
  • 网络Chinese teleplays;chinese drama
  1. 它既是近些年来中国电视剧产业化和市场化的必然结果,同时也是中国电视剧类型多样化的具体表现。

    It is the inevitable result of industrialization and market of the Chinese drama in recent years and is also a concrete expression of Chinese drama type diversification .

  2. 在百花齐放的电视剧艺术形态中,家庭伦理剧一直独占鳌头,深受百姓喜爱,成为中国电视剧的一道亮丽风景线。

    In the flourishing drama forms , the family ethical drama always come out on top , deeply loved by the people , become a beautiful Chinese drama scenery line .

  3. 植入式广告为中国电视剧产业带来的新机遇

    The New Opportunity for Chinese Television Plays Brought by Product Placement

  4. 一是中国电视剧艺术生产的历史语境。

    The other is the historical context of production of Chinese teleplay .

  5. 转型时期中国电视剧的投融资风险

    Investment Risks of Chinese TV Play in a Transitional Period

  6. 转型期中国电视剧的主旋律叙事

    Keynote Narration of Chinese TV Plays in a Transitional Period

  7. 新世纪中国电视剧生态素描

    Description of Chinese TV Play Ecosystem in the New Century

  8. 中国电视剧:客厅里的图像叙事新策略

    Chinese Television Drama : The New Tactics of Picture-narrative in the Living Room

  9. 中国电视剧女性形象研究

    Research on Female Images of TV Plays in China

  10. 试论当代中国电视剧传播理念的嬗变

    Change of the Ideas of Putting on a TV play in Contemporary China

  11. 20世纪中国电视剧的发展过程及几个理论问题

    The Development and Several Theoretical Issues of Chinese TV Series in the 20th Century

  12. 中国电视剧题材与市场分析研究

    Chinese Soap Opera Theme and Market Analysis Research

  13. 论中国电视剧的美学转型及其应对策略

    Make the Transition in Terms of Aesthetics of the Chinese TV Play and Countermeasure

  14. 本文是对中国电视剧艺术品格进行的理论探讨。

    It means to probe the artistic styles of Chinese TV play in this article .

  15. 本文拟在探索中国电视剧在哪些方面促进了人的思想变革。

    This article explores in which aspects Chinese TV play promotes people 's changes in mind .

  16. 中国电视剧影像叙事灵韵

    Images as Narration in Chinese Teleplays

  17. 90年代中国电视剧研究

    The 90S Chinese Teleplays Research

  18. 中国电视剧作为中国电视文化的重要组成部分,理应获得更多的关注。

    As an important part of television culture , TV drama should be further paid attention to .

  19. 从20世纪50年代到20世纪末,中国电视剧经历了一个由诞生到发展、繁荣的艰难历程。

    From the end of1950 's to the end of20th century , China TV experienced development and prosperity .

  20. 以此为借鉴,希望对中国电视剧的发展有一定的启示作用。

    Take this as the model , hoped has certain enlightenment to the development of Chinese film and television .

  21. 香港电视剧作为中国电视剧发展成熟的一部分,长期以来一直被理论界所忽视。

    Hong Kong dramas which are regarded as one part of Chinese dramas were ignored by theorists for so long .

  22. “洪荒之力”指一个人史无前例的力量,它首次出现于中国电视剧《花千骨》当中。

    To refer to one 's prehistoric power , first appeared in the Chinese television drama The Journey of Flower .

  23. 在国外市场,中国电视剧可能因为文化背景相似而引起一些亚洲人的共鸣。

    In the foreign market , Chinese TV dramas may arouse sympathy among some Asian people for their similar cultural background .

  24. 《李小龙传奇》:第一部以民族文化求欧美市场的中国电视剧

    The Legend of Bruce Lee : the First Chinese TV Play to Find the European and American Market by National Culture

  25. 中国电视剧《山河令》自2月底在海外上映以来,受到国外观众的欢迎。

    Chinese TV series Word of Honor has been gaining in popularity among foreign viewers since its release overseas in late February .

  26. 中国电视剧是处于特定历史文化与经济发展环境中的艺术产物,具有广泛的传播性与艺术影响力。

    China is in a specific historical culture and economic development in the environment art , has wide spread and influence of art .

  27. 中国电视剧是处在特定文化和经济环境中的艺术产物,它具有独特的媒介传播特性。

    The Chinese teleplay is an artistic outcome with particular media spread character , which exists in a special culture and economic environment .

  28. 在中国电视剧集中,由郑晓龙导演执导的古装历史大戏《芈月传》摘得中国最佳电视剧奖的桂冠。

    In the Chinese TV series category , historical epic " Legend of Miyue " by Zheng Xiaolong took the best TV series award .

  29. 中国电视剧自1958年诞生以来,经过50年的发展,已经形成了自身独特的艺术生产规律。

    The Chinese teleplay has formed a unique law of art production over the past 5 decades of development since its birth in 1958 .

  30. 但是,将这些理论用来分析电影电视剧,尤其是分析中国电视剧的研究还不太常见。

    However , to apply these theories to the analysis of movies or TV series , especially Chinese TV plays , are seldom seen .