
  1. 太湖地区湿沉降中氮磷输入量&以常熟生态站为例

    Nitrogen and phosphorus input from wet deposition in Taihu Lake region : A case study in Changshu Agro-ecological Experimental Station

  2. 太湖地区氮素湿沉降动态及生态学意义:以常熟生态站为例

    Dynamics and ecological significance of nitrogen wet-deposition in Taihu Lake region & Taking Changshu Agro-ecological Experiment Station as an example

  3. 对江苏常熟生态站长期施肥条件下的水稻土进行了磷素转化的研究。

    The effect of long-term fertilization on phosphorus transformation in paddy soil was studied in the Changshu Ecological Station in the Taihu Lake region , Jiangsu .

  4. 1999年在常熟农业生态站试验稻田于水稻主要生长季,利用进口的条件采样装置对水稻低层大气N2O的垂直通量进行了观测,并在2000年做了补充观测。

    In the period from 1999 to 2000 , the N 2O vertical flux in the low atmosphere during the main growing seasons of rice was measured using conditional sampling method over a rice paddy at Changshu Agriculture Ecological Station .

  5. 相信南京理工大学常熟研究院会站在战略管理的高度,将战略规划、战略实施、战略评估有机地结合起来,切实起到推动学校发展的作用。

    I believe Nanjing University of Science and Technology of Changshu Institute will stand in the height of the strategic management , strategic planning , strategy implementation , strategy evaluation organically , to play a role to promote the development of the school .