of the increase in real GDP in the past 40 years - the two parties pander shamelessly to xenophobic fears about asylum-seekers washing up in boats .

  6. 美国国务院遗憾地表示,决定不参加这次会议。会议旨在审议自8年前举行的南非德班(Durban)峰会以来,国际间在消除种族歧视和仇外行为方面的进展。

    The US state department said that with regret it would not be joining the meeting to review international progress on combating racism and xenophobia in the eight years since a summit in Durban , South Africa .

  7. 国家打击歧视、仇外心理和种族主义研究所;

    National Institute to combat discrimination , xenophobia and racism ;

  8. 大萧条还带来了仇外情绪和威权主义。

    The Depression led also to xenophobia and authoritarianism .

  9. 欧洲理事会关于种族主义和仇外心理的宣言

    Declaration of European Council on Racism and Xenophobia

  10. 在这个全球化的世界里,种族主义和仇外情绪是不应存在的。

    There should be no place for racism and xenophobia in this globalized world .

  11. 欧洲种族主义和仇外心理监测中心

    European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia

  12. 反对种族主义和仇外心理宣言;

    Declaration against racism and xenophobia ;

  13. 公投结果搅动的不断发酵的仇外心理和反移民情绪,是促使外国人告别英国的很好理由。

    Simmering xenophobia and anti-immigration sentiment fuelled by the referendum result are good reasons to leave .

  14. 共同的仇外心理、对强大国家的敬畏以及文化保守主义是不分左右的。

    Shared xenophobia , reverence for a strong state , and cultural conservatism are indifferent to left-right divides .

  15. 面对惊恐、甚至是仇外的国内社会,没有什么比只关注本国事务的国家之间的有效合作更不可能实现。

    Nothing is less likely than effective co-operation among inward-looking states presiding over frightened , even xenophobic , societies .

  16. 他说,越来越多的难民和移民导致不宽容和仇外的心态。联合国难民事务高级专员古特雷斯说,在2005年之前,难民人数一直在下降。

    The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees , Antonio Guterres , says refugee numbers were going down until 2005 .

  17. 而这是所有的愤怒和极端主义的焦点,还导致了贸易保护主义,仇外心理等

    And this is at the heart of all of the anger and extremism and protectionism and xenophobia and worse

  18. 古特雷斯称,“这场疫情持续引发仇恨、仇外、寻找替罪羊、制造恐慌情绪的海啸”。

    Guterres says " the pandemic continues to unleash a tsunami of hate and xenophobia , scapegoating and scaremongering . "

  19. 结果是西方各国滋生愤怒的民粹主义&主要是右翼的仇外民粹主义。

    The result is the birth of angry populism throughout the west , mostly the xenophobic populism of the right .

  20. 缅甸仇外的领导人试图在中国与印度和西方国家之间挑拨离间,以减少对中国的依赖。

    Myanmar 's xenophobic leaders are trying to reduce their dependence on China by playing it off against Indiaand the West .

  21. 结果是,如果在选举中偶尔也会关注一下全球化,这往往是出于民粹主义者和仇外者的恩惠。

    The result is that when globalisation gets a look in at the polls it is often courtesy of populists and xenophobes .

  22. 蔡美儿认为,美国权威面临的最大危险是,美国是否会滑向狭隘和仇外&排斥移民并奉行军国主义。

    Ms Chua thinks the biggest danger to American power is if the US slips into intolerance and xenophobia - bashing immigrants and embracing militarism .

  23. 在中国内地,监管部门一直在改变规则,人们对地方保护主义和潜在仇外心理的担心从未真正消失过。

    On the mainland , regulators are constantly changing the rules , and concerns about local protectionism and potential xenophobia are never far from the surface .

  24. 这次在日内瓦举行的会议是2001年在南非德班召开的反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不宽容现象的世界会议的后续会议。

    The Geneva conference is a follow-up to the2001 World Conference Against Racism , Racial Discrimination , Xenophobia , and Related Intolerance held in Durban South Africa .

  25. 这个由十八个独立成员组成的联合国委员会说,他们为法国近年来种族主义和仇外心理的抬头感到担忧。

    The UN Committee , which is composed of18 independent members , says it is concerned by a rise in racism and xenophobia in France in recent years .

  26. 但上述消息出现时,正值私人股本公司高管担心美国仇外情绪日益高涨,其交易可能成为政治皮球。

    But the news comes as executives at private equity firms worry about what they see as rising US xenophobia and how their deals can become political footballs .

  27. 许多青年移徙者在途中或最终目的地面临同样艰难甚至更艰难的挣扎,包括面对种族主义、仇外心理、歧视、侵犯人权行为。

    In transit and at their final destinations , many young migrants face equal or greater struggles , including racism , xenophobia , discrimination and human rights violations .

  28. 有些人将会试图曲解这种先例,并使用仇外或者本土的论据,来说每一个国家都应该遵照同样的标准。

    There are some who will try to pervert this precedent and use xenophobia or nativist arguments to say that every country should be held to the same standard .

  29. 然而,该报告也提到极右派包装反犹太及仇外情绪的宣传愈趋专业,在社群网络更是日益活跃。

    But it added the far right was becoming very professional at producing online propaganda of an anti-Semitic and xenophobic ( 4 ) nature and was increasingly active in online social networking .

  30. 大不列颠是个天然的岛屿:匈牙利如今在民粹主义多数派的支配下,抱着偏狭的心态,公然仇外,与充满自信的波兰形成了鲜明对比后者敢于承认德国是欧洲“不可或缺的国家”。

    Great Britain is a natural island : Hungary today , under its present populist majority , is insular in its open xenophobia , in total contrast with a confident Poland that dares to recognise Germany as the " indispensable nation " of Europe .