
zhuāng shù
  • dress;costume;outfit;attire;garb;grooming;pack
装束 [zhuāng shù]
  • (1) [dress;attire]∶穿着、打扮

  • 装束朴素

  • (2) [pack]∶束装;整理行装

装束[zhuāng shù]
  1. 不管是去参加生日派对还是体育运动,除了需要看起来干净整洁,你更需要选择合适的装束。

    While you should look clean and tidy it 's also important to dress properly , whether you 're going to a birthday party or a sporting event .

  2. 每逢这种场合他都是这副装束。

    It was his regular dress for such occasions .

  3. 他一袭黑衣装束。

    He was dressed all in black .

  4. 在金测罗和皮萨克五颜六色的集市上,女人们还是身着传统装束。

    In the colourful markets at Chincero and Pisac , women still wear their traditional costume .

  5. 菲利浦喜欢美国人装束的那种粗犷的美。

    Philip liked the daring picturesqueness of the americans'costume .

  6. 木屐是荷兰传统装束的一部分。

    Clogs are part of the Dutch traditional costume .

  7. 西湖边回头率百分之300的美女装束

    The West Lake edge back rate 300 % ^ s beautiful women attires !

  8. 他们为远途旅行准备装束

    They outfitted for the long journey .

  9. 上世纪90年代初,带有标识的装束司空见惯,因为当时各大品牌都借助标识以推行特许经营制(尤以外国市场为甚)与销售副线品牌(diffusionlines)。

    The logo became all too ubiquitous in the early 90s when brands used the logo to prop up licenses , especially in foreign markets , and sell diffusion lines .

  10. 在系扣式服装(即《广告狂人》(MadMen)中的装束)多年占据主导地位后,男装开始转向休闲风格。

    After a number of years in which a buttoned-up aesthetic held sway - the Mad Men look - men 's tailoring has taken a more relaxed turn .

  11. n.服装,装束;戏装,剧装vt.给…穿上服装我昨天见到教授时,他正穿着大学服。

    costume The professor was in academic costume when I saw him yesterday .

  12. 她为自己的装束感到非常高兴,这是在NBC节目的全球小姐盛会上,这是闭幕式。

    She 's pretty pleased with her recovery . This is from the Miss Universe Pageant televised on NBC and there is the fall .

  13. 八月十四号,在一个远离伦敦的冷清地点,从Glasgow道伦敦的火车被一个同样装束的15个蒙面人劫持了。

    August14th , 1963 , at a lonely spot outside London , the Glasgow to London mail train was halted by a red signal and ambushed by15 masked men .

  14. 长款针织围巾搭配金属光泽的夹克衬得CharlizeTheron的全黑装束优雅时尚。

    Charlize Theron 's all-black is elegant because she paired a long knit scarf with a metallic jacket .

  15. 在葡萄园,布鲁克见到了嘉露的首席酿酒师卡尔·丹尼森(CalDennison),一身牛仔装束,翘八字胡。

    At the vineyard Brooke was met by Cal Dennison , Gallo 's chief winemaker , all cowboyed-up jeans and a handlebar moustache .

  16. 另外他还买了3000件芭比的装束,其中甚至有一件出自著名时装设计师OscardelaRenta的手笔,另外他还为芭比娃娃买了飞机、摩托车、豪华轿车、野营车等等。

    He has also bought 3,000 Barbie outfits , including one by fashion designer Oscar de la Renta , as well as an airplane , motorcycle , limousine and camper van for the dolls .

  17. gymnastics这个单词的本身起源于希腊语gymnos,意思是对运动员来说无群摆设计的装束在那个年代是最低限度,也就是说最少。

    The word itself derives from the Greek word gymnos , meaning naked-dress requirements for athletes in those days were minimal , to say the least .

  18. “我倾向于走传统路线,但能看到威廉王子以现代装束展示在世人面前也挺不错,”奥斯汀里德公司(austinreed)的设计主管瑞恩哈克特(ryanhackett)对此持同样看法。

    " I like the idea of sticking with tradition , but it would be nice to see the prince adopting a modern look , " agrees Ryan Hackett , head of design at Austin reed .

  19. 颜色非常抢眼,因此你需要一种低调的现代装束,AustinReed男士正装采购员道恩•戈尔茨坦(DawnGoldstein)表示,这意味着翻领变小,剪裁更为讲究。

    It 's a very sharp look , so you need a modern silhouette which is understated , says Dawn Goldstein , men 's formalwear buyer at Austin Reed . This means slimmer lapels and a more tailored jacket .

  20. 在盖·里奇(GuyRitchie)的蒸汽朋克电影《夏洛克·福尔摩斯》里,小罗伯特·唐尼(RobertDowneyJr)版福尔摩斯浮华的领巾是该角色唯一显示福尔摩斯身份的装束,尽管这似乎更适合2008年的布鲁克林,而非维多利亚时代的伦敦。

    In Guy Ritchie 's steampunk-inspired Sherlock Holmes movies , Robert Downey Jr. " s flashy ascots are the only recognizably Holmesian aspect of his costumes , even if they seem more appropriate to circa 2008 Brooklyn than Victorian London .

  21. 9月2号,37岁的维多利亚和抱着刚出生的女儿的丈夫大卫·贝克汉姆出现在洛杉矶街头,维多利亚一身紧身装束和Louboutin高跟鞋让她的好身材显露无疑。

    Victoria , 37 , made her public debut with her husband David and their newborn on Sept.2 in Los Angeles , and she was stunning in a super-skinny outfit , complete with Louboutin heels .

  22. 她似乎很强调旧式的装束。

    She seemed to make a point of being unfashionably dressed .

  23. 他这身装束似乎显示了他的好客。

    His very clothes seemed to partake of his hospitable nature .

  24. 作为成人,我的一部分权利就是选择自己的装束。

    Part of being an adult means choosing my own attire .

  25. 在人群中,我不停地看到装束夸张的青少年。

    In this crowd , I kept seeing elaborately costumed teenagers .

  26. 也许,但由于那种装束,她并不显得美。

    Perhaps ; but in that attire it was not apparent .

  27. 他头发松散卷曲,装束简陋。

    His hair is loose and curled and his clothes very simple .

  28. 他不钓鱼时是怎样装束?

    What did he wear when he wasn 't fishing ?

  29. 看看他们对那些丢失的装束都知道些什么。

    Find out what they know about those stolen costumes .

  30. 都知道,人们对职场装束的态度变得随意了。

    Everyone knows that attitudes toward work attire have relaxed .