
  1. 中国渴望本国设计与工程专业的学生能够拥有参与全球市场竞争的技能。今年3月份,这种渴望得到了鼓励&欧特克(Autodesk)为该国推出了一个学生设计社区。

    China 's desire to give its home-grown design and engineering students the skills to compete in the global market received a boost in March , when Autodesk launched a student design community for the country .

  2. 在商品期货交易领域,中国渴望管制的迹象也清晰可见。

    In commodity futures trade too , signs of a controlling urge are clear .

  3. 中国渴望证明,它能够主持一家受尊敬的多边机构。

    China is keen to show that it can host a respectable multilateral institution .

  4. 中国渴望受到尊重,说教只能适得其反。

    China craves respect and lecturing can backfire .

  5. 尽管中国渴望得到伊朗的天然气和石油,它还是支持了早些时候的制裁措施。

    Despite a thirst for Iran 's gas and oil , China backed earlier sanctions .

  6. 一些日本企业,特别是制造企业说,中国渴望获得投资和外国技术的实用做法超越了政治上的考虑。

    Some Japanese businesses , particularly manufacturers , say that china 's pragmatic desire for investment and foreign expertise overrides political considerations .

  7. 中国渴望加强与这个地区性集团的商业联系,一定程度上是为了制衡与美国之间日益麻烦的商业关系。

    Beijing is keen to boost commercial ties with the regional grouping , partly to counterbalance an increasingly fractious commercial relationship with Washington .

  8. 继石油出口的将是天然气出口,因为中国渴望减少对煤的使用,而更多燃烧更环保的天然气。

    Oil exports are to be followed by gas exports , as China is eager to burn less coal and more environmentally friendly gas .

  9. 可再生能源市场越来越有利可图,在战略上也日益重要,中国渴望该领域的创新和主导地位,高速公路上的试验就是这种渴望的又一表现。

    The experiment is the latest sign of China 's desire to innovate in , and dominate , the increasingly lucrative and strategically important market for renewable energy .

  10. 在巴西,中国渴望参与巴西国家石油公司新发现的可能规模庞大的离岸石油储备,如能参与其中,也将有利于提高中国在深海勘探方面的专业技能。

    In Brazil , China aspires to participate in the potentially huge new offshore oil reserves Petrobras has discovered , which would also boost its expertise in deep-sea exploration .

  11. 中国渴望获得更多的缅甸资源,包括天然气,但担心缅甸军方和少数民族武装分子间停火中断可能引发的边境冲突。

    China is keen to win greater access to Burma 's resources , including its gas , but worries about border conflicts should ceasefires between the army and ethnic militias break down .

  12. 中国渴望成为东亚(以及东南亚)地区的霸主,而自1945年以来主导该地区的现任霸主美国则拦在路上。

    China aspires to be the regional hegemon in east ( and southeast ) Asia . The US – the incumbent hegemon , having dominated the region since 1945 – is blocking its path .

  13. 例如,西非国家加蓬多年来一直试图吸引欧美投资者开发其丰富的铁矿石资源,但都没有成功,后来发现中国渴望获得这个机会。

    The west African state of Gabon , for example , after trying unsuccessfully for years to interest American and European investors in extracting its rich iron ore deposits , found China was eager .

  14. 他的关键观点是:中国人渴望安全感,惧怕陷入混乱。

    His key points : Chinese crave security and fear chaos .

  15. 中国教师渴望能得到在国外教学的机会。

    Teaching in a foreign country has become a coveted opportunity among Chinese teachers .

  16. 中国在渴望在世界上获得权力和影响力方面发出了互相矛盾的信号。

    China sends conflicting messages about its desire for power and influence in the world .

  17. 中国人渴望着和平!但中国人决不向强权低。

    We want peace , but we will never be prostrated by the US power .

  18. 历经两个世纪的没落之后,如今的中国正渴望着重新占据昔日在世界上的地位。

    After a bad couple of centuries , China is itching to regain its place in the world .

  19. 中国人民渴望国家富强,因而采用西方先进方法救国家于危难之间。

    Chinese people longed for a strong nation and applied the advanced Western methods to save China from national crisis .

  20. 越来越多的国家渴望了解中国,渴望认识中国五千年的传统文化。

    More and more countries are eager to learn Chinese , eager to understand the traditional culture of China five thousand years .

  21. 这家中国企业渴望成为第一,它已在针对西方市场制造价位更高的设备。

    The Chinese company has aspirations to be number one as it moves to make more expensive devices aimed at western markets .

  22. 他表示,中国公司渴望通过让自己的业务更好地实现本地化,利用目标市场的人才,避免重蹈日本投资者的覆辙。

    He said Chinese firms were keen to avoid mistakes made by Japanese investors by better localising their businesses and utilising talent in their target markets .

  23. 作为一个开放的、大力发展经济的中国,渴望跨国公司能带来先进的科学技术和管理理念。

    China , an opening and economy developing country , is longing for advanced idea of management and science and technology which the multinational company will bring about .

  24. 现代中国女性渴望白皙的皮肤,这是一种象征性的资本,意味着吸引力、年轻、得意和社会地位。

    Modern Chinese women yearn for a fair complexion , as it possesses a form of symbolic capital that implies attractiveness , youth , desirability , and status .

  25. 这一广告攻势反映出中国公司渴望加强国际协作,立志为国外消费者提供优质商品的态度与决心,《中国日报》补充到。

    The campaign " reflects the Chinese companies ` attitude and aspiration of strengthening cooperation with other countries to provide quality goods for foreign consumers ," it added .

  26. 据《新民晚报》报道,由新浪网发起的一份在线调查显示,有73.3%的中国学生渴望能体验一次间隔年。

    According to Xinmin Evening News , an online survey conducted by indicated that 73.3 percent of Chinese students say that they long to experience a gap year .

  27. 中国还渴望降低对美国和欧洲消费者的依赖&过去二十年的大部分时间里,美欧消费者都是中国出口需求的中坚力量。

    China is also keen to reduce its exposure to US and European consumers – the backbone of demand for its exports for much of the last two decades .

  28. 这样的历史实践形成了中国人民渴望和平、企求安定的心理,坚定了中国人民走和平发展道路的信念。

    Such a historic experience has shaped the psychology of the Chinese people in our quest for peace and hope for stability , consolidating our belief in following a path to peaceful development .

  29. 但它确实显示,越来越多的中国人渴望在社会主义与资本主义基于利益关系的联姻以外,诞生一种统治体系,为人民提供比收入增长更多的东西。

    But it does suggest growing numbers of Chinese yearn for a system of governance that provides more than rising incomes , born out of a marriage of convenience between communism and capitalism .

  30. 2011年,世界生活政策中心曾进行过一项调查,结果显示76%的中国女人渴望高级职位,而在美国这一比例是52%。

    But these obstacles have not kept women from aiming high . A 2011 study by the Centre for World-Life Policy found that 76 percent of women in China aspire to top jobs , compared with 52 percent in the United States .