
  • 网络SFN;mbsfn;Single Frequency Network,SFN
  1. DVB-T单频网系统的PCR校正

    PCR Correction in DVB-T SFN System

  2. DVB-T单频网同步原理分析

    Analysis of DVB-T SFN Synchronization Principle

  3. 上海地区的DVB-T单频网设计

    A Planning Approach for DVB-T Single Frequency Network in Shanghai Area

  4. DVB-T调制器单频网同步系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of SFN synchronization system in DVB-T modulator

  5. 小功率DVB-T单频网覆盖分析

    Analysis of Low - power DVB-T Single Frequency Network

  6. 单频网(SFN)是目前地面数字电视广播系统覆盖最好的方法之一。

    At present , SFN is the best method of DTTB coverage .

  7. 本论文研究在DVB前端通过一个多功能的包处理器来实现复用、Internet接入DVB网络以及单频网同步的功能。

    In this paper , how to realize multiplexing , linking Internet into DVB network and synchronizing SFN using a package processor in DVB head-end is studied .

  8. 介绍了一个单频网适配器的设计方案,该方案由基于FPGA实现的核心功能模块和基于ARM嵌入式CPU实现的控制模块组成。

    This paper introduces a design of single frequency network adaptor , which consists of a core functionality module based on FPGA and a control module based on an ARM embedded CPU .

  9. 河南省DMB-T单频网信号覆盖率的计算

    Mobile Digital Television Signal Coverage Calculations of He-Nan Extensive DMB-T Single Frequency Network

  10. 单频网(SingleFrequencyNetwork,SFN)组网规定:单频网发射台要同时在同一个频段上发射相同的无线信号,即各个发射机广播的信号要求频率同步,时间同步和码元同步。

    SFN ( Single Frequency Network , SFN ) Network : SFN transmitter simultaneously with the launch of a band on the same wireless signal that the transmitter frequency radio signal synchronization requirements , time synchronization and symbol simultaneously .

  11. 单频网(SingleFrequencyNetwork,SFN)是地面数字电视广播的重要组网方式,在频率资源利用和信号覆盖等方面与多频网比较具有明显优势。

    The SFN ( Single Frequency Network ) is an important networking of DTMB . From the viewpoint of the exploitation of frequency resources and signal coverage , it has more obvious advantages than MFN ( Multiple Frequency Network ) .

  12. 研究了DVB-T单频网系统下节目参考时钟校正(PCR)的重要性,介绍了非均匀延迟的概念,最后提出一种改进的基于相同时基的PCR校正方法。

    Based on DVB-T system , this paper discusses the importance of PCR correction in DVB-T SFN system . Furthermore , the concept of uneven-delay and an improved PCR correction method based on the same-time-base are presented .

  13. 但是,多小区MBMS的性能受限于单频网的拓扑结构、用户移动性和业务分布等因素,因此如何有效地进行单频网组网是一个亟待解决的问题。

    But , the properties of multi cell MBMS limited in the topological structure of SFN , the mobility of users and the business distribution .

  14. 介绍地面数字HDTV的单频网广播技术,并与单载波主发射机方案进行比较,提出OFDM系统中的一种信道估值新方案,它能显著地改善OFDM系统的频谱利用率。

    This paper introduces single frequency network broadcasting technique for terrestrial digital HDTV and compares SFN scheme with main transmitter scheme . A new channel response estimation technique for OFDM system is proposed . It can improve spectrum efficiency of OFDM system .

  15. 在简要介绍DVB-T单频网系统结构的基础上,着重分析了单频网适配器的原理以及兆帧、兆帧初始化包的结构,并举例说明了DVB-T单频网中发射机之间的同步原理。

    The paper introduces the structure of DVB-T single frequency network , emphasises on analyzing the principle of SFN adapter and the structure of mega-frame and mega-frame initialization packet . Finally exemplifies how the DVB_T transmitters is synchronized in the single frequency network .

  16. 介绍了地面数字视频广播(DVB-T)单频网的基本概念与特点,分析了单频网的设计模型,给出上海地区DVB-T单频网的组网方式、场强分布与覆盖率。

    This paper firstly explains the basic concepts and features of DVB-T Single Frequency Network , then analyzes the planning model for SFN , and finally gives the network architect , field strength and coverage rate of DVB-T Single Frequency Network in Shanghai area .

  17. 数字电视地面传输用单频网与单点发射的效果比较

    Comparison between Single Transmitter and Single Frequency Network in DTV Terrestrial Transmitting

  18. 数字广播电视中的单频网技术

    Single Frequency Network Technology in Digital Broadcast and TV

  19. 适用于大区域单频网的干扰消除方法

    A Method of ICI Elimination in Wide Area SFN Systems with Long Delay

  20. 其次,本文提出了单频网适配器实现的整体方案。

    Secondly , the integral scheme of SFN adapter 's implementation is proposed .

  21. 全固态发射机数字电视广播单频网的研究与实现

    Research and Achieve of All Solid-state Transmitter Digital Television Broadcasting Single Frequency Network

  22. 一种国标地面数字电视单频网覆盖的规划方法

    Method of DTMB Singe Frequency Network 's Coverage Planning

  23. 高速铁路无线单频网的研究

    Research on High-speed Railway Wireless Single Frequency Network

  24. 首先,本文分析了单频网的组网方式和同步原理。

    Firstly , we analyzed the structure of SFN and the principle of the synchronization .

  25. 本文详细介绍了单频网适配器的设计原理和结构。

    This paper describe the principle and structure of SFN Adapter 's design in detail .

  26. 本文所研究的单频网适配器,是实现单频网组网的关键设备之一。

    The SFN adapter studied here is one of the key equipments of the SFN .

  27. 本文对于调频同步广播单频网的建设,具有重要的参考价值。

    It has the effective leading function for the construction of the FM sound sync-broadcasting single frequency net .

  28. 高速铁路移动电视单频网优化及接收终端性能分析

    The Single Frequency Networks Optimization of High Speed Railway Mobile Television and Performance Analysis of the Receiving Terminal

  29. 通过调频同步广播试验组建单频网,可以利用有限的频率资源实现最大化覆盖建设。

    We can construct the single frequency by the test , and use the frequency resource to implement the biggest covering .

  30. 相比传统的多频网,单频网具有节省频谱资源,方便频谱规划等优点。

    Compared with traditional multi-frequency network , SFN has the advantages of saving spectrum resources , facilitating spectrum planning and so on .