
  • 网络trimmings
  1. 最新修订意味着安大略省《衬垫和填充料类产品计划》对衬垫内衣和成衣垫肩以及装饰带进行了豁免。

    The latest amendment means that padded undergarments and shoulder pads and trimmings are all exempt from Ontario 's " Upholstered and Stuffed Articles Program " .

  2. 夔大多用于装饰带。

    Kui patterns were mostly used on the decorative bands on the bronzeware .

  3. 包着别出心裁的礼物的皮儿开了,上面扎的蝴蝶结装饰带也开了。

    The fancy gift wrapping goes flying and so does the bow with which it 's adorned .

  4. 一条装饰的带用于装饰或者修整。

    A decorative strip used for ornamentation or finishing .

  5. 由于仰韶文化包括不同地区、不同时代的多种类型,其彩陶装饰花纹带的主题纹样也各有不同。

    Pottery utensils of the same Yangshao culture that are found in different places invariably have different theme patterns for their decorative belts .

  6. 将长发松松盘起以改变白天沉闷的发型。用发胶固定,或佩带装饰发带。

    Transform daytime hair by pulling long hair into a twist , creating drama in a short style with gel , or adding decorative hair clips .

  7. 塑料薄膜不干胶装饰条(带)的性能检测

    Examination for Plastic Adhesive Film Performance A Brief Study On Decoration

  8. 偶尔也有乾坤颠倒的情况。一件真品被当作了一张胶合板似的东西而得不到应有的尊重。我有一次在曼哈顿的古董店,碰见了一位室内装饰设计师,带着他的客户来到店中。

    Occasionally the situation will be reversed and a genuine piece will be treated with as little respect as would a sheet of plywood . I was once in a Manhattan antique shop when a decorator came in with his client .

  9. 近年来,高分子液晶态向错结构的研究已取得了较大进展,发展和应用片晶装饰、条带织构装饰和表面裂纹装饰等技术可以在电镜和偏光显微镜下直接观察各种向错结构。

    In recent years , the study of disclination structure of liquid crystalline polymers is making great progress , The lamellar decoration , banded texture decoration and surface crack decoration have been developed to show the morphology of disclination in nematic phase of liquid crystalline polymers .

  10. 将军的制服上装饰着金色繐带。

    The uniforms of the generals were covered with gold braid .

  11. 这房子的装饰一点不带显眼的虚饰。

    The house was decorated without any pretense of showiness .

  12. 这件衣服的前胸装饰有一排带宝石的钮扣。

    The front of the dress is decorated with a row of jewelled buttons .

  13. 使用被黑樱桃酒浸泡过的樱桃装饰,樱桃需带茎或用牙签串起。

    Serve with maraschino cherry with stem or on toothpick . Like the Martini , this is all liquor .

  14. 装饰性纺织编带[成条,单丝织成,任一横截面均不超过1mm]

    Ornamental textile braid [ in the piece , of monofilament , with no cross sectional dimension exceeding 1 mm ]

  15. 装饰性纺织编带[平形或筒形,成条,安有纯装饰性的钩、扣、圆孔眼和环]

    Ornamental textile braid [ flat or tubular , in the piece , fitted with hooks , clasps , eyelets and rings of a purely accessory nature ]

  16. 科林斯画家最初的装饰图案是动物形象的装饰带。

    The Corinthian painter 's primary ornamental device was the animal frieze .