
  1. 香奈儿(Chanel)、古驰(Gucci)、路易威登(LouisVuitton)等品牌都曾将产品植入韩国电视剧,以提升其对于中国年轻消费者的吸引力。

    The likes of Chanel , Gucci and Louis Vuitton have used product placements on Korean TV dramas to broaden their appeal to young Chinese consumers .

  2. 韩国电视剧就完全不一样。

    In South Korean dramas , it was different .

  3. 拍韩国电视剧是件苦差,也并不总是光鲜的。

    Making South Korean television drama is hard work , and not always glamorous .

  4. 艺术平衡中的融合与超越&韩国电视剧艺术特色解读

    Amalgamation and Transcendency in an Artistic Balance : An Analysis on the Artistic Characteristics of Korean Teleplay

  5. 前阿卡迪亚居民肖恩杜拉克(后右)主演的电视剧在目前的韩国电视剧。

    Former Arcadia resident Sean Dulake ( back right ) starring in current Korean TV series drama .

  6. 在本文中作者着重考察了韩国电视剧剧本中命令句的使用形态。

    In this thesis , the author focuses on the South Korea TV drama script imperative sentence using morphology .

  7. 我确实看到了令自己震惊的一幕,但不是因为恐怖的画面,而是因为该台居然在播放韩国电视剧。

    What I saw shocked me for a different reason : the channel was broadcasting a Korean television drama .

  8. 就像韩国电视剧的《蝴蝶情人》那位女孩的命运一样,老天总是会促弄人!

    Like the Korean dramas " butterfly lovers " the girl 's fate , god always will promote lane person !

  9. 从产业化的角度对韩剧的各个层面进行深度剖析;第六部分在总结韩国电视剧的成功经验的基础上为我国的电视剧发展提供一些建议。

    The last part provides the inspiration for the development of Chinese drama based on the successful experience of Korean drama .

  10. 可以说韩国电视剧敲开了进入各国电视剧市场的大门,也为韩国文化产业的发展铺平了发展道路。

    Korean drama not only opens the market gate to drama market of other countries , but also paves the way for Korean culture industry .

  11. 近年来,中国电视观众热衷古装剧和谍战剧,也很喜欢从韩国电视剧改编的剧集。

    Chinese audiences have grown obsessed with costume dramas and spy thrillers in recent years , and have also embraced dramas adapted from Korean TV series .

  12. 随着韩国电视剧的不断引进与热播,在中国形成了一股势不可挡的韩流。

    Along with the TV play series of Korea are imported in these years , a whiff of irresistible " Korea Current " has been formed in China .

  13. 中国各个年龄阶段的观众都对翻拍韩国电视剧以及效仿其真人秀节目产生浓厚兴趣,并希望中国的公司可以购买国外版权。

    Both young and old Chinese have shown interest in remakes of South Korean dramas and reality TV shows , encouraging Chinese companies to buy foreign copyrights , too .

  14. 韩国电视剧近年来在我国传媒市场上的商业成功,除了应归功于其形式上的贴近性和文化上的接近性外,更重要的原因在于其独具特色的艺术魅力。

    The Korean teleplay has achieved commercial success in Chinese media market , which owed much to the formal and cultural proximity and , more important , the unique artistic fascination .

  15. 韩国电视剧在中国取得的巨大成功无疑给湖南本土电视剧产业打了一剂强心针。

    The South Korean soap opera the huge success which obtained in China gives Hunan the native place soap opera industry to give a medicinal preparation strong heart injection without doubt .

  16. 的确,韩国电视剧(简称:韩剧),已成为推动韩国流行文化潮流的主力军,成功虏获了中国年轻观众的心。

    Indeed , South Korean TV dramas , or K-drama for short , have been a major force in the South Korean pop-culture wave that has captured the hearts of young Chinese audiences .

  17. 近十年来,韩国电视剧在中国受到广泛喜爱与好评,拥有一大批追星族,其收视率甚至比国产大片还要高。

    Over the past decade , South Korean television dramas are widely popular in China and well , with a large number of fans , the ratings even higher than the domestic large .

  18. 在韩国电视剧的看法上,中国网民历来意见不一,但毋庸置疑的是,如今这个邻国的节目在中国越来越火。

    Chinese netizens have always been divided over South Korean TV dramas , but there is no doubt that programs from the neighboring country are now enjoying a new round of popularity in China .

  19. 预计全年海外销售额将达到7000亿韩元,此际人们对韩国电视剧和音乐的兴趣日益增强,这帮助提升了该公司护肤品在中国以及亚洲其他地区的销售额。

    Its full-year overseas sales are expected to reach Won700bn as growing interest in South Korean drama and music helps boost sales of its skin care products in China and other parts of Asia .

  20. 尽管由于强行镇压,观看韩国电视剧的朝鲜人已经显著减少了,不过有些人,包括掌握社会资源的劳动党官员还是有可能偷偷看韩剧的。

    Though the number of North Koreans watching South Korean TV has declined more recently because of crackdowns , it is still possible for some - including party officials and those with social capital - to watch them in secret 。

  21. 一部讲述受过哈佛教育的400岁外星人爱上傲慢女演员的韩国电视剧,在中国引发痴迷的热潮,导致中国在线流媒体公司开始竞相抢购其他韩国电视节目的播映权,令价格翻了几乎十倍。

    China 's obsession with a South Korean television show about a 400-year-old Harvard-educated alien who falls in love with an arrogant actress reached such a frenzy last year that online streaming companies here began racing to snap up licensing rights for other South Korean television programs , inflating their prices almost tenfold 。

  22. 而韩国的电视剧却不断在推陈出新。

    In contrast , South Korean TV dramas have re-invented themselves .

  23. 事实上,就如我在其它地方提到过的那样,在韩国历史电视剧里这种观点是主流。

    In fact , as I have written elsewhere , such a view is the standard view among Korean television historical dramas .

  24. 这些简而言之就是中国电视制造业的祸害。而韩国的电视剧却不断在推陈出新。

    These , in short , are the bane of Chinese TV productions 。 In contrast , South Korean TV dramas have re-invented themselves .

  25. 由于韩国的电视剧在拍摄完毕后立即播放,编剧和导演很快就能得到反馈,使得他们能够根据观众的要求做出调整。

    And since in Korea shows are broadcast soon after they are filmed , scriptwriters and directors can get feedback quickly , allowing them to make tweaks according to audience demands 。

  26. 对于在此背景下,引入中国并广为流行的部分韩国电影与电视剧的研究,也比较匮乏。

    The study of a part of movies and TV play series of Korea that introduced to China in the background is absent .

  27. 灰姑娘、白马王子、水晶鞋、南瓜车作为全世界女性共同的梦想,被韩国创作者以电视剧的形式淋漓尽致的呈现了出来。

    Cinderella , Prince Charming , crystal shoes , and the pumpkin carriage , as the common dream of all the females around the world , are shown thoroughly in the form of TV series by Korean creators .

  28. 韩剧的重生要归功于韩国政府及韩国电视剧制作者的共同努力。

    The resurgence of South Korean TV dramas can be attributed to the joint efforts of the country 's government and TV series makers .

  29. 多位韩国演员和歌手“出于超出其控制范围的原因”,取消了在中国的宣传推广活动。中国是韩国电视剧、音乐和电影最大的出口目的地。

    A number of Korean actors and singers cancelled promotional events in China - Korea 's largest export destination for its dramas , music and films - " for reasons beyond their control . "