
  1. 长宁输气管道水平定向穿越黄河工程

    Horizontally orienting crossing Huanghe River Engineering of Chang Ning gas pipeline

  2. 非开挖水平定向穿越铺设地下管线施工技术

    Construction Technology of Passing through Underground Piping Laid by Non-Excavation Horizontal in Direction

  3. 水平定向穿越导向技术初探

    Research on Guiding Technology of Horizon Directional Crossing

  4. 水平定向穿越技术应用实例

    The Application Example of Horizon Directional Crossing Technology

  5. 通过工程实例,介绍水平定向穿越敷管施工工艺和技术要求,借以说明该技术的优点。

    By project case , the paper shows advantages of horizontal directional crossing pipelaying by its construction process and technical requirements .

  6. 以延安高架道路燃气穿越工程为例,介绍了水平定向穿越施工工艺在上海浦西的应用。

    By taking Yan'an elevated road engineering for example , the article introduces the application of the horizon directional crossing technology in west Shanghai .

  7. 针对长江流域水文地质条件变化大的特点,对油气管道穿越长江的方法进行了介绍,重点分析了水平定向穿越法、矿山隧道法、盾构法的施工原理和特点。

    As to the diversification of the hydrological and geological conditions along the Yangtze River , the possible measures for oil-gas pipeline crossing through the Yangtze River were introduced , including the horizontal-directional drilling method , mining tunnel method and shield construction method .

  8. 为处理西气东输黄河北岸非开挖铺管工程水平定向穿越钻孔断脱事故,需在无帷幕等任何人工隔水条件下开挖一深基坑进行降水。

    In order to process break-off accident in north bank of the Yellow River non-excavating piping of the west-east natural gas transfer engineering by the use of horizontal directional underwater crossing drilling , a deep excavation is needed for dewatering without artificial exclusion of water any thing like curtain barrier .

  9. PE输气管道水平定向钻穿越在胜利油田的应用

    Application of Horizontally Directional Drilling to PE Gas Transmission Pipeline Crossing in Shengli Oilfield

  10. 与普通钢管道的水平定向钻穿越相比,PE管道施工方便、快捷,焊接速度是钢管的4~5倍。

    In comparison with common steel pipeline , the PE pipeline has the advantages of convenient and facile construction work , as well as 4 ~ 5 times higher welding speed .

  11. 管道水平定向钻穿越技术的特征分析

    Characteristic Analysis on Huaihe River Pipeline Crossing by Horizontal Directional Drilling Technology

  12. 水平定向钻穿越技术在渭河穿越中的应用

    Application of Horizontal Directional Drilling Technology in Wei River Crossing

  13. 水平定向钻穿越尼罗河可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Horizontal Direction Drill Passing through Nile

  14. 论大口径管道水平定向钻穿越施工技术

    Horizontally Directional Drilling Engineering of Big Inch Pipeline

  15. 油气管道水平定向钻穿越大中型河流技术的研究

    Research on the Technology of Horizontal Directional Drilling of Oil and Gas Pipeline Crossing Large and Medium-sized River

  16. 重点阐述了过汾河段中压煤气管线水平定向钻进穿越敷设方案的设计。

    For engineering example the design of horizontal directional drilling cross-laying plan for gas pipeline pass through Fen River section is mainly elaborated .

  17. 穿越河水(经常穿越大西洋)。水平定向钻穿越技术在渭河穿越中的应用

    A voyage across a body of water ( usually across the Atlantic Ocean ) . Application of Horizontal Directional Drilling Technology in Wei River Crossing

  18. 因为实际工况比较复杂,水平定向钻穿越的回拖力是各种因素共同作用的结果,所以,很难建立起与实际工况非常吻合的、具有普遍适用性的力学模型。

    Because of the complicated operation conditions , the pull-back force of pipeline crossing by horizontal directional drilling depends on the combined actions of various factors .

  19. 工程采用了穿越速度快、管道埋深大、定位准确、对环境影响小的水平定向钻穿越方式。

    Used in the project was the method of horizontal directional drilling , which is characterised by high construction speed , adequate depth of cover for pipeline , accurate location and low environmental impact .

  20. 通过具体实施,在长江中游岩石层中首次采用水平定向钻技术穿越原油管道获得成功。

    With concrete measures adopted , the pipeline crossing with directional drilling technique in rocky stratum of middle reaches of Yangtse River succeeded for the first time .