
shuǐ lì yā liè
  • Hydraulic fracturing;hydrofracture
水力压裂[shuǐ lì yā liè]
  1. 本文把水力压裂施工曲线求地应力的原理和方法运用到大庆油田开发中去。

    In this paper , the author tried to apply the principle and the method of underground stress obtained by hydrofracture construction curve to the development of Daqing oil field .

  2. 分析了水力压裂中各种可能的破裂模式及其相应的破裂压力,并给出了实际上究竟发生了哪类破裂的判定方法。

    An analysis is made for various kinds of possible breakdown modes during hydrofracture , and the corresponding breakdown pressure , from which a method is given to distinguish which kind of failure mode practically occured .

  3. 水力压裂裂缝的分形(fractal)几何描述

    The description of hydraulic fracturing crack by the fractal geometry

  4. 相反,美国地质调查局(USGeologicalSurvey)指责企业对水力压裂的副产品——废水的处理方式。

    The US Geological Survey has instead pointed the finger at the way companies handle unwanted water released as a byproduct of fracking .

  5. 新型采掘技术最知名的是水力压裂(hydraulicfracturing)和水平钻探使得以前被认为无法开采的巨大碳氢化合物资源变得可以开采。

    New extraction techniques most notably hydraulic fracturing , or fracking , and horizontal drilling have unlocked huge hydrocarbon resources previously thought unrecoverable .

  6. 理论研究和监测实践证明微地震数据采集器的设计是合理的,SET方法用于油气井水力压裂裂缝监测效果是良好的。

    Theoretical research and field application has proved that the design of the microseismic data recorder is reasonable , the effect of the SET method used for oil and gas wells fracture monitoring is good .

  7. 水力压裂地表变形的FLAC模拟研究

    FLAC Simulation and Research of Earth Surface Deformation during Hydraulic Fracturing

  8. 这一次的革新是水力压裂技术,能源咨询公司董事长、前财政部(TreasuryDepartment)能源政策办公室(OfficeofEnergyPolicy)主任菲利普·弗莱杰(PhilipVerleger)说。

    This time , the innovation is fracking , said Philip Verleger , president of an energy consulting firm and former director of the Office of Energy Policy in the Treasury Department .

  9. 美国最大的页岩油开发商依欧格资源公司(EOGResources)本周表示,如果油价稳定在每桶65美元左右,该公司会重启北达科他州和德克萨斯州的水力压裂井。

    EOG Resources , the largest US shale producer , said this week that it would resume fracking wells in North Dakota and Texas if prices stabilise around $ 65 a barrel .

  10. 即使是助推美国就业市场复苏的水力压裂法(hydraulicfracking)背后的技术,也来自于上世纪70年代石油短缺之后的公共投资。

    Even the technology behind hydraulic fracking , which has helped power the US job market recovery , comes from public investment in the aftermath of the 1970s oil shortages .

  11. 根据水力压裂施工现场控制特点,提出了两种实用的智能化控制算法:位置式PID控制算法和增量式PID控制算法,描述了算法原理和软件实现。

    According to the traits of the field control of the hydraulic fracturing operation , several intelligent control algorithms , such as position PID algorithm and incremental PID algorithm are put forward and the algorithm principle and the software implementation are described .

  12. IHS称,北美洲以外的已知油田还可以开采多达1410亿桶原油,其中1350亿桶可能需要用水力压裂法开采。

    IHS says as much as 141bn barrels could be unlocked from known fields outside North America , with 135bn of these in plays likely to require fracking .

  13. 最后通过对影响岩石视在断裂韧度因素的讨论,论证了水力压裂法确定的岩石视在K(1c)值大大地大于标准3点弯曲实验值的必然性。

    The discussion on the factors affecting apparent toughness indicates the inevitability that the apparent fracture toughness of rock measured by hydraulic fracture experimental data is significantly higher than that measured by the standard three-point bending method .

  14. 完钻测井后裸眼测试3个井段,其中1个井段获油流,水力压裂改造目标为日产原油10t。

    After Drilling , 3 layers were tested , one of them got industry production . the aim producing rate of hydraulic fracturing is 10t / d.

  15. 美国石油产量已飙升至10年来最高水平,原因是企业利用水力压裂(fracking)技术开采所谓的页岩储层。

    US oil production has surged to a 10-year peak after companies tapped so-called shale reservoirs , using a technique called hydraulic fracturing or " fracking " .

  16. 本文根据弹性断裂力学的叠加原理,建立了地应力场和流体压力作用下水力压裂中孔边轴对称裂纹尖端应力强度因子K1的近似解析表达式。

    Based on the principle of superposition of linear elastic fracture mechanics , this paper derives the approximate analytical expressions of stress intersity factors ( KI ) at the crack tips of axisymmetric fractures emanating from cylindrical holes with hydraulic fracturing under in - situ stress field and fluid pressure .

  17. 研究压裂优化设计理论,以NPV设计最佳裂缝长度和裂缝导流能力,以裂缝模拟为手段进行单井水力压裂优化设计。

    Researching the theory of optimum fracturing design , the paper bases on the NPV design the optimal fracture length and the optimal fracture conductivity . According to the numerical simulation set down hydraulically fracturing design for the single well .

  18. 1997年,笔者在水力压裂后的砂岩产油井中进行高分辨率VSP工作时,除观测到常规纵波及转换波外,还观测到来自产油层的几种奇异的慢速波至。

    The authors worked in 1997 on the high resolution VSP in the hydraulic fractured sandstone oil well . The authors observed not only the normal compressional waves and converted waves , but also several strange slow speed waves from the oil producing layer .

  19. 沙特大幅减产的细节在石油输出国组织(OPEC)在维也纳开会前夕得以公布。这与水力压裂释放大量页岩油和页岩气所带来的美国能源产量飙升形成对比。

    The sharp fall in Saudi production , details of which were published ahead of a meeting in Vienna of the Opec oil cartel , contrasts with surging US energy output as hydraulic fracturing or fracking have unlocked vast quantities of shale oil and gas .

  20. AEO-4A裂缝监测技术可对水力压裂施工井或高压注水井实施同步裂缝监测。

    Synchronous monitor crack of hydraulic fracturing well or high pressure water injection well is practiced by crack monitor instrument , AEO-4A .

  21. 法国禁止使用水力压裂法,于1996年被废弃的巴黎郊区SaintMartindeBossenay油田已经采用水平钻探技术重新开采,采油速度从40%上升至44%,石油储量增加了100万桶,相当于扩大了约10%。

    In France , where fracking is not allowed , the Saint Martin de Bossenay field near Paris , abandoned in 1996 , has been redeveloped with horizontal drilling , boosting its rate of oil recovery from 40 to 44 per cent and swelling its reserves by 1m barrels , or about 10 per cent .

  22. “水力压裂法”(hydrofracking)这类新技术使得人们可以生产更多的汽油,与此同时,天然气供应量也在不断增长,使压缩天然气对车队用户来说更富吸引力。

    New technologies like hydrofracking are expanding the availability of oil , while supplies of natural gas keep growing , making compressed natural gas more attractive to fleet users .

  23. 开发了水力压裂深地层处置中放废液的技术。利用该技术进行了8次中放废液深地层处置热试验,共处置了中放废液约2×103m3。

    The hydraulic fracturing technique used for disposal of intermediate level liquid waste ( ILLW ) has been developed and the hot demonstration with about 2 000 m 3 ILLW has been done .

  24. 水力压裂中多孔岩体的等效弹性常数应用

    Application of equivalent elastic constants of porous rock to hydraulic fracturing

  25. 水力压裂是开发低渗透油藏的有效增产措施。

    Hydraulic fracturing is effective well stimulation in low permeability reservoir .

  26. 对水力压裂裂缝延伸方向平行于断层的认识

    Cognition of hydraulic fracture extension direction which runs parallel to fault

  27. 水力压裂角砾岩:一种重要的地质异常和找矿标志

    Hydraulic fracturing breccia : an important geological anomaly and ore-finding indicator

  28. 国外水力压裂工艺技术现状和发展

    The Present Statas and Developing Tendency of Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Abroad

  29. 水力压裂施工过程中智能化控制方法研究

    Methods for Intelligent Control in the Process of Hydraulic Fracturing Operation

  30. 水力压裂压后加权平均在综合评估中的应用

    Application of Method of Weighting Average in Comprehensive Evaluation after Fracturing