
  1. 常规酸化后产生二次污染,还对环保造成压力。

    The second pollution will be produced and impacted on environmental protection after conventional acidizing .

  2. 该技术较常规酸化有效期长、增注幅度大。

    Compared with normal acidification , the technology has long period of validity and big injection range .

  3. 建南气田早期勘探阶段储层改造措施主要是常规酸化,改造效果较好。

    Routine acidifying treatment with better effect is the main reconstruction measure in the early exploration stage .

  4. 与常规酸化工艺技术相比,硝酸粉末具有解除无机物堵塞、暂堵、穿透深、二次污染小、解除油堵和水堵等作用。

    Comparing with conventional acidizing techniques , hydrogen nitrate powder can remove inorganic plugging , oil and water plugging , penetrate deeply , and has minor secondary contamination .

  5. 普通常规酸化效果较差,高效返排缓速酸化可有效提高酸化效果,改善地层流体的渗流能力。

    The result of normal acidizing is not ideal , and the deep acidizing with inhibitory acid of high effective removal can be adapted for increasing the porosity and permeability .

  6. 在低渗透注水油田的开发过程中,存在许多井欠注的问题,常规的酸化、压裂等措施未达到理想的效果。

    Under-injection is often seen in low permeability oilfield waterflooding process , and conventional acidizing and fracturing may not be effective .

  7. 在低渗油田注水开发过程中,存在许多欠注井,常规的酸化、压裂增注的效果不明显。

    During water-flooding the low permeability oilfield , there are many insufficient water injection wells , the effect of conventional acidizing , fracturing and increasing flooding is not noticeable .

  8. 以往的常规压裂和酸化等增注方法都存在各自的不足和弊端,在油田应用效果逐渐变差。

    Previous conventional hydraulic fracturing and acidizing are shortcomings and drawbacks of each . The effect of application is worse year by year .

  9. 本文针对低渗透油藏黏土伤害严重、常规土酸酸化二次沉淀严重等问题而研究了一项新型酸液配方。

    Considering of the shortcoming of clay damaging badly in low permeable formation and the secondary precipitation of normal mud acid , this paper studied a new kind of acid liquid .

  10. 无论是胶束酸还是胶凝酸,酸与活性水多级交替注入+常规酸闭合酸化对提高储层酸蚀裂缝导流能力效果明显。

    No matter gelling acid or micelle acid , it is very effective to inject alternately acid and active water by multi-stage combined routine closed acid fracturing for improve the flow conductivity of acid etching fractures .

  11. 国外A油田下石炭系碳酸盐岩储层具有低孔、低渗、高破裂压力的特点,采用常规射孔后酸化压裂的完井工艺,油井产量低,严重影响油田的开发效益。

    The carbonate reservoirs of the A Oilfield ( an overseas oilfield ) are characterized with low porosity , low permeability and high fracture pressure . Acid fracturing techniques employed after conventional perforating severely affects oilfield economic benefits for its low productivity .

  12. 通过开展水平井伤害特征、水平井酸岩反应动力学、砂岩酸化蚓孔发育、酸后孔隙结构变化等酸化机理研究,提出了常规水平井砂岩酸化的数值模型。

    After studying some mechanism of acidizing , such as acid-rock reaction mechanism , wormhole generation in acidizing , pore structure of sandstone reservoir , we propose a numerical model for matrix acidizing of horizontal well .