
  • 网络Armored Defense;Armored Defense II Lite
  1. 它的产生使武器装甲的防御思想由被动式防御向主动防御转变。

    It has changed the concepts of weapons armor from passive defense to active defense .

  2. 坦克歼击车105毫米主炮能够打击轻装甲车辆和防御工事,但是不能摧毁一辆全装甲主战坦克(MBT)。

    The105mm main gun of the tank destroyer is capable of engaging lightly armoured vehicles and fortifications , but is unable to destroy a heavily armed main battle tanks ( MBT ) .

  3. 坦克装甲车辆主动防御系统研究

    Research on Active Protection System of Tanks and Armored Vehicles

  4. 现代舰艇采用了高强度壳体材料、多层装甲加液层防御及多舱室结构等多项技术措施,使得防护能力大大加强。

    A number of technical measures including advanced high-strength shell materials , multi-layer armor and multi-layer fluid compartment structure have been applied to the modern ships . Thus , its protective capacity has been enhanced greatly .

  5. 装甲:增加装甲部队地面防御力和幸存值。

    Armor – Increases Ground Defense and Survivability values of Armor units .