
  • 网络Human Right in China;HRIC
  1. 改革开放40年以来,中国在人权、社会和文化权益保护方面取得了长足的进展,也形成了一套保护公民权利和政治权利的机制。

    Over the 40 Years of China 's Reform and Opening Up , the country has made comprehensive progress in human rights , social , and cultural rights , and enhanced the development of mechanisms that protect civil and political rights .

  2. 中国发布美国人权纪录以回应美国在人权报告中的指责。

    China has responded to US criticism of its human rights record by publishing its own report on American human rights issues .

  3. 非洲联盟常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表阿杰·库马尔·布拉姆迪奥表示,中国在非洲人权发展方面发挥了重要作用。

    Ajay Kumar Bramdeo , the AU 's representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva , says China is a significant role in helping foster better human rights in Africa .

  4. 1993年,这家标志性的旧金山牛仔裤制造商宣布,由于中国普遍侵犯人权,公司将结束与中国承包方的合作关系。

    In 1993 , the iconic San Francisco maker of dungarees declared it would end relationships with contractors in China because of what it called that country 's ' pervasive violation of human rights . '

  5. 各国应相互尊重对方对于发展模式的选择。双方都认识到,中国与美国在人权领域存在分歧。

    Both sides recognized that the United States and China have differences on the issue of human rights .

  6. 与此同时,中国驻联合国人权理事会大使表示,外国军队在阿富汗的侵犯人权行为应受到追究。

    Meanwhile , China 's ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Council says foreign forces should be held accountable for human rights violations in Afghanistan .

  7. 该计划指出,中国应参与涉及人权的国际事务,推动全球治理体系,构建人类命运共同体。

    The plan says China should get involved in international affairs concerning human rights and promote the global governance system to build a community of shared future for all mankind .

  8. 原国家宗教事务局副局长陈宗荣表示,白皮书反映了中国在实现保障人权这一目标上的发展变化。

    Former Deputy Chief of the State Administration for Religious Affairs , Chen Zongrong , says the white paper also reflects what 's been happening in China the broader goal of protecting human rights .

  9. 了解中国历史的人都知道中国目前的人权状况是历史上最好的。

    Anyone who knows about chinese history believes that the curren human rights situation in chian is the best in history .