
  • 网络conventional missiles
  1. 基于证据理论的常规导弹阵地生存防护研究

    On survival and defense of conventional missiles position based on evidence theory

  2. 仿真技术在常规导弹批量测试优化中的应用

    Application of the Simulation Technique in the Batch Testing Optimize of Conventional Missiles

  3. 卫星军事应用系统支援常规导弹作战Petri网建模

    Modeling of conventional missile operation supported by satellite military systems with Petri net

  4. 基于D-S理论的常规导弹武器系统动态安全评价

    Dynamic Safety Evaluation of Conventional Missile Weapon System Based on D-S Theory

  5. 基于Vega的常规导弹三维可视化仿真系统研究

    Research on Conventional Missile 3-D Virtual Simulation System Based on Vega

  6. 基于改进ADC方法的陆基常规导弹主战系统作战效能评估模型

    Evaluation Model of Operational Effectiveness Based on the Improved ADC for the Main Combat System of Conventional Land-Missile

  7. 联合作战中常规导弹作战效能仿真评估研究

    Simulation Evaluation of Battle Effectiveness of Conventional Missile Under Joint Operation

  8. 常规导弹联合作战火力运用方法研究

    Research on Firing Employment Method of Conventional Missile in Combined Operations

  9. 利用次声波对常规导弹爆炸效果探测的方法

    Measurement Method on Conventional Missile Explosion Result Using Infrasound Wave

  10. 常规导弹战前运输任务优化模型

    An Optimization Model of Transportation Scheme in Preoperational Preparations of Conventional Missile

  11. 常规导弹部队后勤仓库最优布局研究

    Study on Optimized Location of Conventional Ballistic Missile Troop Storages

  12. 常规导弹作战批量测试优化研究

    Research on Batch Testing Technology of the Conventional Missile

  13. 常规导弹发射场坪伪装浅谈现场可编程门阵列在鱼雷中的应用

    The Camouflage of the Launching Site The Application of FPGA to the Torpedo

  14. 陆基常规导弹武器系统射击效率评估

    Several Theory Problems of Firing Efficiency Analysis in the Conventional Continent-based Missile Weapon System

  15. 联合火力打击中常规导弹作战集团火力计划的量化评估研究

    Quantitative Assessment on Conventional Missile Fighting Group Fire Plan in Joint Fire Strike Conditions

  16. 常规导弹爆炸高度误差对毁伤效应的影响分析

    The Analysis to Influence of the Warhead Exploding Height Error on Damage Effect of Conventional Ballistic Missile

  17. 短时间内测试大批量合格的常规导弹是未来作战的客观要求。

    Testing amount of quantity qualified conventional missiles in a short time is an objective request in the future battle .

  18. 信息化条件下主动防护问题是常规导弹全维防护研究的难点。

    Under the informative condition , active defense is a difficult question in the research on the conventional missile full-dimensional protection .

  19. 探讨常规导弹打击目标类群中系统目标的毁伤效果指标的建模方法。

    This paper discusses the modeling of damage effect index for convent missiles when which fire at system target among target groups .

  20. 首先讨论了三种不同作战样式下常规导弹主动防护相关问题,比较了其信息共享和协同作战程度;

    The issues about active defense under three different combat patterns were discussed , and the degree to information sharing and cooperative operation was measured .

  21. 战役战术常规导弹部队装备常规战役战术导弹武器系统,遂行常规导弹火力突击任务。

    The conventional operational-tactical missile force is equipped with conventional operational and tactical missile systems . Its task is to carry out fire assaults with conventional missiles .

  22. 对带有均匀抛撒子弹头的常规导弹的命中精度评定,其关键在于子弹散布中心分布参数的准确估计。

    On evaluating the hitting precision of a missile which throws sub-missiles , it is a key question to estimate the normal distribution parameter of the sub-missile dispersion center .

  23. 该文从常规导弹三维可视化仿真系统的训练需求、框架设计入手,通过采用面向对象的软件分析与设计方法,提出了解决视景仿真中遇到的若干关键技术问题,并最终给出了解决方案。

    This thesis design the military training requirement and framework of conventional missile 3-D virtual simulation system , and put forward the key technical problem of the virtual simulation , and achieve the method of solving it in the end .

  24. 通过对机场目标的结构及地地常规导弹毁伤要求的分析,结合侵彻爆破子母弹战斗部毁伤机理,根据机场各主要子目标的材料、抗毁特性来选取相适应的毁伤效果指标。

    According to material and anti-damage traits of the main sub-targets on the airdrome , this paper selects suitable damage effect indexes throught the analysis of the structure of airdrome target and the warfare task of surface-surface conventional missile together with damage mechanism of cluster missile warhead .

  25. 常规导弹因其远战能力强、作战节奏快、杀伤破坏力大、对战争进程影响明显等特点,越来越为兵家所重视,并逐渐成为现代战争中一种重要的作战样式。

    Conventional missiles are now more and more concerned by the Military experts , as for its strong capacity of long-range striking , fast-paced attacking process , huge destructive power , obvious impact on the course of the war . Conventional missile operation has become an important Combat Format .

  26. 常规飞航导弹低RCS外形方案设计方法研究

    Study of LRCS & contour design for conventional cruise missile

  27. 常规战术导弹对目标的优化配置研究

    Research on Optimal Allocation of Conventional Tactical Missiles to Targets

  28. 常规的导弹、战争等

    Conventional missiles , warfare , etc

  29. 以导弹基本气动特性要求为判据来实现常规飞航导弹的外形优化。

    By using dynamic properties as the criterion , the contour optimization for conventional cruise missile is realized .

  30. 常规弹道导弹较易拦截,但是对于可主动进行机动规避的非常规导弹,要使拦截的成功率提高,必须提高其机动能力。

    Easier for conventional ballistic missiles to intercept missiles , but to make the interception unconventional success rate of increase , must increase its mobile defense capability .